Werner Gadliger

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Werner Gadliger (born May 27, 1950 in Kehrsatz ) is a Swiss photographer , draftsman , etcher , painter , author , collage and mail art artist.


Werner Gadliger spent his youth and school years in the city of Bern . In 1966 he began an apprenticeship as a photographer in Basel with Emil Balzer and Hans Hinz , which he completed in 1969. He then worked in various professions until 1976 and held various positions as a photographer, including at the Swiss Traffic Center in Zurich. From 1976 to 1979 Gadliger was employed as a helicopter photographer and photographed from the air in Austria, England and Switzerland. He used the bad weather breaks and the waiting times between flights to draw. From 1973 Gadliger began his artistic activity as a part-time job and published his first book Photographs in 1979 . Since then he has been active as a freelance draftsman, eraser and photographer. His works are shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad. In addition, Gadliger publishes some of his works in various independent book publications. Werner Gadliger lives and works in Zurich .



The photographic work of Werner Gadliger includes, in addition to the aerial photographs taken early, street scenes and many portraits of people in public spaces, including clochards and workers. Gadliger uses lenses with normal or shorter focal lengths . This prevents the unnoticed photographing of people and impossible pictures. Gadliger wants to give those portrayed the opportunity to protest. Gadliger's work also includes various city and landscape views, mainly from the Zurich region and Switzerland, but also from New York, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, England, Austria, Hungary, Germany and from non-European countries. Another part of Gadliger's photographic work are the numerous portraits of artists from Switzerland, Europe, Africa, South America and the Caribbean, including portraits of René Burri , Margaretha Dubach , HR Giger , Arnold Kübler , Hugo Loetscher , Bernhard Luginbühl , Walter Marti and Reni Mertens , Gerhard Meier , Carl Bucher, Alex Sadkowsky, Ernst Scheidegger , Roman Signer , André Thomkins , Jean Tinguely and others.

Drawing, erasing, collaging

Gadliger draws and erases mainly surreal worlds that are populated by fantastic beasts with wings and fins. Rhinos, fish, elephants, whales and birds are some of the most common animals. In addition, the most common motifs are eyes, plant worlds and geometric patterns that structure the room.


Gadliger writes absurd short stories, poems and other texts. Topics include travel, environmental degradation and alienation. Some of his texts are self-published, with the individual book copies being designed individually and supplemented by collages. Gadliger also works as a mail art artist.

Publicly accessible works

Gadligers works are available, among others the following institutions to the public: Fondation Herzog (Basel), Swiss National Library (Bern), Musée de l'Elysée (Lausanne), German National Library (Leipzig), Fotostiftung Switzerland (Winterthur), City Archives Zurich , Zurich Central Library .


Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1979: Zurich, Zum Mathäser (first solo exhibition)
  • 1983: Zurich, Suzanne Bollag
  • 1984/1985: Zurich, SBG Zurich, artist portraits (by Atelier A.Wydler)
  • 1992: Zurich, Atelier 3 Hanne Brehm
  • 1997: Zurich, Galerie Delphin 24
  • 2000: Zurich, gallery a16 (with Margrith Bischof)
  • 2004/05: Zurich, Galerie Wengihof (with Mariann Godon)
  • 2005: Zurich, Galerie Trittligasse (with Anita Gentinetta)
  • 2007: Zurich, Galerie Trittligasse (with R. Humm + H. Stalder)
  • 2008: Zurich, Galerie EB, “NebenSchauPlätze - Der Kreis 8 and Beyond”
  • 2010: Lengnau, «subjectiv-objective», art room
  • 2012: Zurich, Galerie Trittligasse (with Thomas Bauer)
  • 2013: Photo garage Zurich (photographs and book launch “In the studio and on the go”)
  • 2014: Photo Bastion Zurich (artist portraits and travel pictures)
  • 2016: Hirslanden bookstore (photo exhibition: portraits of writers and travel pictures)
  • 2016/2017: Swiss Photo Foundation, Passage (September 16, 2016– January 29, 2017: exhibition of the book maquette “Encounters, 1979”, purchased in 2016)
  • 2017: Kunstverein Hof, Upper Franconia / Bavaria (March 15 - April 23, 2017, with Clemens Hutter)

Group exhibitions (selection)

  • 1980: Zurich, Ursula Holl Gallery
  • 1980: Zurich, Zurich artist, Züspa halls
  • 1981: Aarau, Kunsthaus (Christmas exhibition)
  • 1981: Basel, ART 12'81 - Gallery Suzanne Bollag (Zurich)
  • 1983: Zurich, Suzanne Bollags «Favorite Pictures + Plastics»
  • 1988: Zurich, Kunsthaus , Zurich art scene
  • 1990: Zurich, Art Selection Gallery
  • 2006/2007: Bartenstein / D, Kunstkammer in the castle
  • 2007: St. Gallen, Cantonal Library, " Gerold Späth & Co"
  • 2008/2009: Kunstmuseum Olten , In der Beiz / au bistro
  • 2010: Alte Fabrik Rapperswil, Gerold Späths artist books
  • 2015: ArtDock Zurich, «Wahnwelt-Wellen»


