New Jersey Films

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A series of films by the director and screenwriter Kevin Smith and his production company View Askew, which he founded with Scott Mosier , are called New Jersey films . The films are mostly in the US state of New Jersey . The series was originally planned as a trilogy , but now includes 8 films.

The New Jersey Films

In addition, the film Jersey Girl was shot in 2004 , which takes place in New Jersey, but without the usual actors / characters.

The films have a partially overarching plot, but are only loosely connected to each other. Plot, people and events from other films can be found in the other films or are satirized there . Some people appear in all of the films in the series.

In the films it is noticeable that cinematic milestones such as Star Wars are satirized or cited. Now there is even the other way around. Star Wars fans have published a sketch on the Internet in which they reenact scenes from clerks in Star Wars costumes.

In dogma is often on John Hughes movies alluded ', a film series in the fictional Shermer flexed. Jay and Silent Bob in Dogma want to go there to deal because they had noticed in Hughes' films that no one deals in drugs there and all women look good there, but they have to find out that there is no Shermer.

In 2016 the film "Shooting Clerks" was produced under the direction of Christopher Downie , which showed the story of how clerks were created . The film was co-produced by Kevin Smith. Many of the actors from the series appear in new roles, while their now classic roles and real personalities are embodied by new actors.

Actors and characters from the New Jersey films