Literature year 2018

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Overview of the literary
years Further events


  • 0January 1st: In cooperation with the University of Leipzig, the Saxon Academy of Sciences starts an 18-year project of a Bibliotheca Arabica in order to “gain extensive knowledge about Arabic literary production in its social contexts.” In doing so, “an Internet platform for historical Arabic literature ”.
  • 0January 1: MG Medien Verlags GmbH takes over the Zürcher Nagel & Kimche Verlag , which had belonged to the Hanser publishing group since 1999 .
  • January 15: The “Special Library for Munich Literature” Monacensia acquires the literary archives of the Piper family of publishers .
  • 22-27 January: Poetica 4 in Cologne; Topic: "Beyond Identities"
  • January 23rd: The Academic Senate of the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin decides to have a poem by Eugen Gomringer painted over on the university facade because of the poem's alleged "discrimination against women". Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters criticizes this decision as a “terrifying act of cultural barbarism”, the Berlin Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer calls the overpainting of poems “exaggerated and absurd”, and the Berlin House for Poetry ends its cooperation with the university and the non-university members announce their resignation to the jury for the Alice Salomon Poetics Prize .
  • 0February 1: Worldwide sales of all Harry Potter books exceed 500 million copies.
  • 0February 6th: The participants of a working conference of the Kunststiftung NRW adopt a “Düsseldorf Declaration by Independent Publishers”.
  • February 16: Opening of the “ Ralph Giordano Library ” in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial in Hamburg
  • February 24: At the age of 88 years, the long-time dtv science lecturer Walter Kumpmann dies .
  • February 26th: German literary translators and mediators of Polish literature as well as their associations condemn the cultural policy of the PiS government in Poland in an open letter .
  • February 28: After ten years of work by a “research team”, a revised version of the Ulysses translation by Hans Wollschläger cannot appear because the Suhrkamp Verlag had failed to obtain the rights for the revision from the heirs; For the rights holder Gabriele Gordon the planned around 5000 changes and corrections were "too many" and she had "doubted that the revision, which took ten years and includes around 5000 changes and corrections, was in the interests of Wollschläger".
  • 01./2. March: 1st Federal Library Policy Congress in the Berlin State Library
  • 06-17 March: 18th lit.Cologne
  • 0March 8: Debate between Durs Grünbein and Uwe Tellkamp in the Dresden Palace of Culture
  • March 12: In response to the legally controversial conviction of the Turkish writer and publisher Ahmet Altan to life imprisonment, a new edition of his historical novel The Scent of Paradise appears under the more precise title Like a Sword with S. Fischer .
  • March 15: A new monthly bestseller list for fiction from independent publishers appears for the first time , which is created and published by the Börsenblatt on the basis of data determined by Media Control .
  • March 15: The authors and publicists Henryk M. Broder , Matthias Matussek , Thilo Sarrazin and Uwe Tellkamp are among the first to sign a "Declaration 2018", which complains about "how Germany is being damaged by illegal mass immigration". The “Declaration 2018”, which consists of just two sentences, is criticized by the Association of German Writers as “not appropriate for an intellectual debate”. After the signing of the “Declaration 2018” by the publisher of LIT Verlag , protests or distancing by authors and editors of the publishing house arise, after which the publisher withdraws his signature from the “Declaration 2018”.
  • 15-18 March: Leipzig Book Fair (focus country: Romania )
  • March 21: World Poetry Day
  • 26.-29. March: 55th Bologna Children's Book Fair
  • March 27: The first title of the newly founded US youth book publisher Rick Riordan Presents appears.
  • 0April 2nd: International Children's Book Day
  • 0April 6: After the withdrawal of three members ( Peter Englund , Kjell Espmark and Klas Östergren ) due to the conflict , the Swedish Academy , which awards the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Nordic Prize , currently has only 13 members instead of the regular 18. On April 12, 2018, Katarina Frostenson , who after her failed expulsion from the academy, the current conflict had come to a head, and the permanent secretary (academy chairwoman) Sara Danius also declare their withdrawal. On April 18, 2018, it was announced that the Swedish King wanted to resolve the incapacity of the Swedish Academy by amending the centuries-old statutes of the Academy, and on April 20, 2018, the Academy identified various grievances in her house such as cases of sexual harassment, questionable payments and violations of the rules of secrecy in the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature. On May 4, 2018, the Academy will announce that the Nobel Prize for 2018 will only be awarded in autumn 2019 together with the Prize for 2019; However, at the end of May 2018, this announcement was put into perspective by the director of the Nobel Foundation to the effect that “2019 should not be understood as a fixed date”.
