Anton Donhauser

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Anton Donhauser (* 19th September 1913 in Munich , † 10. February 1987 ) was a German politician ( Bayern party or CSU ) and agent of the GDR - state security .

Life and work

The son of a criminal secretary completed an apprenticeship in bricklaying after attending secondary school, then he attended the higher technical state college for civil engineering. From 1937 he was a civil engineer at the Deutsche Reichsbahn , from which he was deployed in Krakow and Lublin during the war . After passing the special maturity examination at the business school, Donhauser passed the engineering examination of the TH Danzig in 1942 . Anton Donhauser had been a member of the Bavarian Freedom Campaign since March 1944 , which is why he was sentenced to death on April 28, 1945. Only the end of the war prevented the execution of the sentence.

From May 1945 he worked for the Bavarian Red Cross , whose country manager he became in 1947 and was therefore on leave as a railway official. He worked for the Red Cross as head of organization and general secretary until 1949. He was dismissed from his civil servant status as a technical inspector at the Reichsbahn at the beginning of 1949 because he refused to take up service because of his political activities. Therefore, since 1949, he was dependent on his salary as a member of the Bundestag. In 1953 he was the victim of a looted gold fraud . After leaving the Bundestag, he was unemployed for 17 months and then worked as a civil engineer.

Donhauser was married and had four children.

Political party

1945 co-founder of the CSU , he left the party in the early summer of 1947 out of disappointment that the Schäffer - Hundhammer- wing with its genuine Bavarian state-political ideas had not been able to prevail. On June 8, 1947, Donhauser joined the Bavarian Party, whose deputy state chairman he became a year later.

Within the Bavarian Party, Donhauser belonged to the group around Anton Besold , Wilhelm Schmidhuber and Anton Freiherr von Aretin , which was ready for a reconciliation with the CSU.

After internal disputes in 1950, he left the Bavarian Party again and joined the Bavarian Home and Royal Party . He rejoined the CSU in 1952. During an espionage case against him in 1959, he was expelled from the party in an urgent procedure by the Munich district committee of the CSU because of "18 months in arrears".


In 1949 Donhauser moved into the German Bundestag for the Bavarian Party , but left the parliamentary group on September 8, 1950. After two years as a non-attached member of parliament , he joined the CSU state group on September 17, 1952 , for which he again in 1953 in the Amberg constituency Became a member of parliament (until 1957). He was a full member of the Transport Committee and the Industrial Property and Copyright Committee. He was a deputy member of the Home Affairs Committee until January 20, 1956.

Anton Donhauser, through the mediation of the former treasurer of the Bavarian Party and mutual friend with Franz Josef Strauss , Eduard Maier, had commercialized the voting behavior in the question of the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany .

Since autumn 1957 he had been accused of criminal proceedings at the Munich District Court I for inciting bribery of judges and fraud during his time as a member of parliament. The appeal in November 1958 led to the judgment being overturned by the Federal Court of Justice.

Confederate States of Germany

Donhauser wrote an exposé on the confederate states of Germany : Within the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, more than is audible to the outside world, there was talk of a possible successor to Konrad Adenauer . Donhauser claimed to have close ties to the federal ministers Fritz Schäffer and Franz Josef Strauss. As an essential pillar of the Cabinet Adenauer II was John Foster Dulles estimated. In the event of a change in the leadership of the US State Department, an “All-German Council” could be constituted before the end of the second legislative period of the German Bundestag. He propagated this through the mediation of Eduard Maier in East Berlin .


In 1955, Anton Donhauser's secretary, Hermann Lemmer, tried to sell around 4,000 tonnes of canned meat from the Berlin blockade catering to the German-American Heinz Kuhn, an informant in the government of Walter Ulbricht . At around the same time, Kuhn beef and 93.5% uranium oxide were offered at 2.5 times the world market price. No contract was concluded for either offer. Lemmer flew back to Frankfurt am Main Airport and now wrote a report for Konrad Adenauer about my experiences in the Eastern sector , whereupon Hans Ritter von Lex was concerned with the process.

In May 1959, the HV-A division head Max Heim fled to the Federal Republic. He exposed Donhauser, who was immediately arrested. In 1955, the MfS approached Donhauser on the occasion of the meat trade and was registered in the "Döllinger" process at the end of 1955. His financial problems were well known. According to his own statement, Donhauser was only ready to cooperate with the MfS in 1957 due to the pending process. In 1960 Donhauser was arrested for betrayal relations with the Ministry of State Security and was later sentenced to nine months in prison by the Federal Court of Justice . The BGH found: “He did not tell the MfS anything of value. It did not cause any significant damage ”. The BStU 2013:“ The information provided by the MfS does not reveal what information the HV A obtained from Donhauser ”.


Individual references and references

  1. BGH; after I understand badly . In: Der Spiegel . No. 48 , 1955 ( online ). In 1946 he was technical inspector of the Reichsbahn.
  2. ^ Anton Donhauser . In: Der Spiegel . No. 16 , 1953 ( online ).
  3. a b c d BGH, judgment of September 21, 1960 - 6 St E 2/60 .
  4. Be smart and shut up . In: Der Spiegel . No. 39 , 1950 ( online ). Barbara Fait, Alf Mintzel, Thomas Schlemmer: The CSU 1945–1948: Protocols 1945–1946 . Volume 1. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1993, p. 1856 . According to BGH 6 St E 2/60 he joined the CSU at the end of 1950.
  5. ^ Anton Donhauser . In: Der Spiegel . No. 25 , 1959 ( online ).
  6. a b BStU : The German Bundestag 1949 to 1989 in the files of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) of the GDR . Report to the German Bundestag in accordance with Section 37 (3) of the Stasi Records Act, Berlin 2013, pp. 238, 258f. ( Memento of November 8, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF)
  7. No evidence of bribery! In: Die Zeit , No. 13/1951. Eduard Neumaier: In the mills of the party quarrels . In: Die Zeit , No. 26/1973. The Bonn Spiegel Committee - From the final report . In: Der Spiegel . No. 21 , 1951 ( online ). Der SPIEGEL reported… In: Der Spiegel . No.  45 , 1957 ( online ). Learn sheep's head . In: Der Spiegel . No.  48 , 1970 ( online ).
  8. I don't understand well . In: Der Spiegel . No. 48 , 1955 ( online ).
  9. Lemmer signed . In: Der Spiegel . No. 53 , 1955 ( online ). Hans Frederik, Franz Josef Strauss: 1965 . Pp. 88-95.
  10. BGH According to: Debt for the Bavarian Party in the amount of 30,000 DM. According to I understand badly . In: Der Spiegel . No. 48 , 1955 ( online ). it was 20.00  DM , to which 15,000 DM campaign costs were added in 1953.