Alexander of Beaufort

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Alexander von Beaufort (born December 12, 1683 in Roucy Castle in Champagne , † April 18, 1743 in Minden ) was a Prussian major general , chief of the infantry regiment "von Beaufort" and heir of Diesdonk near Geldern .


His parents were François de Beaufort (1661-1714) and Louise Marie Brazi (1662-1714). They were among the French who were expelled to Holland in 1684 for their beliefs . His father settled there and Alexander enrolled at the University of Halle .

Beaufort joined the "Varenne" battalion of the Prussian army in 1700 and took part in the campaign against France in 1702/13 . During this time he was from mid-November 1708 to July 1710 as a staff captain in the infantry regiment "von Dönhoff" . Then Beaufort came as a captain and company commander in the infantry regiment "du Trossel" . From 1713 until his death he was adjutant to his regiment chief General Trossel and then took over his company again . In 1726 he became a lieutenant colonel in the garrison battalion "Röseler" and rose in January 1731 to the command of this battalion.

In June 1731 he became chief of the "von Raders" garrison battalion in Lippstadt . It consisted of two companies in Lippstadt and one company each in Emden and Münster . In 1734 he became a colonel and in 1736 chief of the newly established infantry regiment "von Beaufort". When King Friedrich Wilhelm I traveled to Holland in 1736, Beaufort was one of his companions.

In March 1743 he became major general. He died shortly afterwards on April 18, 1743 in Minden.


Beaufort was married to Martha Emilie Maillette du Buy (1698–1741), the daughter of Armand Maillette du Buy and Elisabeth de Vigneulle. The tombstone of the couple from Beaufort is preserved on the church square of the Evangelical Reformed Petrikirche in Minden . On it you can read that Martha von Beaufort died “in the 17th childbed”.

The couple had the following children:

  • Ernst Alexander (1719–1758), war councilor at the Magdeburg Chamber
  • Samuel Etienne Louis (1721–1777) ⚭ 1769 NN Pomian († 1777)
  • Marianne Louise Dorothée (* / † 1722)
  • Emilie Elisabeth (* / † 1723)
  • Charlotte Fréderique (* / † 1724)
  • Charles Henri Pierre Daniel (1725–1753)
  • Friedrich Wilhelm (1727–1760), lieutenant in the "von Salmuth" infantry regiment
  • Marie Charlotte Louise (* / † 1728)
  • Henriette Louise (* / † 1730)
  • Fréderique Wilhelmine (* / † 1731)
  • Simon Jean Emilius (1732-1753)
  • Leopold Ferdinand (* / † 1733)
  • Justine Fréderique (* / † 1734)
  • François Charles (1736–1830) ⚭ Sophie Friederike Juliane von Kospoth (1738–1813), daughter of Johann Karl Erdman von Kospoth, Lord of Schillbach
  • Sophie Eleonore Sybille Fréderique (1737–1739)
  • August Wilhelm (1739–1779)
  • Philippina Johanna Wilhelmina (* / † 1741)