    • November: On November 19th it is announced that the winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature for 2019 and 2020 will be decided by a committee consisting of five members of the Academy and five external, expert advisors.
  • 0April 9: The Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and the PEN-Zentrum Deutschland demand clarification from the federal government about a raid against Mezopotamien Verlag and a sister company in Neuss on March 8, 2018.
  • April 13: Chris Dercon ends his work as director of the Volksbühne Berlin with immediate effect , whereby his contract will end on December 31, 2018 and he will receive the agreed remuneration by then.
  • April 15th: In a referendum, the expansion of the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz to include the so-called "Bibel Tower" is rejected by a large majority.
  • April 23: World Book and Copyright Day ; World Book Capital 2018 is Athens .
  • May: The leading British bookstore chain Waterstones is taken over by a British subsidiary of the US Elliott Management Corporation .
  • 0May 3: In Wentorf near Hamburg , Nikolaus Gelpke , mareverlag and the Roger Willemsen Foundation open the artist house "Villa Willemsen" in the former villa of Roger Willemsen .
  • 0May 4th: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag , founded in Tübingen in 1872, has filed for bankruptcy due to the threat of overindebtedness .
  • 24.-31. May: 19th poesiefestival berlin ; Subject: "Values ​​Verse Art"
  • May 31: Numerous old books are discovered in the storerooms of the Dutch Parliamentary Archives in The Hague , including a first edition of The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith from 1776 and 200 books that cannot be found in any other library.
  • 0June 1: Due to the nationalist ideas represented by Ernst Moritz Arndt , the University of Greifswald separates from Ernst Moritz Arndt as its previous namesake with ministerial approval .
  • 0June 5: With a newly established wbg book prize for the humanities , the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (wbg) wants to “make the humanities more heard in society” from spring 2019 in order to counter “fake news” and “alternative facts” with scientific findings ”. The wbg book prize is awarded every two years for German-language original publications and, with an endowment of 40,000 euros, is the most highly endowed non-fiction book prize in the German-speaking region.
  • June 16: Bloomsday
  • June 19: Opening of the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles
  • June 19: After years of searching for a location, the Berlin Senate decides to have the planned new building for the Berlin Central and State Library built on the grounds of the America Memorial Library in Berlin-Kreuzberg . The costs are estimated at 360 million euros, with a start of construction "at the earliest in 2025".
  • 0July 3: Just three weeks after his death , the Literaturhaus Köln is awarding the Dieter Wellershoff scholarships for the first time. With financial support from the City of Cologne, these are to benefit two “professional Cologne authors” every year from 2018 as eight-month working scholarships of 12,000 euros each.
  • 0July 4th: At the opening of the 42nd Days of German-Language Literature in Klagenfurt, the writer Feridun Zaimoglu gives the 19th Klagenfurt speech on literature entitled “The Value of Words”.
  • July 10: The Chinese visual artist and poet Liu Xia is allowed to leave China after eight years of house arrest.
  • July 10: A map drawn by EH Shepard of the hundred acre forest in Winnie the Pooh is auctioned for around half a million euros.
  • July 14th: The penultimate German bookstore closes in Paris .
  • July 20: A district group of the Fraternal Order of Police , the largest professional association of American police officers, calls for the award-winning The Hate U Give ( s ) and Nothing is okay! Remove two books critical of the police from a recommended reading list in a South Carolina high school .
  • July 24th: The Frankfurt publishing house Schöffling & Co. stops “all activities on Facebook and all associated networks” in protest against the Holocaust denial that Facebook tolerates .
  • July 24th: As a “counterweight to the increasingly digital world”, the city of Beijing increases subsidies to promote the book trade culture and invests £ 5.7 million annually in the maintenance and expansion of its bookshops.
  • 0August 4th: In London , the socialist Bookmarks Bookshop is attacked by 12 right-wing extremists (“far-right”), including three Ukip members.
  • August 11: The director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival reports of extraordinary difficulties and harassment in issuing visas for 12 authors from the Middle East as well as from African countries and Belarus.
  • August 24th: Opening of a Center for Literature at Hülshoff Castle , combined with the "Droste Days 2018"
  • August 25: The first bookstore in Germany opens under the name Shakespeares Enkel in Dresden , which exclusively offers books from independent publishers .
  • August 30th: A new book by Thilo Sarrazin is published by FinanzBook Verlag with the title Feindlichehaben. How Islam hinders progress and threatens society , about which quarrels arise in advance. In a lawsuit against the Random House publishing group , Sarrazin claims, among other things, "€ 800,000 in lost profit because Random House could have sold far more books than its new publisher (FinanzBook Verlag) thanks to" its market power ".
