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Lookout tower on the Wehlaberg

Lookout tower on the Wehlaberg

height 144.1  m above sea level NHN
location District of Dahme-Spreewald , Brandenburg ( Germany )
Mountains Krausnicker Mountains
Coordinates 52 ° 3 '29 "  N , 13 ° 48' 4"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 3 '29 "  N , 13 ° 48' 4"  E
Wehlaberg (Brandenburg)
Type Terminal moraine
rock Debris , sand , gravel
Age of the rock Saale Ice Age
(approx. 140,000 years)
particularities - highest point of the Krausnicker mountains
- observation tower

The Wehlaberg at Krausnick-Groß Wasserburg is 144.1  m above sea level. NHN the highest point in the Krausnicker Mountains in Brandenburg . There is an observation tower on its summit .



The Wehlaberg is located in the Brandenburg district of Dahme-Spreewald in the Spreewald biosphere reserve about 2 km south of Koethen , a village on the southern edge of Lake Koethen , 3.5 km north-north-west of Krausnick and 3.3 km west of Groß Wasserburg , both districts of the Krausnick community. Great moated castle. Its wooded summit lies in the district of Groß Wasserburg.

Protected area

The north-western part of the Wehlabergs lies in the Heideseen nature reserve .

Observation tower

The Wehlaberg has been a popular lookout point for a long time. As early as 1896, a hiking guide reported the beautiful view from an iron pyramid frame of the national survey . Two observation towers followed later, the first of which was demolished due to its dilapidation . The second tower was dismantled again because it had provided the undesired insight into a Soviet military object.

The current observation tower was built in 2003 and is 28 meters high. The lower part of the tower, which has a square floor plan, is made of massive construction, the higher, upper part of partially paneled timber construction. A concrete staircase leads to the covered lower platform, which is about four meters high. From here a concrete staircase leads to an intermediate landing and from there a wooden staircase over further intermediate landing to the upper, also covered viewing platform.

From here, from a height of 24 meters ( 168  m above sea level ), you have a wide view of the Krausnicker Mountains and the northern heather lakes . The hall of the Tropical Islands can be seen to the west-southwest . In good visibility conditions, the Berlin TV tower 58 km away can be seen in the north-northwest .

Traffic and walking

The European long-distance hiking trail E10 and the Gurken-Radweg run across the Wehlaberg south of the summit .


Around 600 m east of the summit, on a hilltop, is the transmitter mast of a cell phone operator and a fire watch tower .

Web links

Commons : Wehlaberg observation tower  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. a b Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  2. a b c Photo of the information board in the tower, on commons.wikimedia.org