Willy, the private detective

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Original title Willy, the private detective
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1960
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Rudolf Schündler
script Gustav Kampendonk
production Alexander Grüter
for Corona Filmproduktion
music Martin Böttcher
camera Bruno Mondi
cut Walter von Bonhorst

Willy, the private detective is a German crime comedy directed by Rudolf Schündler from 1960 .


Bar owner Willy Nölles is an avid reader of crime magazines. He has been a big Edgar Wallace fan for years, knows numerous crime stories by heart, reads them to his guests and, to the chagrin of his wife, has even renamed his Cologne pub to Zum Piraten-Willy . One day when he wants to go to the bowling evening with his friend Juppi Wenders, he is approached by the young Helga Dobbelmann, who asks him to help her repair the lighting in the house. Juppi shuts himself off, while Willy immediately senses a trap and therefore follows Helga into the house for a criminal investigation. However, it turns out that Helga played a game with her friends in which she had to bring a strange man into the house. Willy is invited to the celebration. Well after midnight, the worried Juppi alarmed Willy's wife Mariechen and both saw the amused Willy saying goodbye to young Helga at the villa. Mariechen reacts sourly and burns all of Willy's crime books when she returns home. Meanwhile, daughter Elli spent the evening with her friend Dr. Werner Meyer spent. Willy doesn't know anything about it because he has forbidden contact. Werner is the syndic of an insurance company that wants to buy the house in which Willy's pub is located. Willy has a right of first refusal on the house, but he lacks a few thousand marks to buy it. Knowing that the company would have the house torn down, he despises Werner, but the two have never seen each other.

One day Willy finds out that he has inherited a detective agency. As he looks around there, he makes the acquaintance of Goldstück, Baron, Pfeife and Baby, whom he takes for employees of the detective agency. In reality, they are a gang of thieves who have just robbed the safe of the insurance company Werner works for. Werner turns to the detective agency for help, and Willy, who doesn't know him, accepts the case. Werner gives him a list of numbers of the stolen banknotes and suspects that Director Schieske is the thief. He was also present at a Dobbelmann party, where various pieces of jewelry disappeared.

Willy pretends to have to go to a conference with Juppi in front of his wife because he wants to deal with the case in peace. He found a wad of money in the detective agency's desk that he wants to take to the bank. In reality, these are Goldstück's shares in the robbery. Willy pays with the money in a bar, where he also shadows the supposed Schieske, who is actually bank director Dobbelmann. For various purchases, the marked bank note ends up with Director Dobbelmann, who pays with it. Willy now believes that he has caught the perpetrator, but Werner explains his mistake to him. Dobbelmann, however, wants to give another party at which he primarily wants to persuade the Nölles family to give up the house. Willy, on the other hand, takes part in the party as an undercover agent, because he wants to prevent further jewelry theft. He is surprised to see that Helga is the daughter of Director Dobbelmann. A little later he sees his wife and daughter at the party and tries to avoid them as much as possible.

Goldstück, Baron, Pfeife and Baby are present at the party as his employees and steal all the jewelry they can get. By chance Willy sees that the family raven has a ring in its beak and finds numerous pieces of jewelry in a knothole in the garden of the house, which he takes. The ring belongs to Helga's friend Vera, who, like other guests, notices the lack of the jewelry a short time later. Chaos ensues. The police chief present has already had Goldstück, baron, pipe and baby in his sights and is now arresting the men, while Goldstück is making the stolen jewelry disappear in a vase. In the end, however, Willy is arrested as a thief because he not only finds the jewelry from the knothole - it is the stolen jewelry from the last party - but also part of the stolen money. Elli and Mariechen go home dissolved.

Willy, however, asks the police to cooperate. They wait together in the dark villa and a little later the hooded gold pieces, baron, pipe and baby get into the house to get the jewelry out of the vase. You are being arrested. Willy solves the case, so the family raven stole the jewelry at the first party and hid it in the knothole. Schieske, on the other hand, was in love with Goldstück, who found it so easy to steal the key to the safe and steal the money. In the end, Willy is the real lucky guy: With the reward that the case solution brings, he can finally buy the house in which his pub is located. Now he has nothing against his daughter Elli's relationship with Werner. And Mariechen is also happy because Willy is fed up with the detective game.


Willy, the private detective was filmed from August 18 to September 1960. The film premiered on December 15, 1960.

The buildings were designed by Hanns H. Kuhnert and Wilhelm Vorwerg , the costumes were created by Otto Kieling and Anny Loretto .


“Plain, unimaginative comedy with no sense of criminalistic punchlines and visual pleasure. Amusing at best for Millowitsch fans, ”wrote the film service .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Willy, the private detective. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used