Before Midnight

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German title Before Midnight
Original title Before Midnight
Country of production United States
original language English , Greek
Publishing year 2013
length 109 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Richard Linklater
script Richard Linklater,
Julie Delpy ,
Ethan Hawke
production Richard Linklater ,
Christos V. Konstantakopoulos ,
Sara Woodhatch
music Graham Reynolds
camera Christos Voudouris
cut Sandra Adair

←  Predecessor
Before Sunset

Before Midnight ( German  before midnight is) an American feature film from the year 2013 . Like its two predecessors, Before Sunrise ( 1995 ) and Before Sunset ( 2004 ), it was made by the director Richard Linklater with Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke in the leading roles.


The story of a romantic encounter between the American Jesse and the French woman Celine, which began in Vienna and continued in Paris , has now come to a preliminary conclusion. While the predecessors showed the slow development of a love affair , the second continuation of the love story draws a preliminary summary of the events.

Nine years after their last meeting in Paris , Jesse and Celine are now a couple and parents of twins . The family spends their vacation in Greece at the estate of the aging writer Patrick, a friend and supporter of Jesse.

In the course of their further stay, the problems of their deadlocked relationship reveal and deepen, which finally culminates in a crisis with intentions to separate on the part of Celine. Jesse struggles with the custody situation and the geographical distance to his pubescent son Henry (Hank) from his first marriage, who has to fly back to the States after the holiday together at the beginning of the film. Celine sees both her professional and her family achievements insufficiently appreciated and accuses Jesse of irresponsibility and self-centeredness.

At the end of the film, a reconciliation between the two is suggested; however, as with the two predecessors, the viewer is left in the dark about the further development of their relationship.


The trio Linklater, Hawke and Delpy had already started thinking after the last sequel in 2004 about how they would continue to tell the story of Jesse and Celine. Ethan Hawke said in a 2011 interview that the time interval of nine years was exactly the right time to produce a sequel. Working together on the script began that same year. The film grossed approximately 1.7 million US dollars and was on January 20, 2013 premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City , Utah . It had its international premiere at the 63rd Berlinale in February 2013.


The international press was largely impressed by the third edition of the relationship story, but emphasized the unusually pessimistic to tragic tone of the film. David Edelstein of New York Magazine believes that Before Midnight is a reminder of the importance of remembering what was originally thought to be important in life and thereby enriching it again.

Nadia Weigelt from the DPA says on " Before Midnight is at least as funny, quick-witted, resourceful, poetic and clever - but at the same time deadly sad."

The lexicon of international films wrote: “The film does not find the appropriate language for the intimacy of a long-term relationship, but meanders entertainingly, but rather superficially, through conflicts and arguments. The formal consistency of surrendering oneself to the dynamics of dialogues in long sequences continues to impress. "

Rotten Tomatoes leads the film with a rating of 98%, based on 122 reviews, and an average score of 8.9 / 10.


The film won 28 film awards and was nominated for 59 others, including a. for an Oscar ( Best Adapted Screenplay ) and a Golden Globe (Best Actress).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of release for Before Midnight . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , May 2013 (PDF; test number: 138 829 K).
  2. ^ Brigitte Baronnet: Ethan Hawke, l'interview blind test . November 18, 2011 - interview filmed November 2, 2011. Retrieved June 18, 2013.
  3. Catherine Shoard: Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy wake up to the possibility of Before Sunrise sequel . In: The Guardian , November 23, 2011. Retrieved June 18, 2013. 
  4. ^ Before Midnight - Festival Program , Sundance Institute. Archived from the original on August 24, 2013 Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved June 18, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / 
  5. ^ Before Midnight . In: Berlinale Archive , Berlinale Annual Archive . 
  6. ^ Before Midnight Finds Romance in the Struggle of Wills . In: New York Magazine , David Edelstein. 
  7. theatrical release of Before Midnight - A cult-love is coming to an end . In: , Nadia Weigelt. 
  8. ^ Before Midnight. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed April 8, 2018 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  9. ^ Before Midnight . In: Rotten Tomatoes , Flixster. Retrieved June 18, 2013. 
  10. Nominations and Awards