Aktion Deutschland Hilft

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Aktion Deutschland Hilft
legal form registered association
founding 2001
Seat Bonn ( coordinates: 50 ° 43 ′ 5.8 ″  N , 7 ° 7 ′ 4.6 ″  E )
main emphasis Disaster relief
Chair Edith Wallmeier
Managing directors Manuela Rossbach
sales 36,148,179 euros (2018)
Employees 38 (2016)
Website www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de

Aktion Deutschland Hilft eV - Alliance of German Aid Organizations based in Bonn is an association of German aid organizations for disaster relief . The aim is to bundle forces and thus to help faster and more effectively and to collect donations in the event of a disaster .


In Germany

Aktion Deutschland Hilft was founded in 2001 with headquarters in Cologne to bundle the forces of German aid organizations. Fast and effective emergency aid is to be provided especially abroad . Occasions are wars and conflicts, famines, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other disasters. In June 2006 the alliance moved to Bonn.

Aktion Deutschland Hilft calls for donations in the event of major disasters and distributes them to the alliance's 23 German aid organizations according to a specified key. In addition, the alliance organizations coordinate their measures in joint aid missions. Aktion Deutschland Hilft is a media partner of ARD, which calls for donations in favor of Aktion Deutschland Hilft and Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft in the event of major disasters. In 2018, the alliance raised around 34.5 million euros in donations.

Areas of application for disaster relief

Aktion Deutschland Hilft becomes active at the decision of its member organizations. Since it was founded in 2001, the alliance has carried out almost 1900 projects in more than 100 countries, for example after the tsunami in Southeast Asia (December 2004) and the earthquake in South Asia (Pakistan, December 2005) . In 2012 the alliance dealt with the famine in West Africa. Emergency aid for refugees from Syria started in the same year . In 2014, the Alliance for Internally Refugees was active in Iraq and provided emergency aid on the occasion of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa; In 2015, joint operations followed after the earthquake in Nepal and for refugee aid .

In 2016, the alliance helped after Hurricane Mathew on the Caribbean island of Haiti and in 2018 in the Philippines after Typhoon Mangkhut . The affiliated aid organizations have also been providing emergency aid in Yemen since 2016 . In 2017, Aktion Deutschland Hilft supported the appeal for donations on the day of action “Together against famine” by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier . The alliance's aid organizations are still increasingly providing emergency aid in several parts of Africa. In the same year, aid for Rohingya , who fled Myanmar to Bangladesh, started. In 2018, among other things, the alliance was deployed after a strong earthquake and a subsequent tsunami on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi ; In early 2019 in Mozambique after cyclone Idai devastated large parts of the country. Many of the aid missions mentioned continue to this day.



The patron of Aktion Deutschland Hilft is the former Federal President Horst Köhler .

Aktion Deutschland Hilft also has a board of trustees . The curators are appointed by the general assembly for three years.

  • Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas took over the chairmanship in 2018.
  • Michael Brand , CDU-MP and spokesman for the human rights and humanitarian aid working group of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, has been deputy chairman since 2016.

Further members of the Board of Trustees are (as of July 2018)


Aktion Deutschland Hilft has the following member organizations (as of 2018):

Membership is in principle open to all non-profit organizations based in Germany, provided they meet the admission criteria and meet the examination and quality standards. Associate members without active or passive voting rights are currently the Federal Association of Digital Economy and Volkssolidarität .

Quality standards for emergency work

The member organizations undertake to comply with nationally and internationally recognized standards and agreements such as B .:

In all ADH-financed projects, compliance with these standards is monitored by external auditors.


Aktion Deutschland Hilft wants to help victims of major disasters abroad quickly and as needed. If necessary, the organizations work together directly on site. The large network simplifies cooperation with local organizations and partners in the disaster area. With its bundled forces, Aktion Deutschland Hilft tries to increase the effectiveness of the aid operations.

With the "Germany helps" day on October 2, the alliance draws attention to the importance of personal commitment of every individual.

