The murderer of women in Paris

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German title The murderer of women in Paris
Original title Landru
Country of production France , Italy
original language French
Publishing year 1962
length 120 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Claude Chabrol
script Françoise Sagan
production Carlo Ponti
Georges de Beauregard
music Pierre Jansen
camera Jean Rabier
cut Jacques Gaillard

The Woman Killer of Paris (original title: Landru , released in the United States as Bluebeard ) is a French film directed by Claude Chabrol in 1962. The film is based on the case of the serial killer Henri Désiré Landru .


In order to be able to support his family, antique dealer Landru murders rows of well-heeled women whom he inherits. He was arrested in 1919 and executed in 1922 for the murder of ten women and a boy, although he never confessed.


“ Conceived by Claude Chabrol and Francoise Sagan as a black comedy and linked to genocide legitimized by the state through the insertion of World War II scenes. A deliberately decadent game with basic human values. "

“Chabrol does not approach the subject in a documentary form, [...] but rather in the form of an exaggerated satire [...] here the 'few' murders of an individual are set in relation to the mass deaths of a world war. This film opened a phase in Chabrol's work in which, to the horror of the criticism, he turned to more commercial material. "

- Arne Laser : The big film lexicon: all top films from A – Z

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Film on June 21, 2010 8:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
  2. ^ The murderer of women in Paris. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. a b c Dirk Manthey, Jörg Altendorf, Willy Loderhose (eds.): The large film lexicon. All top films from A-Z . Second edition, revised and expanded new edition. Verlagsgruppe Milchstraße, Hamburg 1995, ISBN 3-89324-126-4 , p. 970 .