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Coordinates: 49 ° 32 '  N , 11 ° 57'  E

The hamlet Dienhof between the municipal seat Hirschau and the south of it already in the district Weiher lying district Kricklhof

Dienhof is a hamlet and district of the town of Hirschau in the district of Amberg-Sulzbach in the Upper Palatinate in Bavaria . It has 34 inhabitants (2011).

Dienhof is not an officially named part of the municipality and was never officially identified as such in earlier place lists. In statistical surveys, its population was and is included in that of the district of Hirschau.

origin of the name

According to the dialect pronunciation, the name Tieno could be inferred. Dienhof would have been the court of a Tieno. In 1630 a field on the Dienhoff is mentioned, in 1835 a field name Dünnhof. In a directory from 1862 the Dienhof is referred to as Hirschau, house number 229, and in 1865 as house number 246 in Hirschau / Dienhof. In 1916 the last deviation from today's spelling is documented. This is Dinhof.


The hamlet is located about four kilometers south of Hirschau, 150 m west of AS 18. East of Dienhof is an industrial park of the same name and 500 m south of the hamlet of Kricklhof .


The place still consisted of a farm in the middle of the 19th century. In 1865 a Konrad Biller from Hirschau, house number 229, was transferred to the Dienhof. He built a house there in 1865.

There has also been a Dienhof industrial estate here since the early 1990s .


Dienhof is located on the AS 18 district road between Hirschau and Weiher .

Web links

  • Dienhof. In: hirschau.de. City of Hirschau, accessed on November 17, 2012 .

Individual evidence

  1. Hirschauer Ortsteile ( Memento of the original from October 25, 2004 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.hirschau.de
  2. a b Hans Frank: Historical book of place names of Bavaria Upper Palatinate . City and district of Amberg. Ed .: Commission for Bavarian State History. 1st edition. Buchdruckerei Michael Laßleben , Kallmünz via Regensburg 1975, ISBN 3-7696-9891-6 , p. 19.20 .
  3. ^ Donau-Zeitung Passau, Verlag Donau-Zeitung, 1852