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Alloplectus weirii

Alloplectus weirii

Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Gesneriaceae (Gesneriaceae)
Subfamily : Gesnerioideae
Tribe : Episcieae
Genre : Alloplectus
Scientific name

Alloplectus is a plant genus in the family of Gesneriad (Gesneriaceae). The five or so species are common in the Neotropics .


Flower of Alloplectus weirii

Vegetative characteristics

Alloplectus species grow as epiphytic subshrubs . The mostly climbing stems have a round to square cross-section.

The opposite arranged leaves are divided into a petiole and a leaf blade. The simple leaf blades are elliptical to ovate with smooth or serrated edges.

Generative characteristics

The flowers are individually in the leaf axils up to three together in zymous inflorescences. There are cover sheets.

The hermaphrodite flowers are five-fold and zygomorphic with a double flower envelope . The five almost free, hairy sepals are green to colored with a smooth to serrate edge. The five yellow or red petals are fused tubular or plate-shaped. The four stamens are more or less connected. The nectar gland is usually bilobed. The upper ovary is hairy.

The two-lobed, fleshy capsule fruits are surrounded by the calyx and contain many tiny seeds.


The Alloplectus species grow at altitudes of (rarely 500 to) mostly 2000 to 3500 meters.

Systematics and distribution

The genus Alloplectus was established by Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius .

For a long time, alloplectus was a collecting pot of not closely related species, so it was not monophyletic . According to the revision by JL Clark (Clark 2005, 2006 and Clark et al. 2006), the genus Alloplectus s. st. only five species left. The other of the previously around 140 species are now classified, for example, in the genera Crantzia , Glossoloma and Drymonia .

The Alloplectus species are distributed from Costa Rica to the Colombian Andes , in northern Ecuador and Peru .

Presumably none of the five species from this genus is (to a new extent) in culture (Clark 2006).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ JL Clark: A monograph of Alloplectus (Gesneriaceae). In: Selbyana , Volume 25, 2005, pp. 182-209.
  2. JL Clark, PS Herendeen, LE Skog, EA Zimmer: Phylogenetic relationships and generic boundaries in the Episcieae (Gesneriaceae) inferred from nuclear, chloroplast, and morphological data. In: Taxon , Volume 55, 2006, pp. 313-336.

Web links

Commons : Alloplectus  - collection of images, videos and audio files