Doom: Annihilation

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German title Doom: Annihilation
Original title Doom: annihilation
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2019
length 96 minutes
Director Tony Giglio
script Tony Giglio
production Jeffery Beach
Phillip J. Roth
Ogden Gavanski
music Frederik Wiedmann
camera Alexander Krumov
cut Peter Mergus

Doom: The Destruction (Original title: Doom: Annihilation ) is an American Sci-Fi - Action - Horror from the year 2019 . After Doom - The Film (2005), it is the second film adaptation of the Doom computer game series . The film was released directly on DVD , Blu-ray and in digital distribution on October 1, 2019 . The main role in the film directed by Tony Giglio was played by Amy Manson from Scotland .


The film is set on the Martian moon Phobos , on which the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) maintains a secret research base. The scientist Dr. Betruger and his team try to open portals for teleportation between the base on Phobos and a research facility in Nevada . A first attempt seems successful, but the test person who was teleported from Earth to the Martian moon shows abnormal mutations and highly aggressive behavior. While Dr. Kahn, the head of the research team on Earth, urges that the experiments on humans be stopped, Dr. Fraudster convinced of the success of his research and made himself available as the next test person.

In the meantime, a UAC spaceship with a troop of post-punished soldiers is on its way to the base on Phobos. Among them is Lieutenant Joan Dark, who clearly shows the dislike of her comrades. The unit is accompanied by the scientist Bennett Stone, who once had a relationship with Dark. Shortly before the ship reaches the Martian moon, the research teams there and in Nevada reopen the portals and Dr. Fraudulent enters the portal on Phobos. After he disappears in the portal, the power goes out in the Phobos base and the employees are attacked by something.

When the spaceship lands on the station, nobody reacts to the request to enter. The Marines are ordered to investigate the base and restore power. The scientist accompanying them, Bennett, found out about the facility beforehand and knows an emergency entrance through which the team enters the secret base. Bennett discovers that the reserve generator is running out of power there, even though it hasn't been running for long. There is little time left to restore power before the emergency power fails and the facility's fusion reactor spins out of control.

The team splits up and combs the base. The soldiers are attacked by zombies . It turns out that these zombies used to be scientists. The UAC soldiers also find survivors: First they meet two scientists and the pastor of the station. One of the scientists is killed immediately by a zombie. Several soldiers also fell victim to the zombies. You can also find Dr. Cheater. This reveals that he has been researching the portals for thirty years. He thinks they were left behind by an ancient alien race and could have more destinations than Phobos and Earth. This would be one way of colonizing new planets. Based on finds in a language similar to Sumerian , he also believes that the aliens once brought the language to mankind. The pastor, however, suspects that the portals come from creatures from hell. Contrary to the deceiver's wishes, Joan Dark orders the retreat to the ship with which they arrived.

The pilot, who stayed on the spaceship, realizes that the ship's AI can no longer be controlled; he is killed by something. Once on the ship, the soldiers encounter demonic creatures that can form and throw fireballs. Other crew members and the pastor die in the process. Dr. Fraudulent suggests reactivating the portal and thereby taking the fast route to earth via the teleporter. Joan Dark accepts the suggestion - seemingly as she reveals to Bennett. When Bennett restores power to the facility, Dr. Scammers that Joan Dark and her team were transferred to Phobos for running a terrorist based on a miscalculation. After the power is turned back on, the cheater kills the remaining scientist Veronica and locks the others in the supply room. There they are attacked again by the demons. Only Joan and Bennett survive, who concludes that there must be an elevator to a secret fourth level of the station. The two decide to go there to meet Dr. To stop scammers.

On the way you will find an armory in which the plasma cannon "BFG 9000" is kept. According to Joan, this weapon is referred to as the Big Fucking Gun in the parlance of the UAC Marines . She takes the weapon with which opponents can be killed with one shot. Arriving at the elevator to level 4, Bennett is pulled into the elevator by a demon, while Joan fights off other demons and zombies. Joan only takes the elevator afterwards. In the laboratory on level 4 she finds Dr. Scam who is about to reactivate the portal. Dr. Cheater incites Bennett, who has mutated into a zombie, on Dark. After some struggle, Joan reluctantly manages to kill Bennett. Also with Dr. It seems to cope with the cheater at first. But he gets up again after being shot in the chest and declares that he cannot be killed because he is already dead. The demons have come to take back the earth that rightfully belongs to them. He pushes Joan into the portal.

Joan arrives in Hell, where she is attacked by numerous demons and a demonic ruler. She manages to shoot the leader with the BFG and throws plasma grenades at the Horde while rushing to another gate. From there she is teleported to the base in Nevada, where Dr. Kahn is received. She tries to convince him to close the portal immediately, but Kahn thinks she is confused as a side effect of the teleportation and has her taken into custody. He thinks that Dr. Fraudsters will also step out of the portal immediately. Joan passes out from a sedative injection, while a rumble is heard in the portal and the film ends.

References to the computer games

The film contains several references to the computer game series and its developer id Software . The first victim the UAC team finds is called Blazkowicz, an allusion to the main character of the Wolfenstein games, which like Doom were developed by id. The first zombie to attack the soldiers is called John Carmack , like the programmer of Doom . Dr. Cheater was also the name of the antagonist in Doom 3 and the demons in the film are similar to the Imps, an opponent of the Doom games. The BFG 9000 is also known from the games.

Production and publication

The director and screenwriter Tony Giglio tried in 2015 to present his concept for a new film adaptation of Doom at Universal . After an initial rejection, the project only got approval from Universal Pictures after the success of the Doom video game published in 2016 . Giglio, who describes himself as a big fan of Doom , named the female lead Joan Dark after Jeanne d'Arc and was inspired by the films Terminator and Aliens .

In January 2019 it was announced that the film would not be released until autumn that year, as Universal had decided to revise the visual effects again to make the film better.

When the first trailer for the film was published in March 2019 and many fans were very negative about what was shown, id Software, the development studio of the computer game template, distanced itself quite clearly from the film implementation.

While the film was released on DVD and Blu-ray in the USA in October 2019, it was only released on the market in Germany as video-on-demand .


The film received mostly negative reviews. One critic even describes the film as "almost impossible to watch". Forbes' Alex Kane, on the other hand, thinks the movie is trashy fun and better than the 2005 version.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b André Linken: Doom: Annihilation - The first reviews of the new action film. In: PC Games . September 30, 2019, accessed October 30, 2019 .
  2. Alex Kane: Writer-Director Tony Giglio On Making 'Doom: Annihilation'. In: Forbes . October 1, 2019, accessed October 30, 2019 .
  3. Jonathan Barkan: Universal Pushes Back New DOOM Adaptation But Fear Not! This is a good thing! In: Dread Central. January 25, 2019, accessed October 30, 2019 .
  4. André Linken: Doom: id Software distances itself from the first trailer of the remake. In: PC Games . March 12, 2019, accessed October 30, 2019 .
  5. Doom: The Destruction - New Film in Germany only available as VOD. In: . October 24, 2019, accessed October 30, 2019 .
  6. Alex Kane: 'Doom: Annihilation' Review: Hell Breaks Loose On A Budget. In: Forbes . September 28, 2019, accessed October 30, 2019 .