Claas Willeke

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Claas Willeke 2009 at the St. Ingbert Jazz Festival

Claas Willeke (born April 12, 1966 in Bielefeld ; † October 13, 2013 near Sandersdorf-Brehna ) was a German musician , composer and music teacher .


After studying music education at the Berlin University of the Arts with a focus on jazz , Willeke received scholarships for composition lessons in the field of new and electronic music (with Kirk Nurock , Henry Martin, Maria Schneider and Franz Martin Olbrisch ). As a saxophonist and clarinetist , Willeke was active in numerous groups and ensembles with different line-ups. He played with Aki Takase , Alexander von Schlippenbach , Jerry Granelli , Thärichens Tentett and Georg Ruby . In the ensemble InZeit he worked with Wollie Kaiser and Stefan Scheib and in the artist group Die Redner with Florian Penner and Oliver Strauch . He also led his own bands. Willeke also composed for film and theater, radio plays and productions by his wife Marguerite Donlon .

Since 2007 Willeke has been professor for jazz theory, composition and electronic music at the Saar University of Music .

On the way to a performance in Berlin, Willeke had a fatal accident on October 13, 2013 in a car accident on the A9 .

Discography (selection)

Honourings and prices

  • 2007 Media Art Prize from Saarland Radio for the JFK show by the ensemble Die Redner

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jazz professor dies in a horror crash on the A9 Bild, October 14, 2013