Renewable Energy in Scotland

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Wind, waves and tidal range make up more than 80% of Scotland's renewable energy potential.

Renewable energy production in Scotland is an area that came under technical, political and economic focus in the early years of the 21st century. The potential of renewable energies in Scotland is very large in a European and global comparison.


In addition to the installed hydroelectric power plant capacity of 1.3 gigawatts (GW) from (as of 2010), Scotland has the following estimated potentials:

The potential to generate electrical energy from tidal range and renewable energy sources is sufficient for at least 60 GW, which is considerably more than the existing capacity from the Scottish fuel sources, which supplied 10.3 GW in 2005.

Much of this potential is still untapped, but constant technical advances make it possible to develop more and more of these renewable resources. Concerns about “ peak oil ” and climate change are bringing these possibilities to greater attention. The financing options for many projects are still speculative or dependent on state subsidies ; Nevertheless, it can be demonstrated that there is a clear and in all probability permanent change in economic efficiency in favor of this renewable energy.

In addition to the planned expansion of the capacities of both large-scale and small-scale systems for converting renewable energy, various packages of measures to reduce greenhouse gases are being researched. While there is widespread support for these technologies, concerns about their environmental impact are also high in the discussion.

Realizing the potential

In January 2006, the installed capacity for the generation of electrical energy from renewable sources was less than 2 GW, around one fifth of the total capacity. In January 2007, the fastest growing wind energy reached a capacity of 1 GW. In total, the capacity of all renewable energy sources reached 2.3 GW. It must be taken into account that power consumption only accounts for part of the total energy consumption. In 2002 Scotland consumed a total of 175 terawatt hours (TWh) of energy in all forms, about 2% less than in 1990. Of this total, only 20% was consumed in the form of electrical energy by end users, with the majority of the energy used being oil (41% ) or gas (36%) burned.

Scotland has significant fossil fuel reserves, including 62.4% of the EU's proven oil reserves, 12.5% ​​of the EU's proven gas reserves and 69% of the UK's coal reserves. Even so, the Scottish government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy production. The intention was to generate 18% of Scottish electricity production from renewable sources in 2010 and to increase this to 40% by 2020.

A major reason for this ambition is growing international concern about man-made global warming . The proposal by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60% was included in the government's 2003 White Paper. The 2006 Stern Report suggested a 55% reduction by 2030. The IPCC 's Fourth Assessment Report, presented in 2007, sharpened the focus on the problem.

Wind energy

5 MW wind turbine under construction at the Nigg plant on the Cromarty Firth

Wind energy is a renewable energy that does not generate any harmful gases during production; these are only generated through the manufacture and transport of the wind turbines .

The energy payback time (energetic amortization time) describes the time it takes for a power plant to generate as much energy as was required for its production, transport, construction, operation, etc. The energy payback time for wind turbines is around two to six months and, even according to conservative estimates, well under a year.

Wind power is the fastest growing renewable energy technology in the world (including Scotland). Because of the strongly fluctuating wind supply, wind turbines in the EU produce electricity with an annual average of 25% of their nominal capacity. The strong winds in Scotland result in an average performance of 40% and more on the west and north coast. A small wind farm on the Shetland with three Vestas V47 wind turbines with a nominal output of 660 kW even achieved the world record of 58% annual average output.

There are several large onshore wind farms (on land), e.g. B.

  • Black Law with a nominal output of 96 MW
  • Hadyard Hill, the first wind farm in the UK that can generate more than 100 MW
  • Whitelee, a planned 322 MW project

Possible locations of the wind farms are controversially discussed with those who have concerns about the landscape.

The onshore wind potential is estimated at 11.5 GW, enough to generate 45 TWh of electrical energy per year. The potential of the offshore areas, where the wind blows stronger than on land, is more than twice as great.

The total offshore potential is estimated at 25 GW which would be enough to satisfy half of Scotland's energy consumption. The first offshore turbines are under construction for Talisman Energy, which is installing two large machines 25 km offshore near the Beatrice oil field. These wind turbines are 88 m high with blades 63 m long and have a capacity of 5 MW each. The largest floating wind farm in Europe is to be built around 20 to 30 kilometers off the coast of Scotland. It will consist of five 6 MW wind turbines, was approved in 2015 and is scheduled to go into operation in 2017.

Wave energy

Various systems are being developed to harness the potential of wave energy off the coast of Scotland. Pelamis Wave Power (formerly Ocean Power Delivery) is an Edinburgh based company whose Pelamis system has been tested on Orkney and in Portugal . These devices consist of 150 m long, 3.5 m thick floating tubes which absorb the mechanical energy of the waves. Future wave farms may consist of linked 750 kW machines connected to the mainland by a submarine cable .