  • August 31: The American weekly newspaper The Village Voice ceases its publication.
  • August / September: The surprising replacement of Barbara Laugwitz as Managing Director at Rowohlt triggers criticism from several of the publisher's authors; On January 1, 2019, Florian Illies will be the new managing director of Rowohlt Verlag. On September 27, 2018, Laugwitz obtained an injunction against Joerg Pfuhl , the CEO of Holtzbrinck Buchverlage, against which Pfuhl appealed in order to restore her “damaged credibility towards the publishers' authors” .
    • On October 24, 2018, it was announced on the one hand that the dispute had been resolved amicably, and on the other hand it was announced that Barbara Laugwitz will return to Ullstein Buchverlage as publishing director from March 1, 2019 .
  • September: Stroemfeld Verlag files for insolvency for its German publishing division .
    • October: The Franz Kafka edition founded by Stroemfeld is continued by Wallstein Verlag .
    • December: The Critical Robert Walser Edition is also continued, supported by Schwabe Verlag Basel , among others .
  • 05th - 15th September: 18th International Literature Festival Berlin
  • Mid-September: The 60th edition of the Fischer Weltalmanach appears for the last time; the publication is then no longer continued "in view of the dominance of Internet research".
  • September 30th: International Translators Day
  • September 30: German premiere of the film Der Trafikant based on the novel of the same name by Robert Seethaler from 2012
  • Autumn: The German-language Penguin Verlag , founded in 2015, publishes its first hardcover program.
  • 0October 2: The translators Larissa Bender and Anne Birkenhauer Molad as well as Christian Brückner , Rainald Goetz , Ali Mitgutsch , Michael Naumann and Barbara Vinken are awarded a Federal Cross of Merit.
  • 10-14 October: Frankfurt Book Fair (guest country: Georgia ); An international literature festival called “Bookfest” will take place parallel to the book fair.
  • October 12th: The Swedish Nya Academies will award a one-time alternative Nobel Prize for Literature, the recipient of which is determined by a five-person jury of experts after a worldwide online vote. The prize is endowed with 100,000 euros and is awarded to Maryse Condé .
  • October 12: Herder-Verlag presents the first volume of a 17-volume historical-critical commentary on the Koran published by the Islamic scholar Mouhanad Khorchide .
  • October 24th: The Reclam Museum opens in Leipzig .
  • 25./26. October: An auction of works from the private collection of the Berlin art dealer Bernd Schultz brings more than six million euros to the Exilmuseum Berlin Foundation , which, under the patronage of the Nobel Prize for Literature Herta Müller , wants to build a museum in Berlin for the 500,000 people who lived in Germany during had to leave the time of National Socialism .
  • October 31: A court in southeast China's Wuhu County sentenced an author named Liu (pseudonym “Tianyi”) to 10 ½ years in prison for describing gay sex scenes in a self-published book.
  • November: The Swiss literary magazine drafts is discontinued after its 86th edition.
  • 0November 1: After weeks of attacks by the government, Gergely Prőhle , General Director of the Petőfi Literature Museum in Budapest, ends “by mutual agreement”.
  • 06-10 November: 22nd German-language poetry slam championship in Zurich ; "Best Slam Poet 2018" is Jean-Philippe Kindler .
  • November 14th to December 2nd: 9th Munich Literature Festival with forum: autoren (November 15-22 ), curated by Jan Wagner
  • November 29 and December 6: For the first time, a selection of 18 current price-bound paperback bestsellers at 9.99 euros from various publishing houses is being offered in the German discount trade.
  • December 11th: 18 previously unknown short stories by Nagib Mahfuz are published.
  • December 20: Mats Malm , who was appointed a member on October 18, 2019 as part of the changes there , takes his place in the Swedish Academy ; other new members are Jila Mossaed and Eric M. Runesson .
  • December 23: The writer Robert Menasse explains the repeated use of alleged quotes by the politician Walter Hallstein that he invented : "What do I care about the 'literal' when it comes to the meaning." In contrast, the historian Heinrich August Winkler , among others, doubts that Hallstein von Menasse is rightly claimed. In a statement on the allegations made against him in this context, Menasse admitted errors and apologized for them at the beginning of January 2019, but also describes the criticism of his handling of quotations as "artificial excitement", whereupon the Protestant cultural representative and author Johann Hinrich Claussen him Among other things, holds: “In the politics of ideas he would have to submit to the claim of truthfulness and he does not live up to it”, but apologized for this criticism “to the writer and his family” in mid-January 2019 because he “reacted too quickly and too sharply " have.
  • December 31: Ch. Links Verlag becomes part of the Aufbau publishing group .
  • December 31: Grafit Verlag is taken over by Emons Verlag .
  • 2018: The first forty titles of the newly founded Kampa Verlag appear in Zurich.

