Danwitz (noble family)

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Coat of arms of the von Danwitz

Danwitz (also Danewitz, Danawitz, Dannwitz or Dannewitz) is the name of an old noble family with Polish-Silesian origins.


Silesian line

According to family tradition, the progenitor of the Danwitz family accompanied the Bohemian King and Roman-German Emperor Karl IV , who became sovereign of Silesia after the death of his father Johann von Luxemburg in 1346 , on a boar hunt there. A wounded boar put Karl's life in danger. Danwitz saved Karl by gripping the boar with his armored fist so that he could be killed by the other companions. In gratitude, the savior was raised to the nobility and given the coat of arms.

The family continued to be called Semislowski for a long time and originally came to Silesia from Poland. It is related to the noble family of those von Stwolinsky and Michelsdorf and carried the same coat of arms. From 1493 at the latest, the Danwitz were listed as princely officials (Balthasar von Danwitz, captain and ducal councilor of Brieg ) and landlords in the duchies of Oels , Breslau , Liegnitz , Ratibor and Opole .

Goods of the Danwitz in this region were among other things

  • Michelsdorf (Liegnitz)
  • Ellguth ( Kreuzburg )
  • Goschütz (Wartenberg)
  • Giersdorf
  • Johnsdorf (Liegnitz)
  • Karbischau (Falkenberg)
  • Odersch ( Ratibor )
  • Steinersdorf ( Namslau )
  • Reinersdorf (Brieg)
  • Ohnsdorf
  • Bischofsdorf
  • Lips

In 1661 Joachim von Danwitz was buried in the parish church in Brieg , so the Silesian line died out.

Lower Austrian line

A branch of the family had existed in Lower Austria since the 16th century at the latest. Balthasar II von Danwitz, Herr zu Aichbichl, from Karbischau (Silesia) was colonel , kitchen master and staple master for the Archdukes Matthias and Maximilian of Austria as early as 1589 . In 1593 he went with Archduke Matthias via Cologne to the Netherlands. Other members of the family also served with the archdukes.

Lower Rhine line

The Gelleshof in Kehn.

After his time with Archduke Matthias in the Netherlands in 1584, Ludwig von Danwitz was in command of the electoral Cologne garrison at Clörath Castle . He married Anna von Hüls, the heiress of the Etgenhof (Gelleshof). The Gelleshof had been a Cologne noble fiefdom since ancient times, fiefdomed from the von Hüls family. With this court Ludwig was enfeoffed by the elector and archbishop Ernst . Ludwig thus ended his military career and now ran the farm. Another line was thus established on the Lower Rhine. In addition to the Gelleshof, other courtyards came into the possession of the family , although they were not knightly seats , mostly through marriage. The farms came into the possession of the next generation via inheritance regulations, whereby the farms usually went to male descendants. The other children were paid in cash or in kind or were given other farms owned by the respective family. The family is still based on the Lower Rhine to this day. The information is very well documented, including in documents and files at the Harterhof and in the parish archive.

House von Danwitz, Anrath, with coat of arms above the entrance.
House von Danwitz, Anrath, with coat of arms above the entrance.

In addition to the courtyards, municipal houses are also associated with the name Danwitz, such as the house at Viersener Straße 22 in Anrath , which is decorated with the coat of arms of the von Danwitz family. It was built in the 18th century. The front with the high windows and the outside staircase dates from the end of the 19th century. At that time it belonged to Jakob von Danwitz (1845–1922), Herr auf Gelleshof, who in 1900 with his wife Elisabeth, born in Anrath, was born. Greedily, moved to Anrath.


Excerpt from the topographical survey (approx. 1810) with the Gelleshof

The history of Danwitz on the Lower Rhine is closely linked to the fiefdom of the Etgenhof manor, later called Gelleshof, in Kehn . Location:

The Gelleshof was a noble residence and was enfeoffed as such by the Duke of Electorate of Cologne. The feudal men of the Gelleshof are shown in bold. After Kurköln was annexed to France , the feudal system was abolished and the court allodized . The owners of the farm are shown in italics. Before the Gelleshof, the Huverhof fell into the family and became the retirement home of Ludwig and Anna.

