Wilhelm Rossmann

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Karl Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Roßmann , also Wilhelm Rossmann or Carolus Ernestus Fridericus Guilielmus Rossmann (born May 29, 1832 in Seesen , Duchy of Braunschweig , † February 6, 1885 in Dresden ), was a German Protestant theologian , art historian , prince educator and author of historical considerations , Plays and travelogues . He also wrote the libretto for the scenic oratorio Luther in Worms by Ludwig Meinardus . After working as a university professor for art history in Weimar and Düsseldorf, he worked as a lecturer in the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saxony .


Roßmann, son of the Protestant pastor and rector Ludwig Roßmann (1800–1863, 1839–1863 pastor of St. Ulrici in Braunschweig ) and his wife Theodore, née Stümke (1795–1878), studied Protestant theology and history . In 1856 he received his doctorate at the Philosophical Faculty of the Grand Ducal and Ducal Saxon University in Jena with the dissertation De externo concilii Constantiensis apparatu , a work written in Latin on the Council of Constance . From 1856 to 1860 he worked in Jena as a private lecturer and appeared as a specialist in the history of religion .

In 1860, Duke Georg II of Saxony-Meiningen and his second wife Feodora hired him as the tutor of Prince Bernhard . In this position, which earned him the title of Hofrat , he remained until 1869. At the same time, he turned to art history in particular and worked on the oresty for the Meiningen court theater . On September 9, 1862, he married in Liebenstein Marie von Röder (1836-1924), the daughter of the Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt lawyer and politician Julius von Röder , who gave birth to their son Reinhard (1867-1945) on April 16, 1867 in Meiningen . In the winter of 1868/1869 he accompanied the Hereditary Prince of Saxony-Meiningen on a grand tour to Italy . The literary results of this trip were published in 1869 and 1871.

In 1872 the Grand Ducal Saxon Art School Weimar appointed him professor of art history. On the occasion of the 400th birthday of Lukas Cranach the Elder , he wrote the character picture Master Lukas there . In the winter of 1872/1873 he accompanied the Hereditary Prince of Saxony-Meiningen again on a long-distance journey, this time to the Orient . He recorded this journey in the guest journeys published in 1880. At Easter 1873 the Düsseldorf Art Academy appointed him professor of art history.

In the same year he moved to Dresden to take over the general management of the royal collections for art and science as a lecturer in the Saxon Ministry of Culture. As such, he had plans for the artistic decoration of the Dresden court theater and the Albrechtsburg in Meißen developed and was responsible for the management of the work on the Albrechtsburg, which, on behalf of the Saxon royal family under Albert of Saxony, pursued the popular educational goal of the castle as a "counterpart to Wartburg ” to create a Saxon historical monument using history painting and other interior fittings . In 1881 he began to publish a collection of copperplate engravings based on modern paintings in the Dresden gallery, which was only completed after his death.

Fonts (selection)

  • De externo concilii Constantiensis apparatu , dissertation, Jena 1856
  • Reflections on the Age of Reformation , Jena 1858
  • The Maccabean Elevation , Leipzig 1860
  • Orestes, Tragedy of Aeschylus , Stuttgart 1867
  • Luther in Worms , libretto, written in 1867, setting by Ludwig Meinardus in 1871/1872, first performance in 1874 in the Herder Church in Weimar
  • From the beach of the cyclops and sirens. Letters , Leipzig 1869
  • A Protestant Easter service in St. Peter in Rome , Oldenburg 1871
  • Master Lukas , 1872, Oldenburg 1883 (2nd edition)
  • Lady Macbeth. Comedy in 1 act , Dresden 1877
  • The artistic decoration of the Albrechtsburg in Meißen , Dresden 1878 ( digitized version / overview , PDF )
  • Guest trips , Leipzig 1880
  • Luther and the German Nation , speech at the Luther celebration of the city of Dresden on November 10, 1883, Dresden 1883


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Eric Wagner (Ed.): The library of the historical society of Johann Gustav Droysen 1860-1884 . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-05-004381-4 , p. 46
  2. Angelika Lasius: Wall painting of the Albrechtsburg Meißen. History pictures of the 19th century . Leipzig 2000, p. 15, 17. Quoted in: Stefan Schweizer: Geschichtsdeutung und Geschichtsbilder. Visual memory and history culture in Kassel 1866–1914 . Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2004, ISBN 3-89244-821-3 , p. 90 ( Google Books )