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Wiesbüttsee in March.jpg
Geographical location Main-Kinzig district (Hesse)
Tributaries Underground from the Wiesbüttmoor
Drain WiesbüttgrabenAubachLohrMainRhine
Coordinates 50 ° 7 '46 "  N , 9 ° 22' 37"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 7 '46 "  N , 9 ° 22' 37"  E
Wiesbüttsee (Hesse)
Altitude above sea level 436  m above sea level NN
length approx. 130 mdep1
width approx. 120 mdep1
Middle deep 3 m
Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / VERIFICATION LAKE WIDTH Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / VERIFICATION MED DEPTH

The Wiesbüttsee (formerly: Hanauer See ) is a forest lake in the Hessian Main-Kinzig district in Spessart .


The Wiesbüttsee is located in the district of Flörsbach in the municipality of Flörsbachtal , directly on the state border with Bavaria . The Bavarian / Hessian border runs on the west bank at the foot of the dam. To the west of it lies the community-free area of Wiesener Forst in the Aschaffenburg district . The Spessart-Höhenstraße (L 2905), the Birkenhainer Straße and the Eselsweg run north . The village of Wiesen is in the southwest , Mosborn in the southeast and Bieber in the north . The lake, which was artificially created for the generation of energy at the time, is now located on the edge of the Wiesbüttmoor nature reserve . The Wiesbüttsee is not a swimming lake, you can ice skate there in winter.

The lake is fed underground from the Wiesbüttmoor and has a natural overflow that directs the water over the Wiesbüttgraben into the Aubach valley .


The Wiesbüttsee, with its diverse flora, some of which are threatened with extinction, is part of one of the last raised bogs in Germany with camping opportunities. It was laid out in 1765 by miners from Bieber according to plans by the miner Johann Philipp Cancrinus , in order to provide ventilation and drainage for the silver, copper and lead mine tunnels in Lochborntalgrund in summer. In addition, it should provide the Bieberer Hütte and the hammer mill with sufficient impact water .

Due to the special ore deposits in the area around Bieber, extensive mining was carried out during this time. The Wiesbüttsee served the water-powered machines used in mining, with which the tunnels were drained and ventilated. Hydropower drove the conveyor system of the ironworks in the Lochhütte until 1925.


The raised bog is immediately adjacent to the lake. The lake dammed the water from the Wiesbüttmoor 3 meters high and at 436 meters is the highest raised bog in the Spessart. It is under nature protection and is a refuge for many rare plant and animal species, such as cotton grass , seven stars , sundew or rushes and adder .

See also

Web links

Commons : Wiesbüttsee  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Topographical Atlas of the Kingdom of Baiern this side of the Rhine Sheet: 10 -Orb (1860)
  2. ^ Original position sheet: Wiesen und Umgebung in 1846
  3. http://www.main-netz.de/nachrichten/region/alzenau/berichte/art4010,900539
  4. Ice skating in the region 2012 ( Memento from February 6, 2013 in the web archive archive.today )
  5. Archived copy ( memento of the original from February 25, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.hwerner-ruh.de