Carl Wallau

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Carl Wallau, contemporary illustration

Friedrich Carl Wallau (born August 8, 1823 in Mainz ; † July 7, 1877 there ) was a Mayor of Mainz.


Originally a printer, Carl Wallau founded the "Graphische Kunstanstalt" in Mainz in 1844. From June 7th 1872 Wallau held the office of Mayor of Mainz. Due to his services to the expansion of the city of Mainz, he was appointed Lord Mayor of the city on March 1, 1877; he held this office until his death in 1877.

Carl Wallau was active in a number of associations, including a. in the Mainz Communist Workers' Education Association, which he co-founded in 1848, two days after the sermons of Bishop Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler “on the great social issues of the present” and from whose successor organizations the adult education center was later to emerge. Before that he was a member of the German workers' association in Brussels. He returned to Mainz with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels after the French February Revolution to build a community of the League of Communists. He was also an active eight and was president of the Mainz Carneval Association in 1872 . In 1874 the contract was signed with the Hessische Ludwigsbahn Actiengesellschaft for a new Central Station and in 1876 the tunnel construction began .

A street in Mainz was named after Carl Wallau in 1895, Wallaustraße (formerly "Zwetschenallee"). This is located in the Neustadt of Mainz, the former garden field, which was the subject of the Mainz city expansion.


  • n: Open letter to Mr. Carl Wallau, Mayor of Mainz . Schaefer, Mainz 1872
  • Georg Eckert : On the history of the "Sections" Wiesbaden and Mainz of the International Workers' Association . In: Archive for Social History 8 (1968), p. 365 ff.
  • Günther Winkler: Wallau, Karl . In: History of the German labor movement. Biographical Lexicon . Berlin 1970, p. 469
  • Albrecht Eckhardt: Workers' Movement and Social Democracy in the Grand Duchy of Hesse 1860-1900 , in: Archive for Hessian History and Archeology , New Series 34 (1976), ISSN  0066-636X , p. 171 ff.
  • Josef Heinzelmann: Carl Wallau and the co-founders of the Mainz workers' movement . In: Mainz and the social question in the middle of the 19th century. On the 100th anniversary of the death of Lord Mayor Wallau and Bishop Ketteler. Catalog for the exhibition in the town hall foyer Mainz August 4 to September 4, 1977 . Mainz 1977, pp. 29-33
  • Friedrich Schütz: City expansion under Carl Wallau . In: Lebendiges Rheinland-Pfalz , Vol. 14 (1977), Issue 4, pp. 102-105
  • Doris Hodel: The Wallau printing company. Company portrait of a Mainz pharmacy in the 19th century. Mainz 1995 (Mainz: Gutenberg Museum February 7th - May 28th 1995)
  • Association Démocratique, ayant pour but l'union et la fraternité de tous les peuples. An early international democratic association in Brussels 1847-1848 . Edited by Bert Andréas , Jacques Gandjonc and Hans Pelger. Edited by Helmut Elsner and Elisabeth Neu, Trier 2004 ( writings from the Karl-Marx-Haus issue 44) ISBN 3-86077-847-1

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Schütz: Provincial capital and fortress of the German Confederation (1814 / 16-1866) in: Ed .: Franz Dumont , Ferdinand Scherf , Friedrich Schütz : Mainz - The history of the city . Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1998 (first edition, p. 417).
  2. Mainzer Tageblatt of April 10, 1848