Four-way fight

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The winning team in the 2012 federal four-way battle
Partial show jumping test: A rider with a horse from another national team that has been allocated to her, federal four-way fight 2012

Fourfighting is an all-around sport . It consists of four disciplines :

At the A level these are:

In the E-level these are:

The four-way fight is usually operated as a team sport, but sometimes also as an individual competition. Teams consist of four people and a substitute rider. The rating is based on a given rating table, there are points according to time and gender, based on which the result is determined.

Federal Four Fighting

The German four-fighters' price (Bundesvierkampf), which takes place annually in April at different venues in the Federal Republic of Germany, is a prize for junior four-fighters up to and including 18 years of age. In the years below it went out as follows. It is aimed at A-level.

In the national four-way fight, the team in the riding disciplines only compete with two horses. For this purpose, two horses from other teams will be drawn. The previously selected foreign rider must adjust to the other horse within approx. Five minutes and then introduce it to the respective riding disciplines (dressage / jumping). This is to determine how the participants get along with strange horses right away.

In the federal junior fourfight, which is carried out together for the federal fourfighting, everyone competes with his horse in dressage and jumping. Participants are admitted who will not be older than 14 years in the current year. This competition takes place at the E level.

Various state associations conduct a state inspection in advance. The participants are then prepared by the respective national trainers.

Team fight

Germany adm location map.svg
Lower SaxonyLower Saxony Lower Saxony
BremenBremen Bremen
HamburgHamburg Hamburg
Mecklenburg-Western PomeraniaMecklenburg-Western Pomerania Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Saxony-AnhaltSaxony-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt
SaxonySaxony Saxony
BrandenburgBrandenburg Brandenburg
BerlinBerlin Berlin
ThuringiaThuringia Thuringia
HesseHesse Hesse
North Rhine-WestphaliaNorth Rhine-Westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia
Rhineland-PalatinateRhineland-Palatinate Rhineland-Palatinate
BavariaBavaria Bavaria
Baden-WürttembergBaden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg
SaarlandSaarland Saarland
Schleswig-HolsteinSchleswig-Holstein Schleswig-Holstein
date Venue (state) Winner / 1. Place ( m. / F. ) Winner Origin
.... ... 1974 ...
... ...
... ...
... ...
20.-22. April 2001 Lübeck
Vivien Küst (f.)
Jule Lüneburg (f.)
Manuela Kisse (f.)
Julius Marsian (m.)
.... ... 2002 ...
... ...
April 26-27, 2003 Essen
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Anna Börkel (f.)
Kathrin Rütten (f.)
Laura Wendels (f.)
Oana Surbach (f.)
.... ... 2004 ...
... ...
.... ... 2005 ...
... ...
June 4, 2006 Coesfeld
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Anke Esser (f.)
Isabelle Oster (f.)
Laura Brügging (f.)
Christian Ridde (m.)
North Rhine-Westphalia
April 21 + 22, 2007 Hünxe
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Melanie Held (f.)
Yvonne Kemmer (f.)
Delia Mangelkramer (f.)
Andreas Jurk (m.)
18.-20. April 2008 Schopfheim
Eva Hövener (f.)
Barbara Lohmann (f.)
Franziska Große-Boes (f.)
Gregor Bensmann (m.)
North Rhine-Westphalia
24.-26. April 2009 Fürstenwald
Christa Middendorf (f.)
Franziska Große Boes (f.)
Marie-Claire Pöppelmann (f.)
Gregor Bensmann (m.)
Marius Brinkmann (m.)
North Rhine-Westphalia
April 17th + 18th, 2010 Neunkirchen
Jette Friedrichs (f.)
Anna Maria Holkenbrink (f.)
Anna Muster (f.)
Marie-Claire Pöppelmann (f.)
8-10 April 2011 Neustadt (Dosse)
Dorothea Paar (f.)
Anne Lubina (f.)
Julika Heins (f.)
Elena Herold (f.)
March 30th - April 1st, 2012 Norderstedt
Laurien Hawerkamp (f.)
Jana Pölling (f.)
Laura Keppelhoff (f.)
Anna Reckmeyer (f.)
19. – 21. April 2013 Wolfsburg
(Lower Saxony)
Nadine Zimmermann (f.)
Jana Wenninger (f.)
Leandra Martin (f.)
Hannah Allescher (f.)
28-30 March 2014 Zweibrücken
Janne Ritters (f.)
Gönna Hansen (f.)
Tim Luca Bauer (m.)
Niklas Bruhn (m.)
17th-19th April 2015 Freckenhorst
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Johanna Schulze Thier (f.)
Greta Busacker (f.)
Franziska Hölper (f.)
Nina Sparwel (f.)
Westphalia 2
22.-24. April 2016 Langenfeld
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Louisa Wehrmann (f.)
Jula Sophie Stöckmann (f.)
Fraia-Sophie Flachsbart (f.)
Lara-Mayleen Hornschuh (f.)
21-23 April 2017 Ansbach
Madita Hendriks (f.)
Lea-Marie Mäser (f.)
Isabelle Rüdiger (f.)
Janna Schautes (f.)
20.-22. April 2018 Fürstenwald
Leo-Alexander Weiffenbach (m.)
Clara Gaebert (f.)
Laura Taebling (f.)
Malin Hellwig (f.)
26.-28. April 2019 Münchehofe
Frieda-Johanna Spork (f.)
Johann Vogt (m.)
Fiona Mönsters (f.)
Laurenz Terbrack (m.)

