World Heritage in Guatemala

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The World Heritage in Guatemala (as of 2018) includes three UNESCO World Heritage Sites , including two World Heritage Sites and a mixed cultural and natural heritage site. Guatemala ratified the World Heritage Convention in 1979, and the first two World Heritage sites were added to the World Heritage List in 1979. The last World Heritage site to date was registered in 1981.

World heritage sites

The following table lists the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Guatemala in chronological order according to the year of their inclusion on the World Heritage List (K - cultural heritage, N - natural heritage, K / N - mixed, (R) - on the Red List of World Heritage in Danger ).

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of World Heritage Sites: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
Antigua Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala
( location )
1979 K 65
Tikal National Park
Tikal National Park
( location )
1979 K / N 64
Mayan ruins and Quiriguá Archaeological Park
Mayan Ruins and Quiriguá Archaeological Park
( location )
1981 K 149

Tentative list

The sites that are intended for nomination for inclusion in the World Heritage List are entered in the tentative list . As of 2018, 21 sites are entered in the tentative list of Guatemala, the last entry was made in 2012. The following table lists the sites in chronological order according to the year they were included in the tentative list.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of current World Heritage candidates: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
The cultural triangle
The cultural triangle 2002 K / N 1752 includes u. a. the Maya cities of Yaxha , Nakum , Naranjo , Holmul
Cuenca del Mirador
Cuenca del Mirador 2002 K / N 1753
The heart of the Maya area
The heart of the Maya area 2002 K / N 1754
The route of the rivers
The route of the rivers 2002 K / N 1755 The area includes archaeological sites on the Río La Pasión , Río Machaquilá , Río Cancuén , Río Salinas, and Río Usumacinta
Naj Tunich Cave
Naj Tunich Cave 2002 K / N 1756 Since 2012 part of the proposal "Naj Tunich Caves" (Ref. 5739 )
The Mayan-Olmec Encounter
The Mayan-Olmec Encounter 2002 K / N 1757 Four groups of archaeological sites in southwest Guatemala with more than 70 buildings on nine artificial terraces. Numerous sculptures with characteristics of Olmec and Mayan art have been found. The most important site is Takalik Abaj (see Ref. 5737 ).
Franciscan Evangelization Route
Franciscan Evangelization Route 2002 K 1758 Contains 26 churches
Dominican Evangelization Route
Dominican Evangelization Route 2002 K 1759 Contains 27 churches: Santo Domingo in Antigua Guatemala , Santo Domingo in Nueva Guatemala, Santa Ana Chimaltenango, Church of the Escuintla, San Pedro Pinula, Chichicastenango, Santa Cruz del Quiché, Zacualpa, Sacapulas, San Juan Cotzal, Chajul, San Jerónimo Verapaz, Cubulco , Rabinal, San Miguel Chicaj, San Mateo Salamá, Santo Domingo in Cobán , Tactic, Santa Cruz Verapaz, San Cristóbal Verapaz, Tamahú, Tucurú, Senahú, Cahabón, Lanquín, San Juan Chamelco and San Pedro Carchá
Route of Peace and National Identity
Route of Peace and National Identity 2002 K 1760 Guatemala Cathedral , The Church of Nuestra Señora de la Merced , Basilica of Esquipulas and the Temple of San Agustín Acasaguastlán
Castillo de San Felipe de Lara
Castillo de San Felipe de Lara 2002 K 1761
Agribusiness and Victorian Architecture Route 2002 K 1762
Old town of Chichicastenango
Old town of Chichicastenango 2002 K 1763
Verapaz Green Route
Verapaz Green Route 2002 N 1764
Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve 2002 N 1765 Biosphere reserve in the Sierra de las Minas mountain range
Sierra del Lacandón National Park 2002 N 1766 National park in the Sierra del Lacandón mountain range
Mangrove Route of the Pacific Coast of Guatemala
Mangrove Route of the Pacific Coast of Guatemala 2002 N 1767 Mangrove area with the protected areas of Manchón-Guamuchal and Monterrico
Protected areas of Lake Atitlán: diverse uses
Protected areas of Lake Atitlán: diverse uses 2002 N 1768
Visis Cabá National Park and the native architecture of the Ixil Triangle
Visis Cabá National Park and the native architecture of the Ixil Triangle 2002 K / N 1769
Takalik Abaj National Park
Takalik Abaj National Park 2012 K 5737 Maya ruins (see Ref. 1757 )
Rock paintings of San Bartolo
Rock paintings of San Bartolo 2012 K 5738
Naj Tunich Caves
Naj Tunich Caves 2012 K / N 5739 The archaeological park "Caves of Naj Tunich" includes the Naj Tunich Cave (see Ref. 1756 ) with its Mayan cave architecture.

Web links

Commons : UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Guatemala  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
  • Guatemala on the UNESCO World Heritage Center website.

Individual evidence

  1. Guatemala. In: UNESCO World Heritage Center, accessed July 7, 2017 .
  2. ^ Tentative list of Guatemala. In: UNESCO World Heritage Center, accessed July 7, 2017 .