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Kirchhundem parish
Coordinates: 51 ° 2 ′ 42 "  N , 8 ° 4 ′ 37"  E
Height : approx. 495 m
Area : 26.36 km²
Residents : (Dec. 31, 2013)
Population density : 0 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1st July 1969
Postal code : 57399
Pilgrimage church on the Kohlhagen.  In the foreground a part of the cemetery, on the left edge of the picture the convent of the poor servants of Jesus Christ.
Pilgrimage church on the Kohlhagen. In the foreground a part of the cemetery, on the left edge of the picture the convent of the poor servants of Jesus Christ.

Kohlhagen is a place in the center of the municipality of Kirchhundem , where the parish and pilgrimage church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary is located in Kohlhagen . As of December 31, 2013, the place had 8 residents.


The first mention comes from 1490 in the deed of foundation of a vicarie on the mountain our dear women called dat Havescheid by the gentlemen from and to the break. Only from 1507 the place was called Kohlhagen. The foundation of the vicarie in the then parish (Kirch-) Hundem was related to the pilgrimages that took place in this place. The pilgrimage picture was and is a late Gothic Pietà from the first half of the 15th century.

In 1655, Kohlhagen and the villages of Brachthausen , Emlinghausen, Silberg, Varste and Wirme and the individual farms of Ahe, Breitenbruch and Mark were parceled off from the mother church in Kirchhundem. From 1843 to 1969, the parish also included the political municipality of Kohlhagen in the Kirchhundem office, which was then dissolved . In 1924 the Catholic parish of Silberg / Varste was established by separating it from the parish of Kohlhagen. On July 1, 1969, Kohlhagen was incorporated into Kirchhundem.


Pilgrimage church

Interior of the pilgrimage church
Madonna sculpture carved into a tree trunk

Today's parish and pilgrimage church of the Mariä Visitation in Kohlhagen with the patronage of St. Mary's Visitation (July 2nd) was built on the site of the previous building between 1703 and 1707. The building has a rich baroque interior from the Sasse sculptor's workshop in Attendorn . The historic organ , which was installed in the church in 1745, probably comes from the workshop of Johann Henrich Kleine from the Eckenhagen parish .

In the immediate vicinity of the car park of the church there has been a Madonna sculpture carved into a tree trunk since July 2018. The tree trunk belonged to an ash tree that had grown locally, which was affected by ash dieback and had to be felled. The carving work on the remaining tree trunk was carried out by a local sculptor using a chainsaw.

Parish and sexton's house

Adam Vogt von Elspe zu Bamenohl donated the Timmer-Jacobs house in Brachthausen on July 1, 1657 as a building site for the parish of Kohlhagen's parsonage.

West of the parish and pilgrimage church is the sexton's house, built in 1866. After a convent of the poor servants of Jesus Christ (Dernbach) was located there from 1997 to 2018 , the building is to become part of the future Spiritual Center Kohlhagen through a conversion and extension . Construction work is scheduled to start in March 2020. The center will take on additional tasks that can no longer be adequately performed in the congregations, including weekend seminars, lectures and prayer events. The center is looked after by two Pallottine clergymen .


The cemetery of the parish of Kohlhagen is laid out around the pilgrimage church. In the niches between the buttresses of the church building there are also various graves of priests, including that of the Nazi justice victim Peter Grebe . In a special part of the cemetery there are four war graves from the time of the Second World War .


4th station of the Kohlhagener Kreuzweg
12th station of the Kohlhagener Kreuzweg

Way of the Cross

A way of the cross , which is now a listed building, was laid out in a ring around the church grounds in 1908. The 14th station was built in 1923/24, a memorial chapel with a war memorial, which was executed and planned by the sculptor Franz Belke from Grevenbrück ( Lennestadt ). Special features of most stations are the designs with quartz stones and slag from the nearby ore mines at Silberg and Varste . The twelfth station with the crucifixion scene is a 3.15 m high wooden cross.

Seven Pain Ways

From the places Emlinghausen and Wirme there is a station path with depictions of the “ Seven Sorrows of Mary ” to the pilgrimage church of Kohlhagen.


