The homage to the arts

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Title: The homage to the arts
Genus: A lyrical game
Original language: German
Author: Friedrich von Schiller
Publishing year: 1804
Premiere: November 12, 1804
Place of premiere: Weimar Court Theater
  • father
  • mother
  • youth
  • girl
  • Choir of Country People
  • genius
  • The seven arts
Gable of the Duisburg City Theater with a quote from the "Homage to the Arts"

The Tribute to the Arts is a dramatic poem by Friedrich von Schiller . It was premiered in Weimar on November 12, 1804 in honor of Hereditary Princess Maria Pavlovna , daughter of the Russian Tsar Paul I , and is Schiller's last dramatic work.


A peasant family wants to hold a big festival in honor of their new queen to give her a dignified welcome. A tree is planted as a symbol of home. The seven arts appear: architecture , sculpture , painting , poetry , music , dance and the art of acting . You take over the greeting of the new ruler. The final sentence of the poem expresses Friedrich Schiller's artistic credo:

Because out of the beautifully united striving / rises, effective, only true life

To the formation

The Hereditary Prince Friedrich von Weimar had married Maria Paulowna (sister of Tsar Alexander I ). At that time Schiller worked with Johann Wolfgang Goethe at the Weimar court theater and was commissioned to write a small play on the occasion of the couple's solemn entry. The homage to the arts came about - under great time pressure - in just four days.

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