Dagmar Reichardt

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Dagmar Reichardt, 2007 (during the awarding of the 34th International Flaiano Prize)

Dagmar Reichardt (born September 25, 1961 in Rome ) is a German cultural scientist .


Dagmar Reichardt grew up as the daughter of a German diplomat in Santiago de Chile and in Rome before starting her international academic career in Germany. In Hamburg she ran the German-Italian cultural magazine Zigzag from 1986 to 1989 in collaboration with Günter Trautmann's chair at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Hamburg . Co- founded, published and edited the Italy magazine . There she also ran the writing workshop with the onomatopoeic title Reiters Ruhm vom Writers' Room eV from 1999–2009 and worked as a translator, book editor, ghostwriter and freelance author. During this time, she published literary books about New German Literature (1991; 1992) as well as an anthology by the Italian Germanist and former member of the Erich Fried Society Cesare Cases in German translation (1996). Further literary translations and critical editions followed, including the volume of poems Himmelsreden (2004) by Giuseppe Bonaviri , the film script Der Heilige Paulus (2007) by Pier Paolo Pasolini , music editions by Etta Scollo (2014) or Marco Beasley (2014) and short texts by Ennio Morricone (2019), Igiaba Scego (2020), Iain Chambers (2020) and Dacia Maraini (2007 and 2020). In addition, Reichardt has been working as a founding author on the German Internet column KulturPort.De since 2009, in which she a. a. regularly publishes articles on cultural-theoretical, philosophical and scientific topics. In total, she has presented over 200 publications to date and was responsible for the publication and editing of around 50 works in the fiction and specialist title sector of the German book market in the years 1987–2004 alone.

Dagmar Reichardt comes from a Huguenot family that can be traced back to the Renaissance, the oldest evidence of which is an epitaph in St. George's Cathedral of Nördlingen , which identifies the former mayor of Nördlingen, Kilian Reichart (d. 1577), as the ancestor of the clan. The German composer and music writer Johann Friedrich Reichardt (1752–1814), who appeared in Königsberg , Halle (Saale) and at the courts of three Prussian kings in Berlin and Potsdam , emerged as the most prominent cultural representative from the later ramifications of the sex . Reichardt's other relatives include the authors Ludwig Tieck , Heinrich von Kleist , who was born in Frankfurt (Oder) , Swiss descendants of the de Pourtalès family, originally from southern France, and the Silesian poet and Romanist Hermann Isaac Emil von Petit (1811–1864).

Scientific career

After studying in New York City in 1980/81 at the Art Students League of New York , Dagmar Reichardt studied Philosophy, Modern German Literature, Romance Studies and Art History at the Universities of Frankfurt / Main , Urbino and Hamburg (here with the German Romance studies specialist Margot Kruse and a student of Jürgen Habermas , the practical philosopher Herbert Schnädelbach ), where she earned her master's degree in linguistics in 1989 with a thesis on the philosophical literature of the northern Italian author Guido Piovene (1907–1974) and in 1999 on the Sicilian writer Giuseppe Bonaviri ( 1924–2009) under Heinz-Willi Wittschier in the Department of Linguistics, Literature and Media Studies (among others with the participation of Christine Landfried and Wolfgang Bartuschat ) before she qualified as a professor in the Netherlands in 2014 (BKO).

She then expanded her studies in Sicily with a project on the cultural hybridity and transculturality of Sicilian island literature, which led to the publication of the interdisciplinary, trilingual volume L'Europa che comincia e finisce: la Sicilia (2006). The work received lively reviews in the international research community and was well received. The Sicilian journalist and writer Giuseppe Quatriglio considers it “a remarkable study [...] with many meritorious and complex research results” ( Giornale di Sicilia , July 4, 2006), while the Italian literary critic Sergio Sciacca considers it “an exceptionally original work [ …] And honors a significant step towards the cultural blueprint of a 'New Europe' ”( La Sicilia , July 21, 2006). The Spanish Italianist Paulino Matas Gil assesses the volume as simply “required reading for international Italian studies” ( Revista de la Sociedad Española de Italianistas , 2005/3). One year after the book was published, Dagmar Reichardt was awarded the Flaiano International Italian Studies Prize in 2007 .