Independent publications (selection)

  • Photographs. Edition WerGa, Zurich 1977, ISBN 3-909146-01-5 .
  • Encounters. Photographs, drawings, 1 short story. Edition WerGa, Zurich 1979, ISBN 3-909146-02-3 .
  • Dream trip. Etchings, drawings, texts. Edition WerGa, Zurich 1982, ISBN 3-909146-03-1 .
  • Eyes glances. Drawings, etchings, photographs, artist letters, mail art, short stories. Edition WerGa, Zurich 1985. ISBN 3-909146-04-X .
  • Night Jacking. Drawings, etchings, texts, stories, photographs, photo collages, Mail Art. Edition WerGa, Zurich 1988, ISBN 3-909146-05-8 .
  • Flying weather. Catalog, pictures, short stories. Edition WerGa, Zurich 1990, ISBN 3-909146-09-0 .
  • Limitless. Artist portraits. Edition WerGa, Zurich 1996.
  • Traces of graphite. Drawings and texts. Edition WerGa, Zurich 2007.
  • Fixed moments. Photographs and drawings. Edition WerGa, Zurich 2008.
  • Small giant dwarf rhinos and other animals. Drawings and short texts. Edition WerGa, Zurich 2010.
  • The black book. Solarizations. Edition WerGa, Zurich 2010.
  • Non-belling horses. Drawings. Edition WerGa, Zurich 2011.
  • with Nora Iuga : From the south comes a heart on stilts, photographs and poems. Art and Text (KuTe), Waldgut Verlag, Frauenfeld 2011, ISBN 978-3-03740-102-6 .
  • In the studio and on the go: artist portraits. Benteli, Sulgen 2013, ISBN 978-3-7165-1779-6 .

Articles in other publications (selection)

  • Spectrum: international quarterly for poetry and original graphics. Verlag Spektrum, Zurich. Contributions in numbers 102 (1984), 104 (1984), 111 (1986), 114 (1987).
  • Jan Morgenthaler et al. (Ed.). A fleeting summer in Zurich: the traveling monuments. Transit 1999. Contrast, Zurich 1999.
  • Ines Anselmi et al. (Ed.). La dirección de la mirada. New art from Cuba. Edition Voldemeer Zurich / Springer Verlag, Vienna / New York 1999, ISBN 3-211-83301-3 .
  • Tini Haffmans (ed.). The raven calendar for every day. Haffmans / zeitausendundeins Zurich / Leipzig, ISBN 978-3-86150429-0 . Contributions: November 26, 2006, June 16, 2008, August 19, 2009, November 6, 2009, May 29, 2010, September 20, 2009, October 9, 2011, May 11, 2012, April 2, 2013, December 10 2013.
  • Ruth Känel (ed.): Werner Morlang - A tracker in the secret. (Portrait photographs by Werner Gadliger). Zurich 2016.


  • Kürschner's Handbook of Fine Artists , Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Saur Verlag, Munich 2005.
  • Guide to exhibited artists: Printmakers. Clio Press, Oxford 1985.
  • Biographical lexicon of Swiss art. Dictionnaire biographique de l'art suisse. Dizionario biografico dell'arte svizzera. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zurich / Lausanne 1998.
  • General artist lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples. Saur, Munich 1992 ff.
  • List of artists in Switzerland including the Principality of Liechtenstein. 1980-1990. Edited by the Swiss Institute for Art Research. Huber, Zurich / Lausanne 1991.
  • Gernot Mair: traces of graphite: exhibition by Werner Gadliger. In: Meilener Anzeiger. No. 50 Friday December 14, 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gadliger, Flugwetter (1990), p. 1.
  2. http://www.foto-ch.ch/?a=fotograph&id=21130&lang=de
  3. ^ Foreword to Gadliger, Treffen (1979), see also http://www.zb.uzh.ch/spezialsammlungen/graphische-sammlung/nachlaesse/einzelne-nachlaesse/004541/index.html.de
  4. cf. Urs Tillmanns' review on fotointern.ch on the special quality of the portraits: http://www.fotointern.ch/archiv/2013/09/28/buchtipp-werner-gadliger-im-atelier-und-unterwegs-kunstlerportrats/
  5. About the drawings: Gernot Mair: Graphitspuren: Exhibition by Werner Gadliger. In: Meilener Anzeiger. No. 50, December 14, 2007.
  6. For example: Laughing headhunters in New Guinea. In: Encounters travel stories: anthology = Récits de voyage: rencontrer l'autre: collectif = Racconti di viaggio: incontrare l'altro: opera collettiva = Raquints da viadi: inscuntrar l'auter: collectiv. Editions de l'Hèbe, Grolley / [Basel] 1996.
  7. General Artists Dictionary (Saur) 2005, Vol. 47, p. 132. Col. 2.