Another solution is the LIMPET-500 energy converter (Land Installed Marine Power Energy Transformer) used by Wavegen Ltd. was installed on the island of Islay . It is a unit installed on the beach and generates electrical energy when waves roll up the beach. In doing so, they generate an overpressure in a vibrating water column contained in the system. This in turn creates compressed air that powers two 250 kW generators. LIMPET was introduced in 2001 and is the world's first wave power plant on a commercial scale. Manufacturers are now developing a larger system for the Faroe Islands .

Funding for UK's first wave park was announced by the Scottish Government on February 22nd, 2002. It will be the largest in the world. The four Pelamis machines cost over £ 4 million and generate 3 MW of electrical power. The funding is part of a £ 13 million financing package for maritime energy projects in Scotland, which also includes developments from Aquamarine's Oyster and Ocean Power Technology's PowerBuoy wave systems, undersea wave power plants, floating rotor systems, for a tidal power plant for the Churchill Barrier , the Open hydro tidal ring turbines, and further development for the Wavegen system. Another £ 2.5 million has been allocated to the European Marine Energy Center (EMEC) in Orkney. This is a new Scottish Government backed research facility that operates a wave measurement system in Billia Croo on Main Orkney Island and a tide measurement station on nearby Eday Island . At the official inauguration of the Eday project, the location was described as "the first of its kind in the world to offer developers of wave and tidal power plants specially adapted test facilities".


A typical hydroelectric dam on the Scottish Highlands near Loch Laggan

Scotland owns 85% of the UK's hydropower capacity . Much of this was developed around 1950 by the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board ('Northern Scotland Hydro Power Company'). The "Hydro Power Plant Company" was a state company at the time, was privatized in 1989 and is now part of Scottish and Southern Energy plc .

Many of the remote wide valleys were flooded as part of these measures. In addition, mountains were tunnelled and rivers were dammed. Emma Wood, the author of a study by these pioneers, wrote:

“I've heard of lost farms and small towns, the ruin of the salmon fishery, and how Inverness could be washed away if the inland dams failed . I heard about the huge crystal veins they found while driving the tunnels deep under the mountains. "

The capacity was 1.33 GW in 2006, including large projects such as the 120 MW Breadalbane hydropower plant and the 245 MW Tummel system. It is assumed that less than 0.3 GW can also be developed. There is still further potential for pumped storage power plants . Examples of this are the 440 MW Ben Cruachan and 300 MW Falls of Foyers projects. The 100 MW Glen Doe project, which is under development and is Scotland's largest construction project, is the first major project in approximately 50 years.

Add to this the potential of small, distributed power plants along the rivers such as those already in Knoydart and planned for Kingussie, but the total output of these projects is tiny on a national scale despite their local importance.

Tidal force

European Marine Energy Center: tidal power plant test site under construction

Unlike the exploitation of wind and waves, tidal force is a very predictable source of energy. However, the associated technology is still in its infancy and numerous tidal power plants are still in the prototype stage.

The Pentland Firth between Orkney and mainland Scotland is described as the " Saudi Arabia of tidal power" and is said to be able to generate up to 10 GW from the flow energy of the water (other tidal power plants work with the height difference of the dammed water). On the Orkneys there are other potentially profitable ways of generating energy from the tides. Strong tidal currents on the west coast at Kyle Rhea between Skye and Lochalsh, the Gray Dog north of Scarba , the Dorus Mor of Crinan and the Strait of Corryvreckan also offer significant opportunities.


There are numerous biogenic fuels . As bioenergy is called from energy, biomass is obtained. Energy is stored chemically in biomass. A distinction is made between different forms of bioenergy such as heat, electrical energy and fuel for internal combustion engines.

Biogenic raw materials are renewable raw materials :


Various biodiesel production processes currently exist. On a larger scale, the Argent Power Plant in Motherwell, North Lanarkshire works, where tallow is processed and boiling the oil produces 50 million liters of biodiesel per year.

The energy balance of liquid biofuels is controversial. Research is being carried out into the possibility of converting rapeseed oil into biodiesel, and EU Directive 2003/30 / EC seeks to ensure that 5.75% of European fuel consumption in 2010 comes from renewable sources. However, in the UK there is only residual vegetable oils to replace 0.38% of current fuel consumption. If the entire arable land were cultivated with oil seeds, this amount would only be enough for 22% of the currently existing fuel requirement. There are serious ethical concerns about whether it is allowed to grow biodiesel crops in developing countries instead of the much-needed food crops and then import the fuel into Europe. When converting any heavily used transport system, there is also the chicken-and-egg problem: On the one hand, you need a supply infrastructure that is available everywhere in order to start the change; on the other hand, the high financial investments are only worthwhile if there is enough sales .