Just like the Gelleshof, the Huverhof still exists today. Location:

Ludwig von Danwitz
† 1616 Huverhof
⚭ 1584 Anna von Hüls
⚭ Maria tho Conhausen
Görd (Gottfried) Gellofs von Danwitz
† 1637 Gelleshof
Gertrud von Danwitz
Margaretha von Danwitz
Mathias von Danwitz
see Kauertzhof
⚭ Maria Nicker
Ludwig von Danwitz
† 1647
Johann von Danwitz
Peter von Danwitz von der Lipp
⚭ 1. Anna Grungs
† 1686
⚭ 2. Christine Müller
Margaretha von Danwitz
Johann von Danwitz
* 1658
Etgen von Danwitz
† 1684
Mathias von Danwitz von der Lipp
⚭ Anna Katharina Dückers
† 1726
Gotthard von Danwitz
eight other children
⚭ Maria Heinkes
Wolter von Danwitz called Grungs
1688–1752 Grungshof
Peter von Danwitz
† 1753
Johann von Danwitz
† 1760
⚭ 1721 Cunigunde Bücker
Gertrud von Danwitz
Anna von Danwitz
see Grungshof
⚭ Magdalena Stieger
Jakob von Danwitz
Peter von Danwitz
eight other children
Johann Hubert von Danwitz
Johann Heinrich von Danwitz
† 1814
Anna Maria Strumps
⚭ Anna Catharina Polls
Peter Gottfried von Danwitz
Johann Heinrich von Danwitz
Peter Michael von Danwitz
⚭ Mechtilde Schronnes
Peter Jakob von Danwitz
⚭ 1879 Elisabeth Gierlichs
Peter Jakob von Danwitz (1845–1922)

Johann Hubert von Danwitz was the last to be enfeoffed with the Gelleshof. In 1790 he had tried to enfeoff the Donk family , but this was unsuccessful in the transition period to French rule, which abolished the feudal system. His brother eventually bought the Gelleshof and was the first owner after the fiefdom ended. Peter Jakob von Danwitz was married to Elisabeth, the eldest daughter of Carl Josef Gierlich, mayor of Anrath and Willich, and died childless. The Gelleshof was sold to the Danwitz family after his death. A niece, Katharina Hooymann, b. von Danwitz, who leased the Gelleshof.


Mathias von Danwitz, Ludwig's son, married Maria Nicker, the heiress of the Kauertzhof, which then fell to the family. This farm is not identical to today's Kauertzhof in Süchteln. It only fell to the Kauertz family in the 19th century and was then given the name Kauertzhof.


Through Anna Grungs and their wedding to Peter von Danwitz, the Grungshof came into the Danwitz family. Peter initially passed it on to his daughter Etgen, who died in 1684. In 1687 Peter passed it on to his son Mathias. Mathias finally bequeathed the Grungshof to his son Wolter, who was later also called Wolter Grungs. The owners of the Grungshof are shown in bold.

Today the Grungshof is called Grundshof and still exists in Kehn. Location:

Wolter von Danwitz called Grungs
1688–1752 Grungshof
⚭ Maria Heinkes
† 1744
Peter (Petrus) von Danwitz
see Kappertzhof
Heinrich (Henricus) von Danwitz
see Harterhof
Mathias von Danwitz
† 1782
⚭ 1737 Sophia Mennikes
Engen von Danwitz
Belgen from Danwitz
Gertrud von Danwitz
† 1791
three other children who died early
⚭ Anna Maria Hoff
Johann von Danwitz
⚭ Anna Catharina Heimers
see Heimershof
Jakob von Danwitz
Johann Wilhelm von Danwitz
* 1828
Anna Christina von Danwitz
* 1830
Mathias von Danwitz
* 1834
Anna Margaretha von Danwitz


The heir to the Harterhof in Kehn, Agnes Petronella, married Henricus von Danwitz in 1737 at the age of 19. Henricus then called himself Henricus Harter after his new court. The Harterhof was curious , it belonged to Mr. von Liedberg at that time . Henricus was elected Scheffe der Honschaft Kehn in 1744 . As the first-born, Andreas von Danwitz was originally intended to be the heir of the Harterhof. However, he married the heiress of Nebbershof, Anna Margaretha Pastern, and took it over. The owners of the Harterhof are shown in bold.

