Curt-Christoph von Pfuel

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Curt-Christoph Alexander Graf Bruges-von Pfuel (born von Pfuel * September 2, 1907 in Berlin ; † August 5, 2000 in Bonn ), Dr. jur., Prussian assessor , leading member of the DBV as well as German representative of the press and information department of the Council of Europe , last Fideikommiss Herr auf Jahnsfelde.


Pfuel came from the old to Jahnsfelde in the Brandenburg Switzerland -based noble family of Pfuel . He was the son of the Dragoons Rittmeister Heino Friedrich (1871-1916), fatally wounded in the First World War (1916) , and Leopoldine (Leonie) von Rohr (1876-1941). His grandfather, the knighthood director Alexander Friedrich von Pfuel (1825–1898), was the son of Lieutenant General Friedrich Heinrich Ludwig von Pfuel , brother of the Prussian Prime Minister Ernst von Pfuel , and Klara Maria, geb. von Rochow (1796–1865), daughter of Caroline de la Motte Fouqué (see, Theodor Fontane : Effi Briest ). Gustav von Pfuel , his grandfather's brother, was the father-in-law of Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg . Pfuel's grandmother Anna (1835–1918) was the daughter of the Prussian general manager of the theater and museums Karl Graf von Brühl and Countess Jenny von Pourtalis (1795–1884) as well as the granddaughter of Hanns Moritz and Christina von Brühl . The electoral Saxon and royal Polish Prime Minister Heinrich Reichsgraf von Brühl and his wife Maria Anna Franziska Countess von Kolowrat-Krakowsky (1717–1762) were their great-grandparents. Pfuel's great-great-grandfather Ludwig von Pfuel , was the court marshal of Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia .


Curt-Christoph von Pfuel and Princess Irena Wassiltschikow , Berlin, 1940

After the early death of his father, Pfuel entered the Knight Academy in Brandenburg Cathedral in 1922 . He then studied law and economics in Lausanne, Geneva, Paris, London, Vienna, Berlin and Göttingen. Then he was a trainee lawyer in Celle and a Prussian assessor in Berlin. During the Second World War , von Pfuel worked in diplomatic services and in the Abwehr (intelligence service) . After his release from captivity, he was head of the press, economy and citizenship affairs department of the district president in Lüneburg from late 1945 to 1949, then head of the press and information office of the German farmers' association . Since the membership of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Council of Europe in 1951, Pfuel has been the German representative of the press and information department of the Council of Europe. In the fifties, Pfuel also took over as federal managing director, together with Walter von Keudell as chairman, the leadership of the Association of Expellees United Country Teams of the Soviet Zone ( VLS ).

Curt-Christoph von Pfuel was the last entrant on Jahnsfelde. In 1945 his castle and manor of 1061 hectares were expropriated without compensation as part of the land reform and the von Pfuel family were expelled.

Pfuel died on August 5, 2000 in Bonn . He was buried in the family funeral in Jahnsfelde.

Pfuel married Blanche Rose Freiin Geyr von Schweppenburg in 1941 (* March 24, 1918 - May 21, 2003), daughter of the general of the tank troop Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg . His sister Anna-Elisabeth (1909-2005) married Julius Freiherr von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen , brother of Gosta von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen (1902-1996), grandmother of the Dutch King Willem-Alexander . His sister Dorothea (1911–1982) married the industrialist ( Röchling ) Achim von Mosch (1898–1945) in 1940 , who had fallen in the Prague uprising ; Nephew of Hermann Röchling and grandson of Carl Röchling . His sister Sieghild (1915–1941) married Christoph Freiherr von Manteuffel (1912–1941), first lieutenant, killed in action before Moscow.

Pfuel had three children. In addition to his daughter Inez, he had a son Friedrich-Christian (* 1942). From 1999 to 2005 he was married to Stephanie von Pfuel , daughter of SS-Sturmbannführer Karl Freiherr Michel von Tüßling . His daughter Alexandra (* 1941) is the mother of the film producer Leopold Hoesch and was the wife of the politician ( FDP ) and factory owner Wolfgang Hoesch (1941–2011), great-grandson of Viktor Hoesch , co-founder of Hoesch AG .

Curt-Christoph von Pfuel had been using the name Graf Bruges-von Pfuel since 1943/44 , after he adopted it in 1943 as the adoptive son of Apollonia Countess von Bruges († 1944).

Awards and honors


  • Congress of Vienna - Treaty of Versailles, a settlement , Verlag für Staatswissenschaften und Geschichte, Berlin 1934
  • Multilateral development aid (attempt at an analysis) , the series: Speaker service on the problem of development policy for lecture, teaching, discussion , German Foundation for Developing Countries, Bonn, 1965
  • The Helsinki Adventure - Opportunities and Dangers of a Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , v. Hase & Koehler Verlag, Mainz 1973 ISBN 3-7758-0855-8
  • A future for our past: on the European Monument Protection Year 1975 , the series: From Politics and Contemporary History , Federal Agency for Civic Education , Bonn, 1975

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Knight academics from Brandenburg an der Havel 1913-1929 (supplements) . Retrieved April 23, 2017.
  2. ^ Albert Oeckl: Pocket book of public life . Festland Verlag GMBH, 1957, p. 315.
  3. Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels Volume XX 1988, p. 333.