Christoph Karl von Bülow

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Christoph Carl von Bülow (born May 26, 1716 in Glubenstein near Rastenburg , East Prussia , † July 1, 1788 in Pasewalk ) was royal Prussian cavalry general , commander of the dragoon regiment Margrave of Anspach-Bayreuth , inspector general of the cavalry in Prussia, Knight of the Black Eagle Order as well as governor of Memel and Oletzkow .


He came from the Mecklenburg nobility of the von Bülow family and was the son of the Prussian officer Daniel Levin von Bülow (1677–1758) and his wife Dorothea Margarethe von Schlubhut (1691–1742). His older brother was the general of the infantry Johann Albrecht von Bülow .


He entered Prussian service in 1731 with the 6th Dragoon Regiment (Cosel) and became an ensign in 1734. As such, he took part in the campaign on the Rhine in 1734 and 1735. In the first two Silesian Wars he fought especially in the battle near Austerlitz in April 1742, as in 1745 in the battle near Hohenfriedberg , where he earned the order Pour le Mérite through his bravery , and in the battle of Thrush . In 1747 he became Rittmeister in the Regiment Gensd'armes (Cuirassier Regiment No. 10), in 1756 Major, 1757 Lieutenant Colonel, in 1758 second in command of Dragoon Regiment No. 5 (Bayreuth). In 1759 he became colonel and after the battle of Torgau in 1760 major general, with the patent of November 10, 1760, as first commander of the Dragoon Regiment No. 5, with all the advantages and income of a chief. In 1760 he was also the governor of Memel. In 1763 the king appointed him general inspector of the dragoon and hussar regiments in Prussia. In 1769 he received an allowance of 500 thalers, which was replaced on July 18 by the Drostei Wetter. On May 25, 1771 he was made lieutenant general. In December 1772 he was awarded the order of the black eagle and on May 14th he was appointed governor of Oletzkow.

In 1778 he was with the king's army, commanding the cavalry of the right wing. King Friedrich Wilhelm II promoted him to general of the cavalry in 1787, with the patent dated May 23. In 1784 he got the Dompropstei Havelberg , which he was allowed to sell and did.

He fought during the Seven Years' War in the battles near Lobositz , Roßbach , Leuthen , Hochkirch , Torgau, as well as in the meeting near Reichenbach and on several other occasions with great honors. Especially in the battle of Torgau , where he and 5 squadrons of Dragoon Regiment No. 5 attacked enemy infantry regiments, which were advancing in the best order, on their right flank, and captured 3 regiments along with their leaders, and captured their flags .

He died in Pasewalk on July 1, 1788, of jaundice , plus biliary fever.

He was unmarried. It is noteworthy that - when his regiment moved into the field on April 5, 1778 from Pasewalk - not a single one of all 74 officers, from the general down to the youngest ensign, was married. The name of the cavalry general Christoph Karl von Bülow is emblazoned on the plaques of the bronze monument erected in 1851 by Frederick the Great in Berlin .
