Khost (province)

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Iran Turkmenistan Usbekistan Tadschikistan China de-facto Pakistan (von Indien beansprucht) de-facto Indien (von Pakistan beansprucht) Indien Pakistan Nimrus Helmand Kandahar Zabul Paktika Chost Paktia Lugar Farah Uruzgan Daikondi Nangarhar Kunar Laghman Kabul Kapisa Nuristan Pandschschir Parwan Wardak Bamiyan Ghazni Baglan Ghor Badghis Faryab Dschuzdschan Herat Balch Sar-i Pul Samangan Kundus Tachar Badachschanlocation
About this picture
Basic data
Country Afghanistan
Capital Chost
surface 4152 km²
Residents 546,000 (2007/2008)
density 132 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 AF-KHO
Districts in the province of Khost (as of 2005)
Districts in the province of Khost (as of 2005)

Coordinates: 33 ° 18 '  N , 70 ° 0'  E

Chost ( Dari and Pashtun خوست) is a province in Afghanistan with the provincial capital Khost .

The province belongs to the settlement area of ​​the Pashtuns , which is divided by the Durand Line , and borders to the east with Wasiristan , a Pakistani tribal area under federal administration .

raw materials

Around 1997, deposits of chromite were found in the province of Khost . Since then there have been several battles over the mining area, which is why the deposit could not be exploited.

Administrative division

The province is divided into the following districts:

  • Alisher (Ali Sher), 35 km east of Khost on the Durand Line
  • Bak , 30 km northeast of Khost, where there is also a dam for electricity supply
  • Gurbuz , 20 km southeast of Khost on the border with Pakistan
  • Domanda, in whose district the Khost- Gardez runs
  • Jaji Maydan (Jaji Maydan, Zazi Maidan), 45 km northeast of Khost
  • Khost (Matun)
  • Ismail Khel (Mandozi, Mando Zayi), is in Khost
  • Musa Khel (Muskhel), 37 km northeast of Khost
  • Nadir Shah Kot (Nader Shahkot), east of the Khost-Gardez road, where there are plans to build an airfield
  • Qalandar , 40 km east of Khost
  • Sabari , 25 km north of Khost
  • Shamal
  • Spera (Spira), 55 km southwest of Khost and borders Pakistan
  • Tanai , 18 km south of Khost and borders Pakistan
  • Tere Zayi


Web links

Commons : Chost  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Zarwali Khoshnood: Afghan mineral wealth: A trillion dollars that fuel hatred. In: . April 23, 2012, accessed October 7, 2018 .