Fallow houses

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Basic data
State : North Rhine-Westphalia
Administrative region : Arnsberg administrative district
County : District of Olpe
Municipality : Kirchhundem
Height : 500 m above sea level NN
Residents : 486 (as of December 31, 2014)

Brachthausen is a village in the south of the municipality of Kirchhundem in the Olpe district .



Brachthausen is located in the southern mountains of the Rhenish Slate Mountains. It belongs to the Bilsteiner Bergland in the Olper Land area. The village is located in the western foothills of the Rothaar Mountains and in the Sauerland-Rothaar Mountains Nature Park . It is located at around 480 530  m above sea level. NHN at the southern end of a valley running from south to north, which is drained from the Brachthauser Bach to Hundem . To the mountains of the local area include the Elle Born ( 596  m ; with the Bracht Hauser cliffs ) to the northeast, on the Supreme ( 637.4  m ) to the east, the Scharteberg ( 582.9  m ) to the southeast, the Wimberg ( 605.1  m ) in the south-south-west and the Kophelle ( 575  m ) in the north-west.

Neighboring places

Neighboring towns of Brachthausen are Wirme and Kohlhagen in the north, Heinsberg in the east, Hilchenbach in the south, Silberg in the west and Varste in the northwest.


Brachthausen is mentioned for the first time in 1395 in a document with which Johann Pepersack, his wife Lyse and his brothers Hermann and Wilhelm sold a quarter of the County of Hundem to Heinrich von Heggen and Wilhelm Vogt von Elspe. The founding of the village is likely to have taken place and been completed as early as the 9th to 11th centuries.

While the basic word “ -hausen ” in the place name refers to a settlement, the meaning of the determinant “Bracht” has not yet been clearly clarified.

Due to its location on the historic Kriegerweg , residents of Brachthausen worked as carters, which can be proven in sources from the early modern period.

The village is located directly on the border between the former county of Nassau-Siegen and the Electoral Cologne Duchy of Westphalia . Today the border between the Siegen-Wittgenstein and Olpe districts runs here. In 1480 the inhabitants of Brachthausen started a border conflict with their southern neighbors, which took on greater proportions in the following decades and in which the villages of Heinsberg and Silberg were finally involved. In 1526 the Brachthauser Einsasse Peter Schop was captured by the Nassauers and imprisoned on the Ginsburg near Hilchenbach. After the performance of the original feud, he was released again. The conflicts were only settled by the border treaty between the sovereigns, which was concluded in 1688.


Chapel of St. Nicholas

Due to the fact that they belonged to the Electoral Cologne Duchy of Westphalia for centuries, most of the inhabitants of Brachthausen still belong to the Roman Catholic Church. The village belongs to the parish of the Mariä Visitation Kohlhagen, founded in 1655, and has the St. Nikolaus chapel . As a result of flight and expulsion from the eastern areas of the former German Empire after the Second World War, the population structure of the village changed and Protestant Christians also settled here. Due to recent migration movements, people of the Muslim faith now also live in fallow houses. According to the population statistics as of December 31, 2014, 378 Catholics, 46 Protestant and three Free Church Christians, and one Russian Orthodox Christian live in Brachthausen. For 58 inhabitants, the statistics do not contain any information on religious affiliation. This group includes people without religious affiliation but also members of the Muslim faith.

Brachthausen belongs to the Catholic parish of Kohlhagen, which was established in 1655 and was previously a place in the parish of Kirchhundem. Today the parish belongs to the pastoral area of ​​Kirchhundem in the Olpe deanery. Until 2012 the parish had its own pastor who lived in Brachthausen.


From 1843 or 1833 until July 1, 1969, Brachthausen was a town in the political municipality of Kohlhagen in the Kirchhundem district . With the local reorganization that followed, the village came to what is now Kirchhundem.

Population development

On the day of the municipal reorganization, July 1, 1969 Brachthausen had 491 inhabitants. In the following years the population initially increased: 1974 = 512, 1978 = 532, but then experienced a slight decrease in 1985 with 528 inhabitants, and then increased to 540 in 1990. In the meantime, the number of inhabitants has decreased significantly to 486 as of December 31, 2014.


In Brachthausen there is a mixed choir and a music train from the Kirchhundem volunteer fire department.


