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View from the north of the district town. In the foreground the Juhe, in the back left the Mingfeng-Berg.

The circle Yuan'an ( Chinese  远安县 , Pinyin Yuǎn'ān Xiàn ) is a group of prefecture-level Chinese city of Yichang in the province of Hubei . Yuan'an County has an area of ​​1,752 km² and has a population of 200,000. Its main town is the Mingfeng community. Since the China Space Sanjiang Group Corporation carries out the final assembly of the Dongfeng 15 short-range missile and the Kaituozhe 409 anti-satellite missile there , the entire district is one of the few in all of China that is still closed to foreigners. 74.5% of the area of ​​the district is covered by forest; In 2009, Zhang Yimou made the exterior shots for his film "The Tree of Heroes" (山楂树 之 恋, Pinyin Shānzhā Shù zhī Liàn ) there on the basis 066 .


As Qin Shihuangdi in 221 BC. When the empire was divided into 36 command posts, the area of ​​Yuan'an was subordinated to the command post Nan (南郡), today's Jingzhou . In 140 BC BC, during the Western Han Dynasty , a district was first established there. Since the seat of the district government was on the bank of the Jushui (沮水, now also known as Juhe or 沮 河), a tributary of the Yangtze River , the district was given the name Linju (临 沮,), meaning “on the Ju”. During the Three Kingdoms Period (220–280), Linju County came to the Wei Kingdom and was assigned to the Xiangyang Commandant . The location on the banks of the Jushui was in high risk of flooding, and so the seat of government was relocated to Pavilion Mountain (亭子 山) in today's Jiuxian municipality during the Eastern Jin Dynasty in 401 . Since this place was both high and safe, the circle has now been renamed Gao'an (高 安县), meaning “high and safe”. In the year 559, during the Northern Zhou Dynasty , the district was given its current name, which translated means "forever safe". At the same time, the district was assigned to Xia Prefecture (硖 州, written 峡 州 from the 10th century), today's Yichang . Apart from the period between 1928 and 1993, when Yuan'an was directly subordinate to Hubei Province, this administrative structure has remained until today.

Administrative structure

At the community level, Yuan'an consists of one community and six large communities (as of 2018). These are:

  • Hekou Township (河口 乡);
  • Greater community Hualinsi (花林寺镇);
  • Greater community Jiuxian (旧县镇);
  • Greater community Maopingchang (茅坪场镇);
  • Mingfeng Municipality (鸣凤 镇), seat of the county government;
  • Greater community Leizu (嫘祖镇);
  • Greater community Yangping (洋坪镇).

Base 066

The so-called "Third Front" (三 线, Pinyin Sānxiàn ) was a project launched by the Chinese government after the beginning of the Vietnam War in 1964, in which important companies were relocated from the air-endangered coast to the safe interior of the country. The escalating tensions with the Soviet Union and in particular the incident at the Ussuri in March 1969 made this project even more urgent. On August 11, 1969, the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Central Military Commission approved the Seventh Ministry of Mechanical Engineering , responsible for missiles and nuclear weapons , to establish the so-called "Base 066" (○ 六六 基地, Pinyin Líng Liù Liù Jīdì ) in Hubei ; the relevant documents were signed by Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in October of that year. In March 1970, a command post was set up to coordinate the construction of the 066 base, and in August 1970 the Hubei Provincial Military District (湖北省 军区) appointed 20,000 base militia members from the Tianmen , Qianjiang , Hong'an , Makeg , Zigui and Yuan'an on the move, plus the 235 Infrastructure Pioneer Regiment of the People's Liberation Army and skilled workers from the 6th engineering office of the National Infrastructure Construction Commission (today the 6th engineering office of the China State Construction Engineering ). In Yuan'an County, spread over 11 villages in the large communities of Mingfeng in the Juhe Valley, Hualinsi on today's highway and Maopingchang in a remote side valley, the following factories were built over a period of almost ten years:

  • Xianfeng Machine Factory (险峰 机器 厂)
  • Wanshan Special Vehicle Factory (万 山 特种 车辆 制造厂)
  • Hongyang Mechanical Engineering Factory (红 阳 机械 厂)
  • Hongfeng Mechanical Engineering Factory (红 峰 机械 厂)
  • Honglin Mechanical Engineering Factory (红 林 机械 厂)
  • Jiangbei Mechanical Engineering Factory (江北 机械 厂)
  • Wanli radio equipment factory (万里 无线电 厂)
  • Jianghe Chemical Plant (江河 化工厂)
  • Factory 8614 (8614 厂)
  • 1. Research and design office (第一 研究 设计 所)