After years as a lecturer and research assistant in the Romance Studies course at the Universities of Hamburg (1997–2003) and Bremen (2001–2008) as well as a visiting professorship in Innsbruck , Reichardt taught Modern Italian Studies from 2008–2012 and European Literature and Cultural Studies at the university from 2012–2016 Groningen in the Netherlands, for which she was awarded the Venia Legendi in the form of the state-certified teaching habilitation (BKO) valid throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands, before she was appointed to the Chair of Media Industry in the International Media and Cultural Management course of the Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga in 2016 , Latvia moved. In addition to her work in research and teaching, she is a member of various scientific associations in Germany, Italy, Austria, the USA and the Benelux countries, and was a member of the scientific advisory boards of the Premio Flaiano (successor to Hans Magnus Enzensberger ) from 2001–2006 , the International Association of Italian University Professors AIPI (since 2006, successor Titus Heydenreich ) and the Austrian-Canadian Society (since 2007). Since 2002 she has initiated, organized and led over 11 international conferences and sections within the framework of world congresses. In addition, she has been working as honorary president of the Swiss Foundation Erica Sauter - FES, based in Geneva, since 2013 . In 2005 and 2007 she was an honorary member of a collaborative scientific advisory board of the Fondazione Salvatore Quasimodo , which, under the patronage of the Italian Cultural Institute in Budapest, presented two multilingual collections of new European poets (2005) and young European authors and theater writers (2007, 2 vols.). In 2005/06 she coordinated the European project Il libro di pietra by the writer Giuseppe Bonaviri for Germany in Arpino in collaboration with the Italian Foreign Ministry and the German poet Matthias Politycki , whom she and a. introduced in Italy. On this occasion she received as part of the XXV. Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas the Cicero Medal of the Lazio Region. She deepened further research in anthologies on Italian literature and film ( Letteratura e cinema , 2014), Italian fashion ( Moda Made in Italy , 2016), the classic Sicilian verist Giovanni Verga ( Verga innovatore / Innovative Verga , 2017), and recent migration history Italy's ( Italia transculturale , 2018) and the transdisciplinary principle of polyphony in Italian music history ( Polifonia musicale , 2020).

Methodologically, Reichardt primarily deals critically with transcultural, sociological and historical power discourses as well as with the relationship between regional, national and global identities, especially in European modern literature as well as in the areas of transmedia cultural management and comparative globalization studies. A central thesis of Reichardt states the didactic relevance of a paradigm shift in the humanities by means of transcultural studies, whereby it primarily refers to a historically grown, European conviviality model in globalized postmodernism.

Research priorities

  • Media and culture management
  • Digital humanities
  • Cultural digital market
  • Comparative European Studies, 19th - 21st Centuries
  • Comparative, narratological and imagological approaches: word-image relations
  • Poststructuralism, Postcolonialism and Transculturality
  • Discourse analyzes (especially domination, globalization and intermediality discourses)
  • Literary sociology and production aesthetics

Works (selection)

