Dragon slayer

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Representation at the post office of the municipality of Wilen in the Swiss canton of Thurgau (2011)
Archangel Michael and the Dragon , Spain (around 1500)
Gustave Doré - Ruggiero saves Angelica (19th century)

A dragon slayer is an almost exclusively male hero figure who succeeds in defeating a mythical dragon ; it stands for great courage and overcoming evil . Dragon slayers can be found in myths , sagas , legends and fairy tales of many cultures, as well as in more modern genres such as fantasy and role play .

A dragon slayer usually frees people from the surrounding area from attacks and devastation by the fire-breathing dragon or from a long-lasting drought . Sometimes he rescues virgins from captivity in the dragon's cave or gains access to a treasure that was kept and guarded by the dragon. In some Germanic sagas or in the Nibelungenlied , however, the treasure is cursed and brings bad luck to the tragic hero in the further course of the story. In the legends of the dragon slayers Siegfried or Sigurd , the hero becomes invulnerable by bathing in the blood of the dead dragon - except for a small hidden place that ultimately becomes fateful (based on the Achilles heel of Greek mythology ).

Well-known dragon slayers in historical order

Saint Margaret of Antioch is one of the rare dragon slayers. Occasionally Saint Martha of Bethany is mentioned as the dragon slayer, but instead she tamed the dragon Tarasque ; however, this does not help the dragon, he is finally murdered by the villagers. The miracle of taming the dragon is also attributed to Saint Marcellus of Paris .

regional customs

The folk drama in the eastern Bavarian border town of Furth im Wald , where the Further Drachenstich is performed every year in August , is particularly well-known .

Picture gallery

Dragonslayer in literature and film

Web links

Commons : Fighting with dragons  - Collection of images
Commons : People with dragons  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. Rainer Maria Rilke: The dragon slayer