Christian Ludwig von Prosch

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Christian Ludwig Porsch , from 1787 by Prosch , also Karl Ludwig Prosch († 1804 in Berlin ) was a Prussian colonel and chief of the riding artillery .


Origin and family

Christian Ludwig was a member of a sex from which several members served as officers in the Prussian army and who was raised to the nobility in 1787 with the Prussian cavalry master in the hussar regiment "Blücher" Karl Wilhelm Prosch († May 26, 1800) .


Prosch joined the Prussian artillery in 1757 . He was promoted to secondary lieutenant in 1760. He was promoted to prime lieutenant in 1770 , to staff captain in 1776, and at the same time became company commander of the 2nd  Horse Artillery Company . Prosch continued his career and rose to prime captain in 1782 and major in 1791 . At the end of May 1792, one of his horse artillery batteries marched to Koblenz to take part in the war against France . In the middle of December 1792 Prosch brought another battery to Potsdam . The remaining company was mobilized in 1793 to move out to occupy South Prussia and was finally given a garrison in Warsaw . In 1794 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and in 1796 commander of the mounted artillery. With the increase in mounted artillery in August 1797, it was formed into a battalion . Prosch finally advanced to colonel in 1797. On June 22nd, 1801, on the occasion of the Berlin artillery revue of King Friedrich Wilhelm III. received the order Pour le Mérite .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. Volume 1, Mittler , Berlin 1913, p. 416, No. 15.
  2. Ernst Heinrich Kneschke (ed.): New general German Adels Lexicon , Volume 7, Leipzig 1867, p. 264 ; Maximilian Gritzner : Chronological register of the Brandenburg-Prussian class increases and acts of grace from 1600–1873. Berlin 1874, p. 47; Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses , first year, Justus Perthes Gotha 1907, pp. 619–620.
  3. ^ Kurd Wolfgang von Schöning : Historical-biographical news on the history of the Brandenburg-Prussian artillery. Volume II, Mittler, Berlin 1844, p. 266.
  4. ^ A b c d Louis von Malinowsky, Robert von Bonin : History of the Brandenburg-Prussian artillery. Volume 1, Verlag Duncker and Humblot , Berlin 1840, pp. 110 , 119, 128, 136, 305 and 306
  5. Münchner Zeitung , Tuesday, January 1793, p. 4.
  6. ^ War Ministry Prussia (ed.): List of all regiments and corps of the Royal Prussian Army for the year 1804 , Himburg, Berlin 1804, p. 157.