Because of the relatively short growing season for sugar producing crops, ethanol is not commercially produced in Scotland as a fuel. However, there are promising approaches to fermenting cellulose, which enables the use of grass and waste wood. The biodiesel produced with it should then also have a better energy balance than the current production processes.

Anaerobic digestion and landfill gases

Biogas or landfill gas is a biofuel that is produced through anaerobic fermentation and that consists of 45–90% biologically produced methane and carbon dioxide. At the beginning of 2007, a plant with heat-loving bacteria for anaerobic digestion was built in Stornoway on the Western Isles . The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Renewable Energy Association are also leading the way in establishing a fermentation standard to facilitate the use of solid residues from biogas plants in agriculture. Anaerobic digestion and mechanical / biological treatment facilities are planned for other locations in Scotland, such as Westray.

In 2006 it was assumed that 0.4 GW of generation capacity from agricultural waste is possible. The Scottish Government and SEPA have funded seven small agricultural pilot plants together with the British biogas plant company Greenfinch in south-west Scotland.

Landfill gases have an additional potential of 0.07 GW. Landfill gas systems such as the Avondale landfill in Falkirk consume most of their landfill gas for their own use.

Solid biomass

At the moment, wood as a fuel probably outperforms hydropower and wind energy as the main supplier of renewable energy. The Scottish forests, which make up 60% of all UK forests, can provide up to 1 million tonnes of wood fuel per year. The supply of energy from biomass (mainly wood) can reach 450 MW with an upward trend, with the power plants requiring 4,500–5,000 tons of oven-dried wood per megawatt and year. Energy company E.ON has built a 44 MW biomass power plant in Lockerbie that uses locally harvested biomass, while the smaller but not negligible EPR Westfield power plant in Fife produces 9.8 MW from chicken waste. The Forest Service has partnered with the Scottish Government to present a Biomass Use Plan of Action and the government is expected to launch a £ 7.5 million biomass support program. There is a growing demand for automatically operated wood pellet boilers that are just as easy to use as conventional systems and that could be cheaper in the future and are carbon dioxide neutral.

In some places, there is also the option of using plants that contain energy, such as short-rotation willow or poplar coppice, michanthus energy grass, agricultural waste such as straw and dung, and residual wood. These materials are sufficient for 0.8 GW of generation capacity.

Small systems

Whiskey distilleries keep Scots warm.

The Energy Savings Trust estimates that small systems could meet 30-40% of the UK's electricity needs by 2050, with current generation being negligible in Scotland. In May 2006, the Minister for Community Development Malcolm Chisholm launched a planning notice promoting small-scale systems for renewable energy generation. Small-format 'wind2heat' (WindzuWärme) projects that use wind turbines to heat electric storage heaters directly have proven to be promising in remote areas. This also applies to other small-scale processes such as wind-powered heat pumps.

Whiskey distilleries have a significant contribution to make at the local level. Caithness Heat and Power plans to alleviate the fuel shortage in Wick by using combined heat and power with wood pellets in cooperation with the Pulteney distillery. to meet. On the island of Islay, a swimming pool is heated by waste heat from the Bowmore distillery. In Edinburgh, the Tynecastle High School, which should be completed in 2010, is to be heated with the waste heat from the neighboring North British distillery.

Solar energy

The Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. Solar panels can be seen left of center.

Despite the relatively few hours of sunshine in Scotland, solar thermal systems can be used to good effect, as they allow hot water to be supplied even when the sky is cloudy. The technology was developed in the 1970s and is well established with many local installers, although AES Solar in Forres (which supplied the solar panels for the Scottish Parliament) is the only Scottish manufacturer.

There are only a few examples of photovoltaic systems in Scotland, as the feed-in tariff is not competitive at the moment. The largest installation in Scotland is a 21 kW system at Sir E. Scott secondary school in Tarbert, Harris . The base that can be installed in Great Britain is estimated at 7.2 TWh per year, which results in the estimated size for Scotland of a maximum of 0.07 GW.