Labyrinth in the forest near the pilgrimage church

On the occasion of the Catholic World Youth Day in Cologne in 2005 , the young people from Mexico, who were housed in the pastoral group “Am Cölschen Heck”, built a labyrinth from rubble stones near the pilgrimage church in Kohlhagen , which was modeled on the floor mosaic of Chartres Cathedral .


In addition, numerous groups and individual pilgrims make the pilgrimage to the Kohlhagen pilgrimage church.


in order of appearance

  • Marienberg vulgo Kohlhagen. Pilgrimage booklet in honor of the painful Mother of God . Edited by a pastoral minister (d. I .: Pastor Wilhelm Vaupel). Paderborn 1903.
  • Wilhelm Liese : History of the parish Kirchhundem and its daughter parishes Altenhundem, Heinsberg, Kohlhagen . Bonifacius printing works, Paderborn 1920.
  • Joseph Rinscheid: History of the parish Kohlhagen . Olpe 1933.
  • Bernhard Pauly: The parish and pilgrimage church Mariae Visitation Kohlhagen . Paderborn n.d. (1975).
  • 1490–1990 - 500 years of the Kohlhagen pilgrimage church - contributions to the past and present . Edited by the parish council of the parish Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen, Hans Thiel Pastor, Kohlhagen 1990.
  • Paul Josef Cordes : Greetings to you, mother, in God's glory. Pilgrimage gains strength . Paderborn 1990 (sermons on the occasion of pilgrimages to Kohlhagen).
  • Kohlhagener pilgrimage and processional songs . Published by the parish Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen, 1997.
  • Edgar Zoor: Kohlhagen. Secret of the place . Kohlhagen 2001.
  • Martin Vormberg: The place of pilgrimage Kohlhagen and its traditions . In: Marian veneration in the Sauerland . Published by the Westphalian Slate Mining and Local History Museum Holthausen eV, Schmallenberg 2004.
  • 100 years of the Kohlhagen shooting club. Memories of 100 years of shooting clubs in the villages of the former Kohlhagen community . Edited by Schützenverein Kohlhagen eV, Brachthausen 2004.
  • Bernhard Pauly: The parish and pilgrimage church of the Visitation on the Kohlhagen . Lindenberg 2005.
  • Martin Vormberg: Theodor Heins. The will of the first pastor of the Kohlhagen parish . In: Südsauerland. Heimatstimmen from the Olpe district , year 2008, issue 4 (= episode 233), pp. 377-390.
  • Martin Vormberg: Way of the Cross on Kohlhagen complete again . In: Südsauerland. Voices from the Olpe district 3/2016. Episode 264, pp. 297-302.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kirchhundem parish: Places , accessed on January 13, 2015
  2. 1490 - 1990. 500 years of pilgrimage church Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen . Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. p. 43ff.
  3. 1490 - 1990. 500 years of pilgrimage church Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen . Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. p. 51.
  4. ^ Bernhard Pauly: The parish and pilgrimage church of the Visitation of Mary on the Kohlhagen. Kohlhagen 2005. p. 6
  5. 1490 - 1990. 500 years of pilgrimage church Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen . Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. p. 73.
  6. ^ Günther Becker and Martin Vormberg: Kirchhundem. History of the office and the community. Kirchhundem 1994. Passim
  7. ^ Günther Becker and Martin Vormberg: Kirchhundem. History of the office and the community. Kirchhundem 1994. p. 294.
  8. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 89 .
  9. 1490 - 1990. 500 years of pilgrimage church Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen . Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. p. 92ff.
  10. ^ Home voices from the Olpe district 1998 - 1, episode 190, page 24 - Bernhard Vogt von Elspe's income book -
  11. 1490 - 1990. 500 years of pilgrimage church Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen . Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. p. 303.
  12. cf. In detail: Start in summer 2021 , in: Sauerlandkurier for Lennestadt, Kirchhundem, Finnentrop and the surrounding area, edition of February 19, 2020
  13. 1490 - 1990. 500 years of pilgrimage church Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen . Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. pp. 196f.
  14. List of monuments of the Kirchhundem community
  15. 1490 - 1990. 500 years of pilgrimage church Mariae Heimsuchung Kohlhagen . Contributions to the past and present. Kohlhagen 1990. pp. 200f.