Anniversaries (selection)



Title from Le Vite (1568) by Giorgio Vasari


  • The expanded edition of Le vite de 'più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori ( en ) by Giorgio Vasari is published .







Appeared in 1968 : (OA = original edition; dEA = German-language first edition)

More anniversaries

Died in 2018

Well known authors

Other authors

Other personalities

Public domain since 2018

The works of the following writers who died in 1947 have been in the public domain since January 1, 2018 :

See also Public Domain 2018 on Wikisource

New releases

Novels, short stories


Other works

Literature prizes 2018

The most awarded German-speaking author in 2018 was Christoph Ransmayr .

German literary prizes

International literary prizes

Related awards and honors

See also

Portal: Literature  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of literature

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Bibliotheca Arabica" for new Arabic literary history ,, December 13, 2017, accessed on December 14, 2017
  2. Leipzig Library with Arabic Literature ,, published and accessed on December 29, 2017
  3. Hanser gives up subsidiary publishing house: Oliver Kneidl takes over Nagel & Kimche ,, November 21, 2017, accessed on November 24, 2017
  4. Münchner Stadtbücherei acquires archives from Piper ,, published and accessed on January 15, 2018
  5. Gomringer poem on university facade is painted over ,, published and accessed on January 23, 2018
  6. Grütters: Overpainting of the poem is "Kulturbarbarei" ,, published and accessed on January 24, 2018
  7. Kultursenator calls poem overpainting absurd ,, published and accessed on January 25, 2018
  8. Press release on the decision of the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin ,, January 24, 2018, accessed on January 25, 2018
  9. Haus für Poesie ends cooperation with Alice Salomon Hochschule ,, published and accessed on January 25, 2018
  10. Harry Potter book sales top 500 million worldwide ,, published and accessed on February 1, 2018
  11. Publishing as an artistic project? Düsseldorf Declaration by Independent Publishers ,, accessed on February 8, 2018
  12. Düsseldorf Declaration by Independent Publishers ,, accessed on February 8, 2018 (pdf)
  13. Concentration camp memorial receives library from Ralph Giordano ,, published and accessed on December 28, 2017
  14. Wolfgang Benz : Died: Dr. Walter Kumpmann ,, March 8, 2018, accessed on March 15, 2018
  15. ^ Cultural workers condemn the Polish government ,, published and accessed on February 26, 2018
  16. Protest against restriction of freedom of expression in Poland - Open letter from cultural mediators: "Enough!" ,, published and accessed on February 28, 2018
  17. Suhrkamp is not allowed to publish the Ulysses translation: the heirs have not given their consent ,, published and accessed on February 28, 2018
  18. Publishing breakdown: "Ulysses" translation may not appear ,, sent and accessed on February 28, 2018
  19. New Ulysses translation may not appear: The translator's widow makes use of copyright ,, February 28, 2018, accessed on March 1, 2018
  20. Ten years of free translation work ,, broadcast on February 28, 2018, accessed on March 1, 2018
  21. ^ 1st Federal Library Policy Congress: Relevance of Libraries in the 21st Century ,, February 23, 2018, accessed on February 24, 2018
  22. ^ Tellkamp and Grünbein in Dresden: "A good argument that was waged there" ,, broadcast on March 8, 2018, accessed on March 9, 2018
  23. Suhrkamp distances itself from author Tellkamp ,, published and accessed on March 9, 2018
  24. Suhrkamp goes on distance ,, published and accessed on March 9, 2018
  25. After prison sentence: new edition of the novel by Ahmet Altan ,, March 2, 2018. Retrieved on March 3, 2018
