Arnd Brummer

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Arnd Brummer (born June 5, 1957 in Bad Mergentheim ) is a German journalist and author. He is the managing editor of the journal Chrismon published by the Evangelical Church .

Frankfurt Book Fair 2018


Brummer grew up in a Catholic family in Konstanz , his mother was the editor of a Catholic regional weekly newspaper in Konstanz. He later converted to the Evangelical Church. He published a personal report on his denomination change in the September 2011 issue of Chrismon under the title Among Heretics .

Brummer attended the Heinrich-Suso-Gymnasium Konstanz and was then a volunteer at the Black Forest Messenger . He then worked as a political and cultural editor for daily newspapers, temporarily headed a radio station and reported as a correspondent from Bonn on foreign, defense and social policy. In the 1980s he was political chief of the Stuttgarter Zeitung Sonntag Aktuell . He was temporarily accredited as a correspondent in Strasbourg.

In 1991 he became deputy editor-in-chief of the Deutsche Allgemeine Sonntagsblatt , and in 1992 editor-in-chief. Even after the weekly newspaper was converted into the monthly magazine Chrismon, which was inspired and significantly developed by him, in 2000, he still heads the editorial team. Brummer has been the managing editor of the magazine since April 2014 and ended his activity as managing director of the Hansische Druck- und Verlagshaus (since 1995), a subsidiary of the joint venture of Protestant journalism . Since 2006 he has been leading the Protestant Church's fasting campaign for 7 weeks without .

Brummer was temporarily a member of the board of trustees of the Wolf-Erich-Kellner Memorial Foundation . He is married to a journalist and has one son.


In Hamburg , Brummer took over offices in the FDP . From 1995 he was first deputy and from 1997 to 1999 regional chairman of the FDP Hamburg . At the end of 2011 he resigned from the FDP. He justified this with the continuing "programmatic neglect" of the party. This applies in particular to the fields of cultural and social policy. He approves of a profile in the liberal sense at federal level to Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger , who shows a stance on the legal policy sector.

Works (selection)

  • Reform or ruin? Norbert Bluem's prescription against the collapse of health insurance (with Kerstin Klamroth). Bergisch Gladbach 1988, ISBN 3-404-60244-7 .
  • The Taxi Driver's Curse - Notes from Life . Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-9807849-4-0 .
  • Notes from life 2 - Everything clean, everything new . Frankfurt am Main 2008, ISBN 978-3-938704-58-5 .
  • 24 stories about Advent . Frankfurt am Main 2008, ISBN 978-3-938704-43-1 .
  • Among heretics. Why I am Protestant . Frankfurt am Main 2011, ISBN 978-3-86921-088-9 .
  • The main thing is healthy! Against the wellness craze (together with Klaas Huizing). Frankfurt am Main 2013, ISBN 978-3-86921-131-2 .
Sound carrier

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Arnd Brummer: Among heretics. In: Chrismon . September 2011, accessed on February 12, 2015 : "What I definitely do not miss is an exaggerated, idolatrous piety to Mary, a cult of relics and saints, the strange logic that in conversation with God one needs saints as advocates."
  2. Context: weekly newspaper. In: Sonntag Aktuell , issue 260, March 26, 2016, p. 1.
  3. ^ A. Brummer: Europe needs Strasbourg. In: chrismon 5/2019, p. 23.
  4. Karen Heemann: 100 Years of Crisis In: Focus from June 12, 1995.
  5. ^ The FDP and its state chairmen . In: Hamburger Abendblatt from May 4, 2006.
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