Adna Chaffee

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Adna Chaffee

Adna Romanza Chaffee (born April 14, 1842 in Orwell , Ashtabula County , Ohio , † November 1, 1914 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American officer . From 1901 to 1902 he was the military governor of the Philippines ; between 1904 and 1906 he held the post of Chief of Staff of the Army .


When the civil war broke out in 1861, Adna Chaffee joined the Union army as a simple soldier . There he served in the sixth cavalry regiment. He took part in several battles and was promoted to sergeant major in September 1862. In May 1863 he became a lieutenant. This began a long career as an officer in the US Army . In the further course of the war he was wounded twice. Once he was taken prisoner of war. In February 1865 he was promoted to first lieutenant.

After the civil war, Chaffee decided to remain in the army. In the following 30 years he was used in various Indian Wars in the western United States . He was promoted several times. In 1867 he became a captain, in 1888 a major, in 1897 a lieutenant colonel and in 1899 a colonel in the regular army. Chaffee also took an active part in the Spanish-American War of 1898 . At the time he was volunteer brigadier general alongside his rank in the Army. Between 1898 and 1900, Chaffee served as chief of staff to General Leonard Wood , the military governor of Cuba .

During the Boxer Rebellion in China in 1900, Adna Chaffee led the American troops, which were part of an international force to put down the insurrection. He played a key role in the operations to capture the Chinese capital, Beijing . In February 1901 he was promoted to major general in the regular army. His next command took him to the Philippines. There he was between July 4, 1901 and July 4, 1902 the American military governor. That was the time of the Philippine-American War . He then became the commander of the Army Department of the East .

In January 1904, Adna Chaffee was promoted to lieutenant general. Between August 19, 1904 and January 14, 1906, he was Chief of Staff as the highest officer in the US Army. He resigned from this post at his own request. He left the military after 45 years. After serving in the military, Adna Chaffee moved to Los Angeles, where he served on the city government's public works committee. He died there on November 1st, 1914. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery , Virginia . His son of the same name Adna (1884-1941) later also became an officer in the US Army. Most recently he was major general.


The city of Chaffee, Missouri in Scott County (Missouri) (founded 1905) is named after him.

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