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The Worble flows into the Aare

The Worble flows into the Aare

Water code CH : 544
location Mittelland


River system Rhine
Drain over Aare  → Rhine  → North Sea
origin on the municipal boundary of Schlosswil and Konolfingen
46 ° 54 ′ 28 ″  N , 7 ° 36 ′ 4 ″  E
Source height 713  m above sea level M.
muzzle at Worblaufen in the Aare Coordinates: 46 ° 58 '35 "  N , 7 ° 27' 52"  E ; CH1903:  601974  /  202825 46 ° 58 '35 "  N , 7 ° 27' 52"  O
Mouth height 489  m above sea level M.
Height difference 224 m
Bottom slope 15 ‰
length 15.3 km
Catchment area 69.8 km²
Discharge at the Ittigen
A Eo gauge : 60.5 km²
Location: 1.4 km above the mouth
NNQ (1998)
MNQ 1989–2013
MQ 1989–2013
Mq 1989–2013
MHQ 1989–2013
HHQ (2006)
250 l / s
670 l / s
1 m³ / s
16.5 l / (s km²)
1.46 m³ / s
41 m³ / s
A Eo : 69.8 km²
at the mouth
1.7 m³ / s
24.4 l / (s km²)
Small towns Worb , Ostermundigen , Ittigen
Communities Konolfingen , Schlosswil , Vechigen , Stettlen , Deisswil , Bolligen

The Worble is an approximately 15-kilometer-long right tributary of the Aare , which flows through the Bernese Mittelland and gives the Worblental its name.



The Worble rises at a height of 713  m above sea level. M. on the municipal boundary of Schlosswil and Konolfingen .

It initially flows just under a kilometer north, then turns west at Sagi and after a good kilometer arrives at the Worber village of Richigen . It passes the village in a north-westerly direction and just under another kilometer later it reaches the municipality of Worb. In the little town you will find the Änggisteibach coming from the east , which is a left branch of the Biglenbach , flowing to you on your right .

The Worble now runs northwest past the municipality of Vechigen , then flows around Stettlen from the south and passes Ostermundigen to the east. It then flows along the southern edge of Bolligen , where it takes up the Lötschebach , which is approaching from the south, east of the Wegmühle on its left , and finally flows into Worblaufen in the municipality of Ittigen at 489  m above sea level. M. from the right into the Aare.

Its 15.3 km long run ends about 224 meters below its source, so it has a mean bed gradient of about 15 ‰.

Catchment area

The 69.8 km² catchment area of ​​the Worble is located in the Swiss Plateau and is drained to the North Sea via the Aare and the Rhine .

It consists of 22.9% planted area , 56.2% agricultural area , 20.7% settlement area and 0.2% water area.

Area distribution

The mean height of the catchment area is 666  m above sea level. M. , the minimum height is 488  m above sea level. M. and the maximum height at 956  m above sea level. M.


Discharge data

At the confluence of the Worble and the Aare, its modeled mean flow rate (MQ) is 1700 l / s. Her discharge regime type is pluvial inférieur and her discharge variability is 25.

The modeled monthly mean runoff (MQ) of the worble in l / s


In 2007 the Worble flooded parts of Worb, whereupon the municipality of Worb decided on flood protection measures worth CHF 16.8 million in 2010.

In the summer of 2016, the major hydraulic engineering work was completed and the Worble flows again as an open channel with increased flood protection in the new stream bed through the municipality of Worb

nature and environment

The Worble is one of the waters that are in the green test area.

It has a high fish population , especially brown trout . Of the fish-eating birds, the goosander and especially on the upper reaches of the gray heron occur occasionally . ,


Around the year 1350, the Lords of Worb bought two “black oxen” from the owners of the Bigletal, the right to divert as much water from the Biglenbach as it could pass through a large sieve. Thanks to a connection to the Enggisteinbach and the diversion via the Schloss-Stalden in Worb with a steep gradient, several companies were able to use the hydropower. The Enggisteinbach flows into the Worble below Worb.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the water power of the Worble was used economically by the paper mill in Ittigen, the Müller hammer mill and the powder pounder in Worblaufen. The old mill wheel was replaced by a turbine.

Individual evidence

  1. a b water network in WebGis geographic information system of Berne
  2. a b Geoserver of the Swiss Federal Administration ( information )
  3. Ittigen measuring station 2013 (PDF) Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
  4. a b c Topographical catchment areas of Swiss waters: Worblen
  5. The modeled value for the mean discharge (MQ) seems to be too high compared to the data obtained at the gauge
  6. "Hidden behind the mean values" - the variability of the discharge regime , p. 119
  7. The discharge variability describes the extent of the fluctuations in the mean discharge of individual years around the long-term mean discharge value.
  8. Article of the Federal Government of January 22, 2010, New bed for the Worble is to protect the village from flooding
  9. Worb - The Worble is now flowing in the new stream bed , Internet portal BERN-OST, Tobias Kühn, June 9, 2016
  10. ^ Aare valley state of water , final report