August Adolph von Kamecke

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August Adolph von Kamecke (* 1724 in Baumgarten in Pomerania ; † September 7, 1779 in Brieg ) was a Prussian major and commander of the grenadier battalion "Alt-Kameke".



August Adolph was the son of the Prussian captain Jakob Adolph von Kamecke († October 28, 1744) and his wife Charlotte Christine, née von Hacke , a sister of Lieutenant General von Hacke from Staßfurt . The Major General Carl Sigismund of Kameke was his brother.

Military career

Kameke came in 1735 as a page to the royal court in Berlin and in 1740 was employed as a flagjunker in the infantry regiment "von Kalckstein" of the Prussian army . In the Second Silesian War he fought in the sieges of Kosel and Schweidnitz and the battles of Gostin and Kolberg . By the end of September 1751, Kameke was promoted to second lieutenant .

During the Seven Years' War he was captured by Austria when Schweidnitz was surrendered in 1757. Kameke was exchanged, but when Kolberg surrendered in 1761, he was taken prisoner by the Russians. During that time he was made Prime Minister on February 27, 1757 . In 1764 he became a staff captain and in 1768 a captain. In 1773 he was promoted to major and appointed commander of a grenadier battalion. The battalion was formed from the grenadier companies of the regiments "von Kalckstein" and "von Hohenlohe" . He died in Brzeg in September 1779.


In 1755 he married Sophie Wilhelmine von Woisky, widowed von Friztatzki. The couple had several children:

  • Johanna Charlotte Wilhelmine (* 1767; † October 20, 1793) ⚭ CW von Kleist
  • Friedrich Ernst († January 8, 1817), Major a. D.
  • Adolf Wilhelm († November 3, 1830), he remained without descendants, with him the Baumgarten line died out
⚭ Antonie von Donat-Sonnenburg (* 1780; † December 11, 1821)
⚭ 1822 Johann Luise Antonie Reich († June 26, 1856)


  • Anton Balthasar König : August Adolph von Kamecke . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military figures who made themselves famous in the Prussian service . tape 2 . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1789, p. 245 ( August Adolph von Kamecke at Wikisource [PDF]).
  • Fritz von Kameke-Cratzig: Contributions to the history of the von Kameke family. 1892, p. 104.
  • Eduard Lange : The soldiers of Frederick the Great. P. 290.
  • Ernst zur Lippe-Weißenfeld : Fridericus Rex and his army: a piece of Prussian army history. P. 97.
  • Journal of the Arts, Science, and History of War. Volume 80, p. 105.