As part of the reform and opening policy , the base 066 was converted on April 10, 1993 into a conglomerate with the individual factories as subsidiaries - the "Chinese Three Rivers Space Group" (中国 三江 航天 集团, Pinyin Zhōngguó Sān Jiāng Hángtiān Jítuán ), better known abroad under its English name China Space Sanjiang Group Corporation . From 1994 the factories of the 066 base were gradually relocated to Xiaogan , which is more conveniently located in terms of transport , until the base as such was closed in 2002. The site is still owned by the Sanjiang Group, and in 2006 the county government established the Yuan'an Military Museum (远 安 军事 博览园) there on 10,000 m². A large number of rockets, cannons and other military equipment are shown there, largely outdoors. Since the end of 2017, the facility, which serves as the basis for military education in the city of Yichang (宜昌 市 国防 教育 基地), has been expanded into a regular museum. On September 26, 2019, parts of base 066 were added to the list of national monuments by the State Council of the People's Republic of China , namely the main administrative building (机关 办公楼), the archive (资料 楼), the radio station (通讯 楼), the open-air cinema (露天电影院), Hall 202 of the Wanshan Special Vehicle Factory (万 山 202 厂房) and Hall 426 of the Hongfeng Mechanical Engineering Factory (红 峰 426 厂房).

However, some of the old base plants are still in operation. In addition to rockets for the People's Liberation Army , civil launchers of the type Kuaizhou-1A and Kuaizhou-11 are manufactured there for ExPace Technology GmbH , a subsidiary of the Sanjiang Group founded on February 16, 2016 , if time permits . Since military orders have priority and, on the other hand, the market for commercial satellite launches is demanding more and more missiles, ExPace GmbH began building its own final assembly hall in May 2017 in the Xinzhou district of the provincial capital Wuhan . The facility, with a planned production capacity of 20 missiles per year, should go into operation in February 2020. However , this was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic , which hit Hubei Province particularly hard .

Transport links

The Hohhot - Beihai motorway (G59) runs through the district in the Juhe Valley in a north-south direction. The nearest train station is in Yichang, from where there is a scheduled connection to the provincial capital Wuhan as well as to Beijing , Shanghai etc. The missiles manufactured on the basis 066 are also transported away via the Yichang station.

Individual evidence

  1. a b 华侨 基金: 年产 20 发 快 舟 火箭 产业 园 即将 投入 运营. In: sohu.com. April 26, 2020, accessed April 28, 2020 (Chinese).
  2. a b 一辆 绿 皮 火车 在 戈壁 深处 停 了 半个月 , 车上 竟然 是 …… In: spaceflightfans.cn. April 15, 2020, accessed April 28, 2020 (Chinese).
  3. 鄂西 这个 万亩 军工 基地 , 曾 生产 “飞毛腿” 导弹 , 该县 整体 不 对外 开. In: k.sina.cn. January 22, 2020, accessed April 28, 2020 (Chinese).
  4. 每日 游戏 菌: 湖北 这个 小 县城 够 牛 的 , 禁止 外国人 进入 , 莫非 有 什么 秘密. In: 3g.163.com. April 12, 2019, accessed April 29, 2020 (Chinese).
  5. 情怀 与 历史: 湖北省 一个 县 , 名字 取 “永远 平安” 之 意 , 是 楚 文化 发祥地 之一! In: new.qq.com. November 25, 2019, accessed April 28, 2020 (Chinese).
  6. 2018 年 统计 用 区划 代码 和 城乡 划分 代码 : 远安县. In: stats.gov.cn. Retrieved April 29, 2020 (Chinese).
  7. China putting on a brave 'Third Front'. In: en.people.cn. December 6, 2003, accessed April 29, 2020 .
  8. 建筑 人才: 原来 中 建 八个 局 的 历史 渊源 是 这样. In: zhuanlan.zhihu.com. November 11, 2019, accessed April 12, 2020 (Chinese).
  9. 三 线 航天 066 导弹 基地 旧址 宜昌 远 安 军事 博览园. In: sanxiamc.com. October 19, 2019, accessed April 29, 2020 (Chinese).
  10. 国务院 批 了! 中国 航天 066 基地 旧址 入选 全国 重点 文物保护 单位. In: k.sina.cn. October 24, 2019, accessed April 14, 2020 (Chinese).
  11. CASIC Ninth Academy (066 Base). In: globalsecurity.org. Retrieved April 29, 2020 .
  12. 公司 介绍. In: cssg.21hubei. Retrieved April 12, 2020 (Chinese).
  13. 三 线 航天 066 导弹 基地 旧址 宜昌 远 安 军事 博览园. In: sanxiamc.com. October 19, 2019, accessed April 14, 2020 (Chinese).
  14. 鄂西 这个 万亩 军工 基地 , 曾 生产 “飞毛腿” 导弹 , 该县 整体 不 对外 开. In: k.sina.cn. January 22, 2020, accessed April 12, 2020 (Chinese).
  15. 军工 遗产 成 体系 列入 国 保 单位. In: sastind.gov.cn. October 17, 2019, accessed April 14, 2020 (Chinese).
  16. 国务院 批 了! 中国 航天 066 基地 旧址 入选 全国 重点 文物保护 单位. In: thepaper.cn. October 24, 2019, accessed April 14, 2020 (Chinese).

Coordinates: 31 ° 10 '  N , 111 ° 34'  E