In the village there is a Catholic chapel consecrated to St. Nicholas, which is registered as a monument in the monuments list of the Kirchhundem community . The school building of the former Catholic elementary school Brachthausen, built in 1907/1908, stands on the neighboring property to the north.

Natural monuments

The Vorspanneiche , an ancient, mighty oak, in the vicinity of which tensioning services for horse-drawn vehicles used to be performed,  is located on Landesstraße 728 near the district boundary to the Siegen-Wittgenstein district . The Brachthauser Klippen , a special rock formation on the Ellenborn, are also considered a natural monument .


The sports club Brachthausen-Wirme operates an artificial turf pitch.

Regular events

The traditional shooting festival of the Kohlhagen shooting club takes place in Brachthausen every year on the last Sunday in July . The bird shooting takes place on Saturday afternoons at the bird pole at the sports field. The rifle festival Sunday begins with the rifle high mass in the parish and pilgrimage church Mariae Visitation Kohlhagen and the subsequent honoring of the dead at the memorial near the parish church. After a morning pint there is a parade on Sunday afternoon.

Economy and Infrastructure


State road  711 runs through Brachthausen between Kirchhundem and Hilchenbach. In 2009 a bypass was completed. Then the village became a traffic-calmed zone with a speed limit of 30 km / h. The town is also connected to Altenhundem, a district of Lennestadt, and Hilchenbach via the R92 bus. The next train stations are in Kirchhundem, Lennestadt-Altenhundem, Hilchenbach and Welschen-Ennest.


At the end of the 2010/2011 school year, the St. Nikolaus Catholic primary school in Brachthausen was closed. This ended a school tradition in the parish of Kohlhagen that had existed since the parish was founded in 1655. Since then, primary school children have mostly been driven by school bus to the primary school in Welschen Ennest , 11 km away . A primary school can also be attended across the district border - in Hilchenbach, 7 km away.

You can visit secondary schools in Kirchhundem, Hilchenbach and Altenhundem ( Lennestadt ).

Brachthausen is located in the catchment area of ​​the University of Siegen .


Personalities who were born in the place

Ulla Hahn , German writer

Personalities who have worked on site

Peter Grebe , German Catholic priest and persecuted by National Socialism


  • 1490-1990. 500 years pilgrimage church Kohlhagen. Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990.
  • 100 years of Schützenverein Kohlhagen eV 1904–2004. Brachthausen 2004.

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Lucas: The Olper Land. Work of the Geographical Commission in the Provincial Institute for Westphalian Regional Studies and Folklore. Vol. 4. Münster 1941, p. 22.
  2. a b c Landesvermessungsamt NRW: hiking map 1: 25000. Lennestadt-Kirchhundem in the Rothaargebirge, Ebbegebirge and Homert nature parks. Based on the topographic map 1: 25000 2nd edition 1998.
  3. 500 years of the Kohlhagen pilgrimage church. Contributions to history. Kohlhagen 1990, p. 343.
  4. Michael Flöer: The place names of the district of Olpe. Bielefeld 2014, pp. 55–56.
  5. 500 years of the Kohlhagen pilgrimage church. Contributions to history. Kohlhagen 1990, p. 344 f.
  6. Hartmut PF Engel: 1688–1988. 300 years border treaty between Kurköln and Nassau-Siegen from 8./18. March 1688. Memorandum on old boundary stones on the boundary of the Siegen and Olpe districts. Edited for the anniversary celebration on the Kaiserhöhe on August 7, 1988, organized by the “Associations around the Landhecke” working group.
  7. Population statistics of the Kirchhundem community.
  8. 500 years of the Kohlhagen pilgrimage church. Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. pp. 29-32
  9. ^ Pastoral alliance loses a real friend with Pastor Böckelmann (WAZ), from November 26, 2012, accessed on April 24, 2015, on derwesten.de
  10. ^ Günther Becker and Martin Vormberg: Kirchhundem. History of the office and the community. Kirchhundem 1994. Passim.
  11. ^ Günther Becker and Martin Vormberg: Kirchhundem. History of the office and the community. Kirchhundem 1990. p. 430.
  12. Population statistics of the Kirchhundem community.
  13. List of monuments of the Kirchhundem community.
  14. ^ Günther Becker and Martin Vormberg: Kirchhundem. History of the office and the community. Kirchhundem 1990. pp. 166-168.