The Left Bavaria

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The Left Bavaria
Die Linke logo.svg
Chairperson Ates Gürpinar
Eva Bulling-Schröter
Treasurer Hermann Ruttmann
Establishment date September 15, 2007
Place of foundation Zirndorf
Headquarters Munich
Landtag mandates
Number of members 3,147 (as of end of 2016)

Die Linke Bayern (spelling: DIE LINKE. Bayern) is the regional association of the German party Die Linke in the Free State of Bavaria . According to its own information, it has 3,147 members (as of the end of 2017).


The party Die Linke was created on June 16, 2007 through the merger of the parties WASG (Labor & Social Justice - Die Wahlalternative) and the Linkspartei.PDS , after they had already cooperated nationwide in the 2005 Bundestag election under the name Die Linkspartei.PDS in Bavaria had started with a common list. However, the merger almost failed even at the federal level because the PDS-internal critics of the alliance failed to put two candidates for third and fourth place in the WASG's list, and instead nominated Kornelia Möller and Markus Bansemir from their own ranks. The state election campaign manager Sepp Obermeier, who is one of the merger critics, later not only attacked the WASG federal spokesman Klaus Ernst, who was in first place, but also almost brought the merger to failure by "mistaking" the state list with that of the WASG categorically rejected addition "PDS" reported to the electoral authority and therefore had to resign as campaign manager. On September 15, 2007, the Bavarian State Association was founded in Zirndorf as a merger of the two Bavarian state associations of the WASG and the Linkspartei.PDS.

In Bavaria, unlike in the majority of the federal states and in the federal government, the left is monitored by the protection of the constitution . In addition to the communist platform , the Bavarian Constitutional Protection Report 2016 also described the youth organization Linksjugend Solid and the student association Die Linke.SDS as openly extremist structures that are trying to influence the party. The State Office estimates the number of members in these structures at 900.

State and district elections

The regional association competed for the first time in the state elections in Bavaria in 2008 and achieved a result of 4.4%. A total of five seats could be obtained in the election for the district assembly .

In the state elections in Bavaria in 2013 , the state association of Bavaria missed the party Die Linke with a result of 2.2% in the Bavarian state parliament. In contrast, five of the 195 mandates awarded were won in the district elections, which took place at the same time.

In the state elections in Bavaria in 2018 , the state association failed because of the 5% hurdle , but was able to improve the election result compared to the last election. In the district assembly elections, the number of seats was doubled, from 5 to 10. The party is represented in all seven district assemblies for the first time.

European, Bundestag and local elections

European Parliament

The party's Bavarian regional association was represented in the European Parliament by Thomas Handel until 2019 . Handel was a member of the European United Left / Nordic Greens group and chaired the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL).

Bundestag elections

In the 2009 federal election attracted over the national list with Klaus Ernst , Nicole Gohlke , Eva Bulling-Schröter , Harald Weinberg , Kornelia Möller and Alexander Süßmair six deputies for the National Association in the Bundestag.

In the 2013 federal election , Möller and Süßmair lost their seats, the other four managed to get back.

In 2017 , the regional association won seven seats in the Bundestag. Currently Klaus Ernst , Nicole Gohlke , Susanne Ferschl , Harald Weinberg , Simone Barrientos , Andreas Wagner and Eva Schreiber represent the regional association in the Bundestag.

Municipal mandates

In the Bavarian local elections on March 16, 2014 , Die Linke won 21 of around 5,500 district council and city council mandates in the districts and cities. In Ingolstadt, both left city councilors moved to the Ingolstadt community in 2015 . In Augsburg, the former member of the Bundestag Alexander Süßmair resigned from the party in 2017, taking his city council mandate with him.

In the local elections on March 15, 2020, Die Linke won a total of 70 seats in the district assemblies and in the city councils of the independent cities.

State Board

At the state party conference in Eching on 10./11. November 2018 has DIE LINKE. Bavaria elected a new party executive. The previous country spokeswoman Uschi Maxim no longer competed. Ates Gürpinar and Eva Bulling-Schröter are new state spokespersons . Herrmann Ruttmann was elected treasurer. The youth policy spokesmen Eva Kappl and Marius J. Brey, nominated by the youth association Linksjugend Solid , were also confirmed by the party congress. Susanne Ferschl , Debora Pihan and Josef Illsanker complete the state executive board. Simone Barrientos , Uschi Maxim, Eva Schreiber , Johanna Schulz, Oswald Greim and Niklas Haupt were elected to the extended state board. The state executive committee now has 14 members and is elected for two years.


Individual evidence

  1. "The seat of the regional association is Munich." (§ 1 paragraph 3 of the "Statutes of the Bavarian regional association of the DIE LINKE party")
  2. ^ Oskar Niedermayer : Party members according to federal states. Federal Agency for Civic Education , July 8, 2017, accessed on August 25, 2017 .
  3. ^ DIE LINKE: membership numbers . DIE LINKE, December 31, 2017, accessed on September 25, 2018 .
  4. ^ The statute of the Left Party: § 1 Paragraph 1 ( Memento of October 7, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 86 kB)
  5. Established behavior among the new left. SZ of July 7, 2005, p. 37.
  6. Left alliance on the brink
  7. ^ The cooperation between the PDS and the WASG on the 2005 Bundestag election, p. 82.
  8. Bavaria's PDS tricked leftists
  9. THE LEFT. Regional Association of Bavaria: Founding party conference. (No longer available online.) In: Archived from the original on August 25, 2016 ; Retrieved August 25, 2016 .
  10. " Enemies of the Constitution" - Bavaria wants to keep the left under observation. Focus Online, January 24, 2013
  11. ^ Constitutional Protection Report 2016 , Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport, April 2016, p. 219 ff.
  12. State election 2008 - Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing. Retrieved October 14, 2018 .
  13. District elections in Bavaria since 1954. Retrieved on October 14, 2018 .
  14. State election 2013 - Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing. Retrieved October 14, 2018 .
  15. State election - results in the table view for Bavaria. Retrieved October 14, 2018 .
  16. Thomas HÄNDEL. In: Retrieved August 25, 2016 .
  17. 76 in "17." , Disput October 2009, PDF, pp. 12-14
  18. Sussmair goes away laughing. He leaves the Bundestag. In: Retrieved August 25, 2016 .
  19. THE LEFT. Regional Association of Bavaria: In the Bundestag. Retrieved October 9, 2017 .
  20. ^ The State Returning Officer: Seats in the election of the city councils in the independent cities and in the election of the district assemblies in the districts on March 16, 2014 ( German , PDF) Bavarian State Office for Statistics Retrieved August 26, 2016.
  21. ^ Augsburg: Why Left City Councilor Süßmair is leaving the party , Augsburger Allgemeine , January 1, 2018
  22. State Returning Officer Bavaria: Election of city councils and district assemblies (final result)
  23. ^ State executive committee DIE LINKE. Bavaria. Retrieved January 15, 2019 .