Bristly taiga root

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Bristly taiga root
Bristly taiga root (Eleutherococcus senticosus), fruits

Bristly taiga root ( Eleutherococcus senticosus ), fruits

Euasterids II
Order : Umbelliferae (Apiales)
Family : Araliaceae (Araliaceae)
Genre : Eleutherococcus
Type : Bristly taiga root
Scientific name
Eleutherococcus senticosus
( Rupr. & Maxim. ) Maxim.

The Siberian Ginseng ( Eleutherococcus senticosus , Syn. : Hedera senticosa .. Rupr & Maxim (Basionym), Acanthopanax senticosus . (Rupr & Maxim) Harms. ), Also briefly Siberian ginseng , devil bush , Stachelpanax , Siberian ginseng , Eleutherococcus called, is a flowering plant from the family of the Araliaceae .


The bristle taiga root is native to Siberia , in the Amur region , on the island of Sakhalin , in Japan (on the island of Hokkaidō ), North Korea , in the north-eastern People's Republic of China (in the provinces: Hebei , Shanxi , and in Manchuria , these are the provinces Heilongjiang , Jilin and Liaoning ).


The bristle taiga root is a deciduous shrub that can grow to heights of 2 to a maximum of 7 meters. It is only slightly branched and its branches have small spines. The long-stalked leaves are divided into hands ; the stalked leaflets are oval and serrated .

There are Doldige inflorescences formed. The small, radially symmetrical , hermaphrodite flowers are yellow. The aromatic fruits are blue to black. The species blooms in July and is pollinated by insects.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 48.


Eleutherococcus senticosus leaves

The (dried) leaves are used to brew tea. The root of the plant (Radix Eleutherococci) is used as a drug .


A multi-substance mixture called eleutheroside, which contains the following broken down substances: lignans such as eleutheroside B4 (sesamin) and eleutheroside E (liriodendrin); Phenylpropanoids such as coniferin and eleutheroside B (syringin or chlorogenic acid); Coumarins such as eleutheroside B1 (Isofraxidin); Triterpene saponins , identified as Eleutheroside I to M, as well as the sterol Eleutheroside A (β-Sisterol) and neutral glucans (Eleutheroside C - oligosaccharides ); β-carotene , vanillin , and vitamin E .


The taiga root is considered to tone , stimulate , stimulate the immune system , have an antiviral effect and lower blood sugar . It is used as an adaptogenic medicinal plant.


According to Russian research in the 1950s, it is said to improve endurance , concentration , adaptability and resistance. The performance-enhancing effect of the drug has been demonstrated both in humans and in animal experiments. The anti-fatigue effect could also be partially confirmed.


  • Andrew Chevallier: The Great Lexicon of Medicinal Plants. Dorling Kindersley, Starnberg 2001, ISBN 3-8310-0167-7 .

Web links

Commons : Bristly Taiga Root  - Album containing pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Eleutherococcus senticosus at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  2. : Monograph. Eleutherococcus senticosus. In: Alternative Medicine Review . Volume 11, Number 2, June 2006, pp. 151-155, ISSN  1089-5159 . PMID 16813463 .
  3. B. Glatthaar-Saalmüller, F. Sacher, A. Esperester: Antiviral activity of an extract derived from roots of Eleutherococcus senticosus. In: Antiviral Research . Volume 50, Number 3, June 2001, pp. 223-228, ISSN  0166-3542 . PMID 11397509 .
  4. K. Asano, T. Takahashi, M. Miyashita, A. Matsuzaka, S. Muramatsu, M. Kuboyama, H. Kugo, J. Imai: Effect of Eleutherococcus senticosus extract on human physical working capacity. In: Planta Medica . Number 3, June 1986, pp. 175-177, ISSN  0032-0943 . PMID 3749339 .
  5. J. Kuo, KW Chen, IS Cheng, PH Tsai, YJ Lu, NY Lee: The effect of eight weeks of supplementation with Eleutherococcus senticosus on endurance capacity and metabolism in human. In: The Chinese journal of physiology. Volume 53, Number 2, April 2010, pp. 105-111, ISSN  0304-4920 . PMID 21793317 .
  6. ^ Y. Kimura, M. Sumiyoshi: Effects of various Eleutherococcus senticosus cortex on swimming time, natural killer activity and corticosterone level in forced swimming stressed mice. In: Journal of Ethnopharmacology . Volume 95, Number 2-3, December 2004, pp. 447-453, ISSN  0378-8741 . doi: 10.1016 / j.jep.2004.08.027 . PMID 15507373 .
  7. ^ AJ Hartz, S. Bentler, R. Noyes, J. Hoehns, C. Logemann, S. Sinift, Y. Butani, W. Wang, K. Brake, M. Ernst, H. Kautzman: Randomized controlled trial of Siberian ginseng for chronic fatigue. In: Psychological medicine. Volume 34, Number 1, January 2004, pp. 51-61, ISSN  0033-2917 . PMID 14971626 .