Elector of Brandenburg

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Elector of Brandenburg p1
Ship data
flag Brandenburg PrussiaBrandenburg-Prussia Brandenburg-Prussia
Ship type Flute
Commissioning Bought in 1657
Whereabouts Sold in 1662
Ship dimensions and crew
32.00 m ( Lüa )
width 6.94 m
crew 49 men
Rigging and rigging
Number of masts 3
Number of sails 10
  • 7 × cannon
    • 5 × 4 pounder
    • 2 × 3 pounders

The Elector of Brandenburg (later spelling Elector ... ) was a warship or orlog ship used in the Second Northern War in the flotilla of the Brandenburg Colonel Johann von Hille (* approx. 1619, † 1684), the forerunner of the Kurbrandenburg Navy . It was named after Elector Friedrich Wilhelm . Both their exact origin and their final fate are unknown, and no illustration has survived.

Technical specifications

Model of a flute
  • Type of ship: Fleute
  • Builder: Unknown, probably Republic of the Seven United Provinces
  • Year of construction: unknown, remeasured November 10, 1654
  • Length: 32.00 m
  • Width: 6.94 m
  • Room depth: 3.11 m
  • Tonnage: Unknown
  • Masts: 3
  • Crew: unknown as a merchant ship, 49 men as a warship in 1657 (see below)
  • Armament: 5 iron 4-pounder cannons , 2 iron 3-pounder cannons in 14 gun ports


After the Clevische Lindenbaum , the Churfürst was the second ship that was bought by Hilles for the flotilla. Apparently, their captain Lucas Adriansen was also the owner, as he received the purchase price of 4600 Reichstalers . The ship's previous name is unknown; it was considered a good sailor. One can only speculate about the origin of the ship; presumably the captain and ship came from the seven provinces . What is certain is that the three-ship flotilla - the third ship was the so-called Lübische Schute - already existed on May 1, 1657 and was in Pillau . It was not until May 28 that the Elector appointed von Hille "Commander of Our Ships".


According to a pay list from 1657, the crew consisted of a total of 49 men:

(Information from Petsch, p. 9f.)


According to an inventory list dated November 18, 1658, the equipment consisted of the following items:


Armament except the 7 cannons (see above):

Other equipment:

(Information from Petsch, p. 12)


Like the Clevische Lindenbaum , the Churfürst was used from May 1657 for freight trips between Pillau and Kolberg . During the war, the Elector and other units of the flotilla took part in an attack on a Swedish fortress near Elbing in October 1658 .

After the Peace of Oliva on May 13, 1660, the Brandenburg squadron gradually disbanded . In the spring of 1661, the Elector went on a freight trip to France to reduce maintenance costs . After a stay at the shipyard, she made another freight trip to Holland. In 1662 she was supposed to sail to the Caribbean , but only came to Cádiz . For reasons unknown, there were difficulties in the operation of the ship. Since these could not be solved, it was probably sold there in August 1662 for 6,000 Reichstaler to an unknown person. Her final fate is also unknown.


  • Kurt Petsch: Seafaring for Brandenburg-Prussia 1650-1815. History of naval battles, overseas branches and state trading companies , Osnabrück (Biblio-Verlag) 1986. ISBN 3-7648-1192-7