The Harterhof still exists in Kehn today and is owned by the family of Wilhelm von Danwitz (1933–2015). Location:

Henricus von Danwitz called Harter
⚭ 1737 Agnes Petronella
⚭ Anna Margaretha Pastern
* 1742
Andreas (Andres) von Danwitz
Johann Mathias von Danwitz
Anna Maria von Danwitz
* 1743
see Dommershof
Sibilla von Danwitz
* 1746
Anna Gertrud von Danwitz
* 1748
Mathias von Danwitz
* 1752
see Gierlingshof
Ludwig von Danwitz
* 1755
Peter Gotthard von Danwitz
* 1757
Henricus (Heinrich) Conrad von Danwitz called Harter-Schwyzer
three other children who died early
Johann Andreas von Danwitz called Nebbers
Maria Frame
† 1843
other children see Nebbershof
Johann Conrad von Danwitz
⚭ 1850 Eva Catharina Sterken
* 1819–1902
other children see Nebbershof
Heinrich Conrad Gustav von Danwitz
* 1858
Maria Catherina Alwine von Danwitz
* 1858
see Sterkenhof
Christian Joseph Rudolf von Danwitz
⚭ Maria
Wilhelm von Danwitz
Gustav von Danwitz


Peter (Petrus) von Danwitz married Margarethe Kappertz in 1732, the heiress of the Kappertzhof, which fell to him. He was Scheffe in the Oedt office and church master in Anrath. Location of the Kappertzhof:

The Kappertzhof, one of the largest farms in Clörath, fell victim to a hurricane in 1891 and was no longer rebuilt.

Peter von Danwitz
⚭ 1732 Margarethe Kappertz
Wilhemus von Danwitz
* 1734
Mathias von Danwitz
* 1736
Anna Maria von Danwitz
* 1739
Wolterus von Danwitz
Anna Margaretha von Danwitz
* 1734
Petrus Jacobus von Danwitz
* 1749
Jois Mathias von Danwitz
* 1753
Adelheidis von Danwitz


Mathias von Danwitz married Elisabeth Gierlings in 1790, the heiress of the Gierlingshof near Benrath (also called Gielingshof). Location:

The mirror-inverted family coat of arms is attached to the building above the gate entrance.


Sterkenhof, Anrath - Willich
Sterkenhof, Anrath - Willich

Eva Catharina Sterken was the heiress of the Sterkenhof in Anrath, also known as Saaßenhof. Location:

She brought this with her when she married Johann Conrad von Danwitz. It was inherited by daughter Maria Catherina Alwine von Danwitz, who leased it to her brother Heinrich Conrad Gustav von Danwitz. Alwine married Albert Saaßen. Her son was Konrad Saaßen , district president of Trier.


Former location of the Nebbershof in Hüls. In purple the new road situation and the parcels.

By marrying Anna Margaretha Pastern, Andreas von Danwitz received the Nebbershof in Hüls . Location:

The Nebbershof or Nebberhof was part of the Benrath family. In 1836 it was classified as arable land with a residential building, three agricultural buildings with 15 residents. The courtyard was demolished in 1990 in the course of the construction of the substation and the reorganization of the road network with the new construction of Venloer Strasse and the relocation of Krüserstrasse. The illustration shows the location of the former Nebberhof and the former course of the streets and paths.

⚭ Anna Margaretha Pastern
* 1742
Andreas (Andres) von Danwitz
Johann Andreas von Danwitz called Nebbers
Maria Rehnen † 1843
Peter Heinrich (Henricus) von Danwitz
† at Nebbershof
Maria Catharina von Danwitz
Johann Conrad von Danwitz
see Harterhof
Peter Heinrich Andreas Jakob von Danwitz
Anna Margaretha von Danwitz
Anna Sibilla Ludovika
Johann Mathias Jakob von Danwitz
Anna Catharina von Danwitz
Gottfried Hubert von Danwitz
* 1831
A. Glennes
Catharina Gertrud von Danwitz
Andreas Heinrich Ludwig von Danwitz
Conrad Andreas von Danwitz


Anna Maria von Danwitz vom Harterhof married Conrad Dommers vom Dommershof in Hüls in 1767. Location:

Anna Maria's brother, Ludwig, wanted to be a pastor. However, since he wanted to remain independent of the bishop's orders, he could only be ordained if he could prove enough of his own assets so that the bishop did not have to look after him. He then had the right to look for a job he wished. For this reason, his brother-in-law Conrad Dommers and his wife signed the Dommershof over to him so that he had enough income. At the time, Dommershof comprised 11 acres of land. The transfer took place in 1779, Ludwig was a clergyman in Vorst all his life.

