Volker Resing

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Volker Resing (* 1970 in Münster ) is a German journalist and publicist .

Resing spent his childhood and youth in Borghorst. He studied German language and literature and history on the state examination at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. He worked as a freelancer at the Münsterschen Zeitung and as a volunteer at the Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt . During his training he was a McCloy Fellow in New York, where he worked for the German-Jewish newspaper Aufbau .

From 1998 to 2002 he was editor of the regional newspaper Westfälische Nachrichten . In 2002 he went to Berlin as the capital correspondent for the Oldenburgische Volkszeitung , where he also worked for the newspapers of the diocese press group. From 2009 to 2014 he worked in his own position for the independent Catholic news agency .

Since 2014 he has been editor- in- chief at the Catholic publishing house Herder from Freiburg and the Herder Korrespondenz magazine . In 2015 he also became a member of the management of Herder Verlag. Resing publishes several books and articles etc. a. at (m) Cicero , Märkische Allgemeine , Berliner Morgenpost , Die Zeit , Christ und Welt , Die Welt and The European .

He is a member of the Society of Catholic Publicists in Germany .

Resing is married with two children and lives in Berlin.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ V. Resing: Between Borghorst and Berlin, in: J. Röser (ed.), Gott? The religious question today. Freiburg i. Br. 2018. pp. 96-100.