  26. New fiction bestseller list for independent publishers ,, published and accessed on March 13, 2018
  27. Joint declaration ,, March 15, 2018, accessed on March 20, 2018
  28. Tellkamp signs "Declaration 2018" ,, March 17, 2018, accessed on March 20, 2018
  29. Christian Schröder: Uwe Tellkamp for Solidarity against Immigrants ,, published and accessed on March 20, 2018
  30. ↑ Solving problems, not exacerbating them! , vs, March 23, 2018, accessed April 3, 2018
  31. "Declaration 2018": publisher Wilhelm Hopf withdraws signature - "I regret the irritations" ,, published and accessed on April 11, 2018 (several original links available from here)
  32. Clemens Heni: Lit publisher Wilhelm Hopf and the populist "Declaration 2018" ,, published and accessed on April 13, 2018
  33. Romania - main country of the Leipzig Book Fair 2018 ( Memento of the original from February 2, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ,, accessed on February 1, 2018 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  34. Susanna Wengeler: The Bologna Report - with picture gallery ,, April 2, 2018, accessed on April 3, 2018
  35. ^ Allegations of corruption - Nobel Prize for Literature Committee in the Crisis ,, published and accessed on April 9, 2018
  36. Aldo Keel: There were only thirteen left - the Swedish Academy in its worst crisis ,, April 7, 2018, accessed on April 9, 2018
  37. Nobel Prize for Literature: Academy Chairwoman Resigns - From 18 members only 11 are now active ,, published and accessed on April 13, 2018
  38. König amends the statutes for the Nobel Prize for Literature Committee ,, published and accessed on April 18, 2018
  39. Swedish Academy admits grievances ,, published and accessed on April 20, 2018
  40. Nobel Foundation postpones the Nobel Prize for Literature indefinitely ,, published and accessed on May 28, 2018
  41. External consultants for the Nobel Prize for Literature ,, published and accessed on November 19, 2018
  42. ^ PEN center calls for clarification about the raid on the publisher ,, published and accessed on April 9, 2018
  43. ^ House search in Neuss - Solidarity campaign for Mezopotamien Verlag ,, March 19, 2018, accessed on April 9, 2018
  44. ^ Mezopotamien-Verlag: Börsenverein and PEN call for transparency , ( Firatnews Agency ), published on April 9, 2018, accessed again on December 31, 2018
  45. Volksbühnenintendant Chris Dercon resigns ,, published and accessed on April 13, 2018
  46. Grütters: Dercon's resignation was correct ,, published and accessed on April 19, 2018
  47. Mainzer vote against the Bibelturm ,, published and accessed on April 16, 2018
  48. Athens is World City of Books 2018 ,, published and accessed on April 24, 2018
  49. »Athens - World Capital of Books 2018« ,, accessed on April 24, 2018
  50. Elliot Advisors joins Waterstones ( Elliott Advisors is correct ),, published and accessed on April 26, 2018
  51. Waterstones goes to Elliott Advisors ,, published and accessed on April 26, 2018
  52. Villa Willemsen opened ,, broadcast on May 3, 2018, accessed on May 4, 2018
  53. ^ Roger Willemsen Foundation , accessed on May 4, 2018
  54. Ernst Wasmuth Verlag files for insolvency ,, published and accessed on May 4, 2018
  55. ^ Valuable books discovered in the Dutch parliament ,, May 31, 2018, accessed on June 1, 2018
  56. University of Greifswald may part with namesake ,, April 19, 2018, accessed on April 20, 2018
  57. ^ The Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität ist Geschichte ,, published and accessed on June 1, 2018
  58. With 40,000 euros the "most highly endowed non-fiction book award in the German-speaking region": Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft donates “wbg-Buchpreis für Geisteswissenschaften” ,, June 5, 2018, accessed on June 6, 2018
  59. The highest endowed award in the non-fiction book with 40,000 euros: WBG donates book price for the humanities ,, June 5, 2018, accessed on June 6, 2018