Later, Conrad Andreas von Danwitz vom Nebbershof owned the Dommershof, which is still owned by the Danwitz family today. Jakob von Danwitz, Mayor of Vorst , after whom the square in Tönisvorst is named, belonged to the Dommershof house. One of his grandchildren is Karl-Ludwig von Danwitz , who settled as a farmer in Wintermoor .

Conrad Andreas von Danwitz
⚭ Anna Catharina Loers
1833 / 34–1859
Peter Conrad Otto von Danwitz
* 1860
Johann Julius von Danwitz
Jakob von Danwitz
⚭ Maria Bürgers
Johannes von Danwitz
⚭ 1963 Maria Beaupoil
* 1934
Karl-Ludwig von Danwitz
* 1958
Hans-Otto von Danwitz
Maria von Danwitz
Christof von Danwitz
* 1964
Manfred von Danwitz
* 1966
Alexandra von Danwitz
* 1971


The Heimershof in Hagen.

Jakob von Danwitz, the owner of the Grungshof, married Anna Catharina Heimers, who brought the Heimerhof and the Spenneshof into the marriage. Their children Johann Wilhelm, Mathias, Anna Christina and Anna Margaretha later jointly owned the Heimershof and Spenneshof.

The Heimershof is still in Hagen today . Location:

The Spenneshof (also called Spinneshof) was also originally in Hagen. It was moved to the Lower Rhine Open Air Museum . Former location:

coat of arms

The coat of arms shows in silver a red arm bent upwards, the hand of which grasps a black boar's head on the lower jaw. On the helmet with black-and-silver covers a silver swan .

A depiction of the striking coat of arms is already recorded in the Armorial Gelre , folio 54r. According to Johannes Baptista Rietstap's Armorial général, those of Danwitz (Danewitz or Danwitz-Zwyslowski), thus with their branch of Michelsdorf, belong to the Polish coat of arms community Świnka.

Further members of the noble family

  • Karl-Ludwig von Danwitz (* 1958), German politician (CDU) and farmer.
  • Ludwig von Danwitz (1910–1981), German journalist and radio editor
  • Jakob von Danwitz, mayor and honorary citizen of Vorst
  • Thomas von Danwitz (* 1962), German legal scholar
  • Johanne Pauline von Danwitz (* 1995), German Junior European Champion Dressage 2013