The Alliance's guidelines include:

  • impartial emergency aid in major humanitarian disasters
  • The focus is on the humanitarian mission
  • act in the network
  • help faster together
  • Quality assurance and optimization
  • Transparency and responsibility


The merger helps the organizations involved to reduce costs and allow a large part of the donations to flow directly into the projects. For this purpose, Aktion Deutschland Hilft conducts joint public relations work and all member organizations call for donations (in the event of major disasters) with a uniform account number. The donations are divided proportionally according to the efficiency of the individual organization. A sponsoring membership for permanent support is possible.

It was the first alliance of aid organizations to receive the DZI donation seal . The German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) awards the seal to aid organizations that can prove that the donations are used transparently and properly. In addition to the DZI donation seal, there are many other criteria and seals, of which Aktion Deutschland Hilft bears various. All alliance organizations of Aktion Deutschland Hilft provide an account through annual reports and / or external audits. In addition, all members have committed themselves to the transparent use of funds.

Awards & miscellaneous

  • Aktion Deutschland Hilft was honored on October 4, 2009 as a “selected location” as part of the Land of Ideas initiative for the idea of ​​coordinating humanitarian aid from Germany worldwide.
  • Celebrities such as handball national trainer Heiner Brand and entrepreneur Regine Sixt support the alliance as ambassadors or are involved in aid missions.
  • Erik Range alias Gronkh is the digital ambassador for Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Among other things, Range operates one of the largest YouTube channels in Germany. As a digital ambassador, he supports the alliance in aid missions and initiates fundraising campaigns.
  • The Aktion Deutschland Hilft brand received the Super Brands Award in 2019.
  • Since July 2019, Aktion Deutschland Hilft has been the first aid organization in Germany to carry the TÜV seal of the "Certified Online Portal". The seal certifies that the alliance has very good security standards, high transparency, good processes and good data protection.

Web links


  1. This is expressed in the campaign's motto : Help faster together

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Fighting major humanitarian crises together. Federal Foreign Office , November 25, 2008, archived from the original on July 29, 2010 ; Retrieved July 29, 2010 .
  2. Aktion Deutschland Hilft Newsletter. Retrieved July 21, 2019 .
  3. Aktion Deutschland Hilft-Alliance of German Aid Organizations: Cyclone Mozambique: Donate now! Retrieved November 28, 2019 .
  4. Auxiliary operations of the alliance. Retrieved November 29, 2018 .
  5. ^ Board of Trustees and Patron. Aktion Deutschland Hilft, accessed on July 24, 2018 .
  6. ^ Alliance of German Aid Organizations Aid organizations from Aktion Deutschland Hilft , at www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de, accessed on November 29, 2018
  7. Associate Members , on www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de, accessed on November 29, 2018
  8. ^ The signatories ( Memento from September 5, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), at www.transparency.de
  9. Aktion Deutschland Hilft-Alliance of German Aid Organizations: Mission & guidelines for our actions. Retrieved December 7, 2018 .
  10. Bulletin 1/2011 ( Memento of October 16, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  11. Donation seal check - what does it actually cost? , at www.dzi.de, accessed on November 29, 2018
  12. ^ Aktion Deutschland Hilft - Alliance of German Aid Organizations: Transparency & Control. Retrieved December 7, 2018 .
  13. ^ Aktion Deutschland Hilft - Alliance of German Aid Organizations: Transparency & Control. Retrieved January 29, 2019 .
  14. ^ Aktion Deutschland Hilft - Alliance of German Aid Organizations: Transparency & Control . In: Aktion Deutschland Hilft . ( aktion-deutschland-hilft.de [accessed on November 29, 2018]).
  15. ^ Aktion Deutschland Hilft, Bonn. In: Selected place of the day. October 4, 2009, archived from the original on July 29, 2010 ; Retrieved July 29, 2010 .
  16. ^ Aktion Deutschland Hilft alliance of German aid organizations: Digital Ambassador Erik "Gronkh" Range. Retrieved December 7, 2018 .
  17. Aktion Deutschland Hilft receives Superbrands special price. Retrieved July 25, 2019 .
  18. IMA Internet Marketing Agency [email protected]: Aktion-Deutschland Hilft - TÜV-certified online portal. Retrieved on July 25, 2019 (German).