  60. ^ ZLB on the grounds of the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek ,, published and accessed on June 19, 2018
  61. Literaturhaus Köln is offering Wellershoff scholarships for the first time ,, July 3, 2018, accessed on July 4, 2018
  62. Text of the speech on literature: The value of words ,, accessed on July 5, 2018
  63. ↑ Record proceeds for book illustration ,, July 10, 2018, accessed on July 11, 2018
  64. ^ Last German bookstore in Paris - Gisela Kaufmann closes librairie buchladen ,, published and accessed on June 1, 2018
  65. US Police Association tries to censor reading list - "We have to put a stop to this" ,, published and accessed on July 20, 2018
  66. Publishing house stops Facebook activities: Schöffling protests against Zuckerberg ,, published and accessed on July 24, 2018
  67. Schöffling & Co. boycotted Facebook (with additional links),, published and accessed on July 24, 2018
  68. Beijing supports bookstores with sums of millions ,, published and accessed on July 24, 2018
  69. Alison Flood: Ukip suspends three members over socialist bookshop attack ,, published and accessed on August 7, 2018
  70. Sian Cain: Home Office refuses visas for authors invited to Edinburgh book festival ,, August 8, 2018, accessed August 9, 2018
  71. New Literature Center at Hülshoff Castle ,, published and accessed on May 17, 2018
  72. Program of the Droste Days 2018 ,, accessed on May 17, 2018
  73. ↑ The new foundation “Shakespeares Enkel” should only keep books from independent publishers ,, published and accessed on 23 August 2018
  74. Random House rejects new Sarrazin / FinanzBuch Verlag brings title - Controversial Islam book ,, published and accessed on July 6, 2018
  75. ^ Controversy over Sarrazin book: Münchner Verlagsgruppe rises in ,, published and accessed on July 6, 2018
  76. Sarrazin wants 800,000 euros from Random House ,, July 9, 2018, accessed on July 10, 2018
  77. Controversy over the new Sarrazin book: Munich Regional Court recommends an amicable settlement ,, July 9, 2018, accessed on July 10, 2018
  78. Michael Watzke : Sarrazin lawsuit against Random House publishing house - scenes of a broken marriage ,, broadcast on July 9, 2018, accessed on July 10, 2018
  79. Iconic NYC Weekly 'Village Voice' Shutters After 63 Years ,, August 31, 2018, accessed September 10, 2018
  80. Authors are outraged by the replacement of Barbara Laugwitz ,, published and accessed on September 11, 2018
  81. »You weren't afraid to lie to our faces« ,, published and accessed on October 1, 2018
  82. ^ Temporary injunction against Joerg Pfuhl - Barbara Laugwitz defends herself ,, published and accessed on October 2, 2018
  83. Torsten Casimir: The Laugwitz debate is gaining momentum at the book fair - Aus der Spur ,, published and accessed on October 5, 2018 (commentary summary as of October 5, 2018)
  84. Laugwitz and Rowohlt reach an amicable agreement ,, published and accessed on October 24, 2018
  85. Barbara Laugwitz moves to Ullstein Buchverlagen ,, published and accessed on October 24, 2018
  86. Claus-Jürgen Göpfert: Von Fun und Schande ,, September 7, 2018, accessed on September 10, 2018
  87. Continuation of the Stroemfeld edition at Wallstein - Kafka edition saved ,, published and accessed on October 9, 2018
  88. Schwabe Verlag continues critical Robert Walser edition (KWA) ,, December 4, 2018, accessed on December 6, 2018
  89. The 18th Berlin International Literature Festival will take place from September 5 to 15 ,, published and accessed on July 3, 2018
  90. The Fischer Weltalmanach will appear for the last time in autumn 2018 ,, March 27, 2018, accessed on March 28, 2018
  91. Ali Mitgutsch receives Federal Cross of Merit,, published and accessed on September 28, 2018
