Edgar Facó

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Edgar Facó (born March 27, 1882 in Beberibe , Ceará , † January 25, 1972 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian general who was a member of the Supreme Military Tribunal (Superior Tribunal Militar) between 1943 and 1952 .


Facó, son of João Baltasar Ferreira Facó, attended the preparatory school (Escola Preparatória) in Realengo between March 1902 and April 1905 and was then transferred to the 33rd Infantry Battalion, in which he served until March 1906. He then completed the infantry and cavalry course at the War School (Escola de Guerra) in Porto Alegre between April 1908 and January 1909 and in April 1909 became a member of the 2nd independent hunter company in Fortaleza and in April 1910 an instructor at the Faculty of Law there . In March 1911 he was transferred as a trainer to the 4th Rifle Division in Rio Grande do Sul , where he was promoted to lieutenant . Already in April 1911 he moved to the 49th Jäger Battalion in Recife and in November 1911 again to the 2nd Independent Jäger Company, before he was transferred to the 5th Infantry Regiment in Ponta Grossa in October 1913, where he took over the position of chief of a company in January 1914 . He was then an officer in the 1st Infantry Regiment in Rio de Janeiro between June 1914 and August 1916 and was promoted to first lieutenant in February 1918 . As such, he was transferred to the 9th Fortress Artillery Regiment in Paraná and returned to the 49th Jäger Battalion in February 1919. Later he was appointed chief of the 2nd and 7th companies of the 6th Infantry Regiment in Caçapava in June 1919 and then appointed judge in the Military Justice Council (Conselho de Justiça Militar) in January 1921 .

After his promotion to captain in April 1922, Facó was employed at the headquarters of the 4th Military Region in Juiz de Fora between July and December 1922 and attended the officers' high school (Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais) between March 1923 and January 1924 , where he was from February 1924 until December 1927 taught himself as a teacher and trainer. In 1928 he was appointed chief of police in this state by the governor of Ceará, José Carlos de Matos Peixoto , and as such was promoted to major in November 1929 . In April 1932 he began a course at the General Staff School of the Army (Escola de Estado-Maior do Exército) and was promoted to lieutenant colonel on June 16, 1932 . Subsequently, in March 1934, he was appointed Chief of Staff at the headquarters of the 9th Military Region in Campo Grande , where he was promoted to colonel in May 1934 . Between 1934 and 1935 he was acting commander of the Mato Grosso military district as well as the 9th Military Region and from September 1935 to June 1936 commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment stationed in Quitaúna and the 3rd Infantry Brigade . He then became head of the 1st and 3rd sections of the General Staff and, in January 1937, commander of the 1st Jäger Battalion in Petrópolis .

On March 27, 1938 Facó was General Commander of the Military Police in the Distrito Federal do Brasil Rio de Janeiro and was promoted to Brigadier General on May 24, 1940 . In 1941 he became commander of the 8th Military Region (8.ª Região Militar) and between January and June 1943 was acting commander of the 4th Military Region (4th Região Militar) and at the same time from January to August 1943 commander of the 4th Infantry Division (4ª Divisão de Infantaria) in Minas Gerais . After he was employed in the Army Department of the War Ministry between September and November 1943, he became a member of the Superior Tribunal Militar on November 11, 1943 , to which he was a member until the age limit on April 23, 1952. In January 1951 he was promoted to major general . In April 1952 he resigned from active military service and received the rank of general .

In his honor the Academy of Military Police of Ceará was named Academia de Polícia Militar General Edgard Facó (APMGEF).

Web links

  • Entry in Generals.dk
  • Biography on the homepage of the Fundação Getulio Vargas - Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil