Alina Stiegler (actress)

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Alina Theresa Stiegler (born April 15, 1993 in Eresing , Bavaria ) is a German actress .


Stiegler has played in television and short film productions since 2005. Since 2011 she was in the role of Johanna Girwidz in the ARD - TV series Hubert and Staller alongside Christian Tramitz , Helmfried of Lüttichau and Michael Brandner to see. Stiegler made her cinema debut in 2011 in the literary film adaptation of Kasimir and Karoline . Since 2017 she has played in the cast of the second German Netflix production Dogs of Berlin , directed by Christian Alvart , u. a. next to Felix Kramer and Fahri Yardim . In 2018 she can be seen in one of the leading roles in the web series Technically Single .

Stiegler completed her acting training at the Otto-Falckenberg-Schule in Munich, already during her training she took on her first roles at the Münchner Kammerspiele , such as that of Gudrun Ensslin in Ulrike Maria Stuart as well as in "Schnapsbudenbestien - the downfall of a family" after Emile Zola . Between 2015 and 2020 she was a member of the Schaubühne ensemble on Lehniner Platz in Berlin. There she worked with directors such as Michael Thalheimer , Falk Richter , Herbert Fritsch and Thomas Ostermeier .

Alina Stiegler lives in Berlin.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dogs of Berlin - Cast of the German Netflix series has been determined . In: . November 2, 2017 ( [accessed March 26, 2018]).
  2. Start of shooting for the first web series cooperation between HFF Munich and TUM. Retrieved March 26, 2018 .
  3. ULRIKE MARIA STUART by Elfriede Jelinek, directed by Pia Richter . ( [accessed on March 25, 2018]).
  4. Alina Stiegler | Agency Carola Studlar. Retrieved March 26, 2018 .
  5. Alina Stiegler | Agency Carola Studlar. Retrieved March 25, 2018 .
  6. Alina Stiegler. Retrieved March 25, 2018 .