Single fight

date Venue (state) Winner / 1. Place (m./f.) Winner Origin
... ...
... ...
April 21 + 22, 2007 Hünxe
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Delia Mangelkramer (f.) Bavaria
April 19-20, 2008 Schopfheim
Gregor Bensmann (m.) North Rhine-Westphalia
24.-26. April 2009 Fürstenwald
Marie-Claire Pöppelmann (f.) North Rhine-Westphalia
April 17th + 18th, 2010 Neunkirchen
Marie-Claire Pöppelmann (f.) Westphalia
8-10 April 2011 Neustadt (Dosse)
Dorothea Paar (f.) Hanover
March 30th - April 1st, 2012 Norderstedt
Laurien Hawerkamp (f.) Westphalia
19. – 21. April 2013 Wolfsburg
(Lower Saxony)
Antonia Wendel (f.) Westphalia
28-30 March 2014 Zweibrücken
Niklas Bruhn (m.) Schleswig-Holstein
17th-19th April 2015 Freckenhorst
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Johanna Schulze Thier (f.) Westphalia
22.-24. April 2016 Langenfeld
(North Rhine-Westphalia)
Jonathan Gack (m.) Bavaria
21-23 April 2017 Ansbach
Isabelle Rüdiger (f.) Hesse
20.-22. April 2018 Fürstenwald
Carolin Pölling (f.) Westphalia
26.-28. April 2019 Münchehofe
Laurenz Terbrack (m.) Westphalia

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Vierkampf on the website of the Equestrian Sports Association Hannover eV
  2. a b The four-way battle in equestrian sport , Rhineland Equestrian Association (PDF)
  3. Vierkampf: Together we are strong , German Equestrian Association
  4. ^ Rider youth meets for four-way fight , Hamburger Abendblatt , November 10, 2001
  5. Bundesvierkampf 2003 - Germany Prize of the Four-Fighters - on April 26th and 27th, 2003 - Results list for the team classification - Final result  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file, 149 kB), District PSV Neuss@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  6. German four-fighters prize in Coesfeld: Rhineland-Palatinate team is runner-up in 2006  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Equestrian Sports Association Rhineland-Palatinate e. V.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  7. Bundesvierkampf 2007 * Germany Prize of the four-fighters * 21./22. April 2007 - Results list team ranking  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file, 93.3 kB), Computing station versatility@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  8. a b Germany Prize for Four Fighters: Barbara Lohmann in the winning team , Heinz Overmann / Ruhr Nachrichten , April 24, 2008
  9. Federal decision on four-way class A on 24.-26. April 2009 (PDF file, 657 kB), Hessischer Reit- und Fahrverband
  10. Results of the federal decision Vierkampf 2010  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 16 kB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  11. a b Bundesvierkampf Neustadt-Dosse: Double Gold for Hanover  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Press release of the German Equestrian Association, April 10, 2011@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  12. a b Results of the Federal Four Fighting 2012 , Equestrian Sports Association Schleswig-Holstein
  13. a b Results of the federal four-way fight 2013 , Hanover Equestrian Association
  14. a b Final result of the national four-way fight 2014 , PDF (280 KB)
  15. a b Final result of the national four-way battle 2015 (PDF)
  16. a b Final result of the national four-way battle 2016 (PDF)
  17. a b Final result of the national four-way fight 2017 (PDF)
  18. a b Final result of the federal four-way fight 2018 (PDF)
  19. a b Final result of the federal four-way fight 2019 (PDF)
  20. Federal Four-Fighting 2007 * German Four-Fighters Prize * 21. – 22. April 2007 - List of results individual evaluation. (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved April 25, 2016 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  21. Results / placements Riding tournament overview: Bundesvierkampf Fürstenwald from April 25th to 26th, 2009 , Reitwelten
  22. ^ Federal four-way fight: Westphalia win again , Equestrian Federation Westphalia eV, April 18, 2010