Web links

Commons : Folio 54r de l'Armorial de Gelre  - Album with images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. a b Leopold von Ledebur: Adelslexikon der Prussischen Monarchy . Rauh, 1854.
  2. a b Franz Karl Wissgrill: scene of the rural Lower Austrian nobility from the lordship and knighthood from the 11th century up to the present day: vol. IV. printedbey F. Seizer, 1795.
  3. a b c Title sagas of gender, name and coat of arms of the nobility of the German nation . Dresden 1876.
  4. a b Silesian curiosities, including the respectable families of the Silesian nobility with a narration of the origin, the coat of arms, genealogies (etc.) . Butcher, 1720.
  5. Anrath Monuments
  6. ^ Viersener Str. In: Anrath . October 2, 2014 ( wordpress.com [accessed October 2, 2017]).
  7. a b c d U. and V. In: Totenzettelsammlung . April 24, 2016 ( wordpress.com [accessed September 25, 2017]).
  8. Manor House Donk and Gelleshof . In: Heimathskunde: Zeitschr. for the Lower Rhine. History and Antiquity . Lentzen, Fischeln 1879.
  9. Heiress of the Gelleshof
  10. Married Jakob tho Conhausen vom Conhäuserhof in Anrath, also called Könserhof. Location: ,
  11. Heiress of the Kauertzhof.
  12. Peter von Danwitz as well as his son Mathias took the name von der Lipp for themselves because they claimed the Silesian estate of Lips, since the Danwitz family died out there.
  13. Heiress of the Grungshof
  14. owner of Dahlerhofs in Nice (Viersen) . Location:
  15. Klöckner & Mausberg (ed.): Niederrheinischer Geschichtsfreund . Kempen 1882.
  16. ^ Biography of Carl Josef Gierlich
  17. Kitty Rehmer, Der Gelleshof im Kehn with his Berfes, in: Der Forstwald, Mitteilungen des Bürgererverein, Issue No. 11, year 1982.
  18. Monuments in the city of Viersen. Retrieved September 28, 2017 .
  19. a b The electoral cologne fief Etgenhof near Vorst, in: Die Heimath Wochenblatt for customers of the Lower Rhine. History, Verlag H. Keussen, Krefeld, 1875.
  20. All siblings shared the Heimershof and Spenneshof.
  21. ^ Obituary notice of Wilhelm von Danwitz in the Rheinische Post
  22. Heiress of the Nebbershof.
  23. Wedding with Ww. Gierlichs at the Gierlichshof (Hüls) 1774
  24. Marriage to Conrad Dommers in 1767
  25. Wedding with Johannes Jakobs on Stock 1776
  26. Vicar in Vorst, hence formal takeover of the Dommerhof from Conrad Dommers in 1779
  27. Henricus Conrad was just like his father Scheffe in the Honschaft Kehn.
  28. Ludwig von Danwitz (1739–1740), Wolter von Danwitz (1750–1789), Gotthardus Joseph von Danwitz (1764–1769)
  29. Henricus Conrad died childless, the Harterhof was inherited by his siblings Mathias, Anna Maria, Andreas and their children. Andreas' son, Johann Conrad received his third. He bought the rest of the inheritance or received it as a gift so that he could take over the entire Harterhof.
  30. Married to Dorothee
  31. Norbert Müller: Beauties of the Lower Rhine. Retrieved September 28, 2017 .
  32. Married to Hermannus Griven in 1769.
  33. ^ Married newcomers.
  34. Married Foosen.
  35. Unterwieden_Gierlingshof. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 25, 2017 ; Retrieved September 25, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / castlephoto.ddns.net
  36. 06. Holterhöfe . In: Anrath . January 19, 2016 ( wordpress.com [accessed September 25, 2017]).
  37. Biography Konrad Saaßen ( Memento from August 22, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  38. ^ Johann Georg von Viebahn: Statistics and topography of the government district of Düsseldorf . tape 1 . Carpenter, 1836.
  39. Married to P.Johann Levkes (1822–1883) on the Levkeshof, now called Lefkeshof in Hüls. Location:
  40. Married to Edmund Schleupen on the Wegerhof (Vorst).
  41. Also Levkeshof (sleeve).
  42. Married to Luise Esser, 1843–1912 in Großheide near Mönchengladbach. Children Ludwig (1895–1921), Hubert (* 1893) and Hugo (1870–1937)
  43. Married to Anna Catharina Loers on the Dommershof (Vorst).
  44. Christof von Danwitz Agricultural enterprise Dommershof - Tönisvorst. Retrieved September 25, 2017 .
  45. HGC Oteman: Parenteel van NN Hünnekes. Archived from the original on September 28, 2017 ; accessed on September 28, 2017 .
  46. Whispers: Chocolate, sparkling wine and a gift basket . In: Westdeutsche Zeitung . January 11, 2015 ( wz.de [accessed October 1, 2017]).
  47. Pig fattening facility . In: Archive Wintermoor . ( archiv-wintermoor.de [accessed October 1, 2017]).
  48. Mayor (from 1952) and honorary citizen of Vorst.
  49. ^ Pastor in Düren.
  50. Niederrheinisches-Freilichtmuseum.de. Retrieved September 27, 2017 .
  51. ^ Armorial Europe Rietstap. Retrieved October 1, 2017 .
  52. Wladcy: herb Świnka. Retrieved October 1, 2017 .