Christian Füller (journalist)

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Christian Füller (* 1963 in Munich ) is a German journalist and author .


After graduating from the Jack Steinberger Gymnasium in Bad Kissingen , Christian Füller studied political science at the Free University of Berlin , the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich and the University of Leipzig and took part in the European Master of Public Administration program in Rotterdam / Speyer .

He writes as an author for WamS , Frankfurter Allgemeine , Die Zeit , Süddeutsche , Tagesspiegel Background Digitization and other newspapers. He regularly comments for Kulturradio , DeutschlandRadio Kultur and Phoenix (TV station) and analyzes in political magazines such as the papers for German and international politics or the Berlin Republic . Until 2013, Füller was at the Tageszeitung u. a. employed as an education and page 3 editor. He publishes the blogs pisaversteher and Die gute Schule on educational policy and sexual violence against children .

Christian Füller was editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper der Freitag in 2017 , which he left at his own request, according to the newspaper's press release.

He lives with his family in Berlin .

Publications and positions

Füller is the author and co-author of several books and numerous articles.

The hundred best schools and way out private schools

In Smart Children, Bad Schools, he described and criticized the German school system in 2008. With Die Gute Schule: Where our children like to learn , in 2009 he portrayed the - in his opinion - five best schools in Germany and found many similarities for new learning. The book contains a list of the “100 best schools in Germany”, including the Odenwald School . In the book, Füller sharply criticizes parents who always see their child first.

In a way out private schools? In 2010, together with Annegret Nill and Wolf Schmidt, he presented a description of the German love-hate relationship with private schools, which is also a report and portrait book. His thesis that there was no need for fewer, but more free schools, was received controversially, among others by the trade union GEW and the SZ. In the chapter on the reform pedagogues , Füller describes the Odenwald School as a special school, without mentioning the allegations of abuse against headmaster Becker, which were already known at the time.

Abuse scandal at the Odenwald School

In the book Fall of Sin , published in 2011 , he examines the abuse cases at the Odenwald School, which were scandalized again in 2010 . The author apologized for not having investigated the suspicion against her pedagogical criminal director Becker and other perpetrators earlier. He asked the question “whether abuse is not the Achilles heel of reform pedagogy”. A summary of the book appeared in the Blätter für German and international politics . Füller called for an Odenwald tribunal against the guilty teachers and networks.

Debate about pedophilia among the Greens and conflict with the taz - pedophilia in protest movements

Füller took part in the debate about the award of the Theodor Heuss Prize 2013 to Daniel Cohn-Bendit with several articles in the taz , the Freitag and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . Cohn-Bendit had been criticized for statements considered pedophile.

In the debate about the Greens and abuse, Füller argued that pedophilia was “not a minor matter” with the Greens, but “based on the Green ideology”.

This first happened in an article that was ordered and legally checked by the taz , but editor-in-chief Ines Pohl had it stopped. Pohl's decision, the wording of Filler’s article and details from the editorial meeting were made public after a publication by Stefan Niggemeier . According to a report by the FAZ, Pohl later instructed the newspaper's department heads in writing that “no texts by him should appear in the taz. Please ensure that this does not happen. ”A long version was published on September 14, 2013 in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . Pohl later resigned Füller because of his reporting that was critical of greenery.

In March 2015, Füller examined protest movements such as the Wandervogel or the 68er movement for pedosexual legitimation patterns in the book “The Revolution Abuses Its Children” . "The thesis that pedophile positions were firmly anchored in the worldview and party structure [of the Greens] can be substantiated with a few new details," wrote the taz with reference to Filler 's exposure of the green NRW top candidate for the 1983 Bundestag election, Werner Vogel. The reactions were controversial. "Christian Füller got lost because he absolutely needed the bogeyman of the sexual revolutionary who abuses children," wrote Alan Posener. concluded that it showed "how to find pederasts in an ideologically heated environment ways to zurechtzubiegen these ideologies in their favor." In the leaves , he compared the abuse in Catholic boarding schools of Kremsmünster and the Ettal Monastery with the at the Odenwald School. "The ideology of the elite there covered pedosexual perpetrators."

Education policy crisis

Füller has repeatedly advocated charging tuition fees - albeit on the condition that the students themselves should have access to the fee pots in the universities. There was protest against these texts. Füller criticizes the educational poverty of the Federal Republic, its blockade of modernization through federalism and the lack of will to reform.

Füller assumes a double crisis in German education policy: on the one hand, the Pisa crisis of state schools, on the other, the loss of the alternative "after the mega-disaster that reform pedagogy produced on its flagship, the Odenwaldschule Oberhambach". On Friday , the author wrote of an insane republic of education that draws on elements of the reactionary criticism by Julius Langbehn from 1890. "Exactly all of this will take place again in 2014, when parents, together with left-wing to ultra-conservative educational esoterics, warn of the pisa madness of the US-American and capitalist-controlled OECD." .


The journalist interviewed the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, Vernor Muñoz , and is a journalist who advocates inclusion , the joint learning of disabled children with students without disabilities.

He accused the Bremen headmistress Christel Kelm, who is suing the Bremen Administrative Court against inclusion, of violating the human rights of disabled children. The grammar school director justified her complaint by stating that mentally handicapped children could not be meaningfully integrated into grammar school lessons because they could not reach the required level. The Bremen School Act, however, provides for a corresponding level.