  92. Bookfest is to conquer Frankfurt ,, August 16, 2018, accessed on August 17, 2018
  93. Alternative Nobel literature prize planned in Sweden ,, July 2, 2018, accessed July 3, 2018
  94. Website of the Nya Academies ( Memento of the original from October 14, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed July 3, 2018 (Swedish) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  95. "Alternative Nobel Prize for Literature" launched ,, published and accessed on July 11, 2018
  96. ^ Literature Prize of the Neue Akademie for Maryse Condé ,, published and accessed on October 12, 2018
  97. Herder publishes historical-critical Koran commentary ,, October 12, 2018, accessed on October 13, 2018
  98. Grisebach auction generates 6.3 million euros ,, published and accessed on October 27, 2018
  99. Chinese writer Tianyi sentenced to decade in prison for gay erotic novel ,, November 20, 2018, accessed November 21, 2018
  100. Chinese Writer Jailed For 10 Years After Publishing Homoerotic Novel ,, November 19, 2018, accessed November 21, 2018
  101. «drafts» 86 ,, November 10, 2018, accessed on August 8, 2019
  102. Director of the Budapest Literature Museum resigns ,, October 4, 2018, accessed on October 5, 2018
  103. Jan Wagner is curator 2018 ,, published and accessed on February 2, 2018
  104. The list: Discounter offers 18 bestsellers ,, published and accessed on 22./30. November 2018
  105. Unpublished stories of Mahfouz found ,, October 25, 2018. Retrieved on 26 October 2018
  106. Insider trading at the Nobel Prize for Literature ,, December 20, 2018, accessed on April 29, 2019
  107. Ansgar Graw: Menasse's fictional quotations: “What do I care about the literal” ,, December 23, 2018, accessed on December 24, 2018
  108. Robert Menasse invented Hallstein quotes ,, December 23, 2018, accessed on December 24, 2018
  109. ^ Paul Michael Lützeler : National is not the same as nationalistic - Robert Menasse's theses on Europe: How the writer misunderstood many of the ideas of the founding fathers. ,, January 8, 2019, accessed January 9, 2019
  110. Robert Menasse apologizes for errors in quotations - Menasse's planned honor with the Carl Zuckmayer Medal is being checked ,, published and accessed on January 4, 2019
  111. Robert Menasse receives Zuckmayer Prize ,, January 7, 2019, accessed on January 8, 2019
  112. EKD cultural commissioner sees “Holo-Kitsch” at Menasse ,, published and accessed on January 6, 2019
  113. Sorry to writer Menasse ,, published and accessed on January 15, 2019
  114. Aufbau Verlag takes over from Ch. Links ,, published and accessed on September 24, 2018
  115. Emons takes over Grafit Verlag ,, published and accessed on October 8, 2018
  116. Andreas Scheiner: Daniel Kampa - He has a good laugh ,, July 23, 2018, accessed on April 5, 2019
  117. Deirdre Falvey: Hodges Figgis: A 250-year-old story of selling books ,, April 21, 2018. Retrieved on April 27, 2018
  118. Alexie Declines Literary Award; Paperback Release Postponed ,, March 11, 2018, accessed March 12, 2018
  119. Alison Flood: Costa first novel award winner recalls 'awful' time writing his book ,, January 7, 2019, accessed January 8, 2019
  120. ^ Sian Cain: Normal People: how Sally Rooney's novel became the literary phenomenon of the decade ,, January 8, 2019, accessed January 9, 2019
  121. Nobel Prize Winners for Literature for 2018 and 2019 will be announced at the same time ,, published and accessed on August 28, 2019
  122. Maryse Condé Wins an Alternative to the Literature Nobel in a Scandal-Plagued Year ,, published and accessed on October 12, 2018
  123. John Boyne : Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie: provocative work from a brave author ,, August 26, 2017, accessed June 7, 2018
  124. The Most Beautiful German Books 2018 ,, September 8, 2018, accessed on September 10, 2018