Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park

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Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park
Oak trees along a nature trail on the shores of Oxbow Lake, a former arm of the Sacramento River

Oak trees along a nature trail on the shores of Oxbow Lake , a former arm of the Sacramento River

location Butte Counties and Glenn Counties in California (USA)
surface 141 ha
Geographical location 39 ° 44 '  N , 121 ° 57'  W Coordinates: 39 ° 43 '45 "  N , 121 ° 56' 57"  W
Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park, California
Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park
Setup date 1979
administration California Department of Parks and Recreation

The Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park is a California state park in the counties of Butte and Glenn . The approximately 141-acre park runs along the banks of the Sacramento River and protects a small part of the original river landscape in northern California's long valley .


The area of ​​today's state park was originally settled by the northwestern Maidu , whose tribal area stretched from the Sacramento River to the foothills of the Southern Cascade Range . The name "Indian Fishery" for an area on Oxbow Lake , a former arm of the Sacramento River, still indicates a fish weir built by the Maidu . In 1849, John Bidwell , later founder of the town of Chico , bought Rancho del Arroyo Chico east of the Sacramento River. Part of today's state park belongs to this area that Bidwell used primarily for agriculture. When John Bidwell died in 1900, the lands fell to his widow Annie Bidwell (1839-1918). Eight years after the death of her husband, this transferred part of the area along the Sacramento River to the State of California, on the one hand to prevent the diversion of water for private purposes and on the other to preserve the natural beauty of the river landscape.

Flora and fauna

The river landscape of the park is characterized by California white oaks ( Quercus lobata ), willows (Salix), white alders ( Alnus rhombifolia ) and Frémont poplars ( Populus Fremdontii ). Trees such as the western button bush ( Cephalanthus occidentalis ) or the wild blackberry (Rubus) can be found in the bank area . Among the many species of birds that are native to the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park belong threatened in its existence Cory Cuckoo ( Coccyzus americanus ), but also less rare species such as the Texas night Schwalbe ( Chordeiles acutipennis ), the Swainson's hawk ( Buteo swainsoni ), the osprey ( Pandion haliaetus ), as well as various herons (Ardeidae). In addition, the on the is in Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park endangered Red List species located western pond turtle ( Actinemys marmorata ) home.

Todays use

For anglers and weekenders, Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park has four access to the Sacramento River:

  • Irvine Finch River Access , the northernmost access on the western side of the river on the edge of California State Route 32
  • Pine Creek Landing , boat launch on the eastern side of the Sacramento River
  • Indian Fishery , on the edge of Oxbow Lake, with a nature trail
  • Big Chico Creek , on the east side of the river, surrounded by almond groves from Chico, named after Big Chico Creek , one of the tributaries of the Sacramento River

These entrances are used - especially on weekends - by numerous residents of Chico and the surrounding areas. Anglers fish for coastal rainbow trout ("steelhead trout"), salmon , sturgeon and " shads ", smaller fish from a subfamily of herrings. Students from California State University, Chico let themselves be "tubed" down the river during the hot summer that is typical of this region of California.


Web links

Commons : Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. a b For this and the following cf. the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park brochure published by the California Department of Parks and Recreation in 2013 (PDF, 737 KB).
  2. So the brochure about the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park .