Füller then accused her of violating a UN convention ( Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ). Their approach "can be compared to the behavior of a warlord in a rogue state". Even if she does not wear a Kalashnikov, she still violates human rights. He admitted this to parents of mentally handicapped children who preferred to seek the “safe space of special schools” for their children, but stated that a “society [...] cannot collectively renounce observance of human rights just because individuals do to do". The civil rights icon Rosa Parks stayed in her seat on the bus in 1955, while other blacks stood up for whites - and heralded the end of racial segregation . Should the headmistress fail with her lawsuit and the school should be forced to accept “five Rosa Parks”, then the end of the “school separation” has been reached in Germany. The press council gave Spiegel Online a disapproval for Filler’s comment. The written explanation stated that it was going too far to compare the headmistress with a warlord - after all, she "acted according to her own opinion for the benefit of her students".


Web links

Individual evidence

  2. .
  4. The new old tip taz from September 11, 2017; Friday is repositioning itself: Jakob Augstein and Philip Grassmann hand over editor-in-chief to Christian Füller , on February 23, 2017
  5. Peter Weissenburger: Change in the "Freitag" editor-in-chief: The new old tip . In: The daily newspaper: taz . September 11, 2017, ISSN  0931-9085 ( [accessed April 12, 2018]).
  6. After only six months: publisher Jakob Augstein returns to the Friday editor-in-chief - Christian Füller leaves ›Meedia. Retrieved April 12, 2018 .
  7. Christian Füller: My Kind First: Do not learn with the dirty children Spiegel Online from June 12, 2009.
  8. Peter Sinram: THE CHALLENGE OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS? ( Memento from June 30, 2013 in the web archive ) in the GEW magazine Berlin
  9. Alex Rühle: Why the class struggle is no more , Süddeutsche Zeitung from September 16, 2012.
  10. Jörg Schindler: The paint is off , Frankfurter Rundschau from November 17, 1999.
  11. ^ Review notes in Perlentaucher on the Fall of Man .
  12. Jörg Schindler: Blind for the temptations , Frankfurter Rundschau online from March 28, 2011.
  13. ^ Denied guilt , sheets for German and international politics , edition 3/2012
  14. ^ Abuse of reform schools: Why we need an Odenwald tribunal Spiegel Online from April 14, 2010
  15. Der Tabubrecher , taz online from April 19, 2013; Large children's shop FRG from April 25, 2013; Dany im Kinderladen ,, April 29, 2013; Dany's Fantasies and Dreams ,, April 29, 2013.
  16. "This decision, the text concerned and the internal editorial discussion came to the public through disloyalty", Ines Pohl on the non-publication of an article on pedophilia and green ideology ( memento of December 29, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), taz house blog , 22nd August 2013
  17. Did the taz prevent a critical article on the Greens? In: Tagesspiegel, August 19, 2013 [1]
  18. Censorship at "taz" as an election campaign aid for Greens? In: WELT, August 19, 2013 [2]
  19. Greens and pedophilia: The taz tips an article. In: FAZ, August 19, 2013 [3]
  20. The ideal world of the Greens. Why the "taz" suppresses an article about pedophilia. In: ZEIT, August 22, 2013 [4]
  21. Green and pedophile "taz" boss in need of explanation. In: FAZ, 23 August 2013 [5]
  22. Pedophilia Debate: Errwege des Liberalismus. In: Spiegel, August 28, 2013 [6]
  23. Aaram Ockert: Agitation against GREEN. In: Friday , August 29, 2013 [7]
  24. "Critical Journalism" in the "taz", The wrong questions. In: FAZ, September 11, 2013
  25. taz warns FAZ ( memento of September 21, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), September 18, 2013
  26. Christian Füller: Sexual Liberation. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , September 14, 2013, accessed on September 17, 2013 .
  27. ^ "Small war about taz-Text" [8] In: picture from November 8, 2013
  28. ↑ The Revolution Abuses Your .
  29. Nina Apin: Kulturgeschichte der Übergriffigkeit [9] In: the daily newspaper from March 12, 2015
  30. ^ Pedophiles Waterloo [10] In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of April 9, 2015
  31. Alan Posener: In paradise for pederasts? [11] In: Die Welt from March 14, 2015
  32. Thorsten Denkler: How pederasts influence [12] In: March 14, 2015
  33. [13] , Blätter für German and international politics , edition 4/2016
  34. ^ Christian Füller: Protest of the privileged taz of February 10, 2002; Tuition Now! taz of October 20, 2004; Karl Marx was right taz from 24 October 2012
  35. Torsten Bultmann: Tuition fees for kindergartens? ; NachDenkSeiten: [14]
  36. ^ Christian Füller: Unequal, unjust, inefficient Berlin Republic 3/2010
  37. ^ Christian Füller: The aimless educational republic of the Berlin republic 2/2013
  38. ^ Filler’s criticism of the interview with Otto Herz Bildungsreporter
  39. ^ In the mad republic of Friday April 16, 2014
  40. Failed, but cannot be terminated Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung from February 10, 2014
  41. Christian Füller: Disabled people must be able to choose , taz from June 6, 2009
  42. ^ Christian Füller: Under rogue states , taz of January 27, 2010; Cosmetic degree , taz of March 4, 2009; Pedagogy paradox: Autistic school throws autistic out Spiegel online from June 1, 2011
  43. Jürgen Theiner: Bremen high school sued senator . ( [accessed on April 12, 2018]).
  44. Christian Füller: High school against inclusion: Unhealthy people's feeling . In: Spiegel Online . April 12, 2018 ( [accessed April 12, 2018]).
  45. ^ Filler: Unhealthy feeling of the people . In: Spiegel Online . April 12, 2018 ( [accessed April 12, 2018]).
  46. ^ Filler: Unhealthy feeling of the people . In: Spiegel Online . April 12, 2018 ( [accessed September 9, 2018]).