Boris Sergeyevich Mesentsev

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Boris Sergeyevich Mezentsev ( Russian Борис Сергеевич Мезенцев * July 26 . Jul / 8. August  1911 greg. In Tula ; † 18th November 1970 in Moscow ) was a Russian architect and university lecturer .


Mezentsev graduated from the vocational school of the Moscow- Kursk - Railway and then worked as a locomotive repairman . After graduating from RabFak for architecture , he studied at the Moscow Architecture Institute (MArchI) from 1929 to 1935. He then stayed there as a teacher. He was an aspirant at the Academy of Architecture and was in contact with Leonid Ilyich Batalow , Dmitri Iwanowitsch Burdin , Grigori Alexejewitsch Sakharov , Leonid Nikolajewitsch Pavlov and Yuri Nikolajewitsch Shevererdjajew . In the spring of 1941, Mesentsev was one of the first Soviet architects to defend his candidate dissertation on the development of Russian theater construction in the 18th and 19th centuries with a theater project for Moscow's Pushkin Square .

After the German-Soviet war , Mesenzew was involved in the reconstruction of the destroyed cities. According to his projects , the railway stations in Vitebsk , Smolensk , Borodino , Yarzewo and Kharkiv were built in 1946–1951 . 1949–1953 he created the project for the Moscow skyscraper at the Red Gate for the Ministry of Transport together with Alexei Nikolajewitsch Duschkin . For this purpose, the Palace of Heavy Athletics and a building for the Academy of Sciences were built in Moscow according to Mesenzev's projects . 1952-1959 he rebuilt the administration building of the Moscow City Police in the ulitsa Petrowka 38/1. From 1951 he headed the workshop institute of the MosProjekt , which from 1954–1961 designed the new Moscow Southwest Rajon . In 1960 he formed a group with Alexander Wassiljewitsch Vlasow , Iossif Ignatjewitsch Loweiko and Mikhail Vasiljewitsch Possochin to develop a project for the construction of the Palace of the Soviets on the Lenin Mountains .

In 1964 Mesenzew became the director and head of planning of the new Central Research and Design Institute for Objects of Culture, Recreation, Sports and Health Care. Yevgeny Grigoryevich Rosanov and Mark Petrovich Bubnow were among his collaborators . On the basis of the experience gained in the project planning of the Southwest Rajon and the centers of Perm , Tashkent (1965–1968) and Tomsk , Mesenzew developed new urban planning concepts , whereupon he received his doctorate in architecture. In 1969 he was appointed professor . One of his last works was the Lenin Museum in Ulyanovsk (1967–1970).

In addition to his professional work, Mesentse worked as a talented landscape painter .

Mesentsev was buried in Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery. The Central Research and Design Institute for Objects of Culture, Recreation, Sports and Health Care has been named Mesentsev since 1974.

Honors, prizes


Individual evidence

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Мезенцев Борис Сергеевич.
  2. a b c d e f g Tramwai iskusstw: Мезенцев Борис Сергеевич (accessed on September 9, 2019).
  3. Moscow, Moscow Police Headquarters at 38 Petrowka Street (accessed September 9, 2019).