  • Cultura / Kultur , bilingual chapter (Italian-German) jointly written and edited. with Elena Agazzi, in: Manuale Italo-Tedesco. German-Italian manual , ed. from the German-Italian Center Villa Vigoni, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 1990, pp. 150-218 (a slightly revised 2nd edition was adopted by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany), ISBN 3-7890-2152-0 .
  • New German literature. Yearbook 1991. Selected texts by new and well-known authors, edited by Dagmar Reichardt , Hamburg: Edition Dax, 1991, ISBN 3-88697-006-X .
  • New German literature. Yearbook 1992. Selected texts by new and well-known authors, edited by Dagmar Reichardt , Hamburg: Edition Dax, 1992, ISBN 3-88697-020-5 .
  • Retelling by: Charles Dickens. David Copperfield , Xenos Jugendklassiker, Xenos, Hamburg 1992, ISBN 3-8212-1098-2 .
  • Goodbye, you Loreley braids. About Germany, the Germans and German literature by Cesare Cases, transl., Ed. and with an afterword by Dagmar Reichardt, Hamburg: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1996, ISBN 3-434-50094-4 .
  • The fantastic Sicily Giuseppe Bonaviris. First-person narrator and spatial representation in his narrative work , Frankfurt a. M./Berlin/Bern u. a .: Peter Lang, 2000, ISBN 3-631-36240-4 .
  • "La cultura italiana in Germania" , in: La cultura italiana nel mondo. Atti del Convegno internazionale. Con la partecipazione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Pescara 12-13 luglio 2001 , ed. by Premi Internazionali Ennio Faliano, under the auspices of the Italian President, Pescara: Ediars, 2001, pp. 34–42.
  • Il dire celeste. Lirica di Bonaviri / Heavenly Speeches. Poetry by Bonaviri by Giuseppe Bonaviri, transl., Annotated and with a foreword by Dagmar Reichardt, ed. by Irmela Arnsperger, Dagmar Reichardt and Bernd Mayer, Stuttgart: Commedia & Arte, 2004, ISBN 3-924244-36-7 .
  • Italian biographies in German 1980-2004 , together with Sabine Witt, Essen: Perelmuter, 2005, ISBN 3-00-015353-5 .
  • L'Europa che comincia e finisce: la Sicilia. Approcci transculturali alla letteratura siciliana. Contributions to the transcultural approach to Sicilian literature. Contributions to a Transcultural Approach to Sicilian Literature , trilingual anthology ed. and with a foreword by Dagmar Reichardt, Frankfurt a. M./Berlin/Bern u. a .: Peter Lang, 2006, ISBN 3-631-54941-5 .
  • Saint Paul by Pier Paolo Pasolini, film script with a foreword by Dacia Maraini, transl., Ed. and with a critical commentary by Dagmar Reichardt and Reinhold Zwick, Marburg: Schüren Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89472-495-5 .
  • Histoires inventées. La représentation du passé et de l'histoire dans les littératures française et francophones , ed. by Elisabeth Arend, Dagmar Reichardt and Elke Richter, Frankfurt a. M./Berlin/Bern u. a .: Peter Lang, 2007, ISBN 978-3-631-56966-5 .
  • Congress volume Tempo e memoria nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana , (co-editor), 4 volumes, online publication 2009, ISBN 978-90-8142-540-7 .
  • Le relazioni culturali italo-tedesche , in: Manuale di civiltà italiana. Materiali ed approcci didattici , ed. by Anne Begenat-Neuschäfer, in collaboration with Christiane Eck, Giuseppe Messuti, Federico Navire and Melinda Veggian, Frankfurt a. M./Berlin/Bern et al .: Peter Lang, 2010, pp. 487-510, ISBN 978-3-631-57880-3 .
  • Letteratura e cinema , ed. by Alberto Bianchi and Dagmar Reichardt, Florence: Franco Cesati Editore, 2014, ISBN 978-88-7667-501-0 .
  • Moda Made in Italy , ed. by Dagmar Reichardt and Carmela D'Angelo, with an interview with Dacia Maraini, Florence: Cesati Editore, 2016, ISBN 978-88-7667-576-8 .
  • Verga innovatore / Innovative Verga: L'opera caleidoscopica di Giovanni Verga in chiave iconica, sinergica e transculturale / The kaleidoscopic work of Giovanni Verga in iconic, synergetic and transcultural terms , trilingual anthology ed. and with an introduction by Dagmar Reichardt and Lia Fava Guzzetta, with a foreword by Rita Venturelli (Istituto Italiano di Cultura Amsterdam), vol. 1 of the book series Transcultural Studies - Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) ed. by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Frankfurt a. M. et al .: Peter Lang, 2016, ISBN 978-3-631-71485-0 .
  • Article “On the theory of a transcultural Francophonie” by Dagmar Reichardt in PhiN. Philology on the Net , 38/2006, Free University of Berlin; published in French under the title “La Francophonie du Nord au Sud: Manifestations du transculturel dans la littérature et le théâtre francophones” in relief. Revue électronique de littérature française , Vol. 5, 2/2011, Utrecht University, online at www.revue-relief.org; published in English under the title “On the Theory of a Transcultural Francophony. The Concept of Wolfgang Welsch and its Didactic Interest ”, in Transnational 20th Century. Literatures, Arts and Cultures , 1/1 (March 2017), Università La Sapienza (Rome / Italy), pp. 40–56 online .
  • Italia transculturale. Il sincretismo italofono come modello eterotopico , ed. by Dagmar Reichardt and Nora Moll, Florence: Franco Cesati Editore, 2018, ISBN 978-88-7667-716-8 .
  • Paradigmi di violenza e transculturalità: il caso italiano (1990-2015). Atti del convegno a Villa Vigoni, 8-10 October 2014 , ed. and with a foreword by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa, Nora Moll and Franca Sinopoli, Vol. 2 of the book series Transcultural Studies - Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) ed. by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al .: Peter Lang, 2018, ISBN 978-3-631-65915-1 .
  • Igiaba Scego: Würstchen , in: KulturPort.De , February 3, 2020 [translation of the short story Salsicce (2005) by Igiaba Scego from Italian into German].
  • Polifonia musicale. Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale , ed. and with a foreword by Dagmar Reichardt, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Donatella Brioschi and Mariella Martini-Merschmann, with a foreword by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, with an interview with the Sicilian-German singer-songwriter Etta Scollo , Florence: Francoati Editore , (Civiltà italiana, vol. 32), 2020, ISBN 978-88-7667-826-4 .

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