Another method of harnessing solar energy was introduced in Scotland through a road energy system. This uses water-filled pipes in the road surface. In summer the dark asphalt is heated up by the sun, which in turn heats the water in the pipes. This heated water can then be collected in underground storage facilities in order to dissipate the heat in winter with the help of heat pumps. The temperature of the water used is around 20 ° C, which means that less energy is used for heating than when cold tap water is used. Road surfaces with an area of ​​10 × 40 m² can generate 108 MWh annually. On the other hand, this system can also be used to cool water, with the cold water being used to air-condition buildings in summer. This technology can also be used to heat or cool roads, thereby keeping the road ice-free in winter and preventing the asphalt from softening in summer. This extends the life of the road surface. This road energy system was developed by a Dutch company and licensed to a company called Invisible Energy Systems in Ullapool, who installed the technology in their parking lot.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal or geothermal energy is used by tapping the heat from the earth. Most systems in Scotland provide working heat by assisting building heating with heat pumps which extract heat from the ground through thin pipe systems. One example is the Glenalmond Roads project in Shettleston, which uses a combination of solar and geothermal energy to heat 16 houses. Water in a 100 m deep coal mine is heated by geothermal energy to 12 ° C all year round. The water is pumped up and raised to a level of 55 ° C by a heat pump and then distributed in the houses to heat the heating radiators there.

Although the pumps are not fed by renewable sources, up to four times the electrical energy used is provided in terms of heat. Installation costs vary between £ 7,000 and £ 10,000, with guarantees from the Scottish Community and Householders Renewables Initiative, which provides households up to £ 4,000 through the Highlands and Islands Community Energy Company HICEC. Up to 7.6 TWh of energy may be available annually from this source.

Other ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

If carbon dioxide emissions are to be reduced, a combination of increasing energy production from renewable sources and reducing energy consumption in general and fossil fuels in particular is necessary. Concerning the last goal, Gordon Brown , then Chancellor of the Exchequer of Great Britain, announced in November 2006 that all new houses would have to be built as passive houses within a decade . Various other mitigation options exist, many of which are influencing the development of renewable energy, even if not directly related to the generation of energy from renewable sources.

Other renewable sources

Many other ideas for the use of renewable energies that are still in the early stages of development such as marine thermal power plants , deep lake water cooling or osmotic power plants have not yet found expression in Scotland, probably because the potential of less spectacular technologies is so great.

Offsetting carbon dioxide emissions

The compensation of carbon dioxide emissions occurs when individuals or organizations create compensation for the consumption of fossil fuels they generate by supporting projects (mostly with monetary payments) that neutralize the carbon dioxide emissions caused by them. Although this idea has become modern, it has recently received serious criticism.

Even so, planting trees in the same landscape and preserving the forest to capture the carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels may be a credible alternative. Under British growing conditions, this method can bind 200  tons of carbon per square kilometer (measured over a growing period of 100 years). A forest of four km² can absorb 200 tons of carbon every 25 years. This is the equivalent of 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide. The uncertainties with this solution lie in the uncertainty as to whether these additional plantings have actually been made and whether they will also be maintained in the future. For many, a local, visible solution is more reliable than a far away planting.

Challenges and opportunities from non-renewable sources

The following technologies are ways of reducing the carbon footprint and are an important aspect of the energy debate in Scotland. For this reason, they are presented here for the sake of completeness. Their effects will affect the future direction of renewable energy without being a form of renewable energy themselves.

Carbon sinking : Also known as carbon sequestration and storage, this technology includes the storage of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), which is a by-product of another technical process, namely the pressing in oil deposits. It is not a form of renewable energy production, but it can be a way to reduce the effect of burning fossil fuels until renewable energies are available at low cost. It may also be a step towards the hydrogen economy (see below). This hydrogen economy will either enable further development of renewable energy or possibly knock it out of the field. The technology was successfully developed in Norway , but it is still in the experimental stage.

Clean Coal Technology : It is believed that it will be 2020-2025 before there will be commercial-scale clean coal-fired power plants (coal-fired power plants with carbon sequestration and storage). In addition, some are critical of this concept, and it is a carbon emission improvement concept at best. It is not a form of renewable energy generation, but like carbon sinking, it represents a major challenge for the development of the profitability of renewable energy.

Nuclear energy : The concept of renewable energy excludes nuclear energy although this view has also been questioned.

Waste Incineration : There is a successful waste incineration plant in Lerwick, Shetland, which burns 22,000 tons of waste every year and provides district heating for over 600 customers. Although these facilities release carbon dioxide from the burning of biological material and plastic waste (made from fossil fuels), they reduce the environmental damage that would otherwise be caused by methane being released from landfills. Methane is much more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide from combustion processes. Other non-district heating systems have similar carbon release, e.g. B. direct landfilling.


Hypod and wind turbines on the PURE site in Unst

Although hydrogen offers significant possibilities as an alternative energy carrier to hydrocarbons, neither hydrogen itself nor the fuel cell itself is an energy source. Nevertheless, the combination of renewable energy and hydrogen is very interesting for all those who are looking for an alternative to fossil fuels. There are a few Scottish projects involved in this research, which is funded by the Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association .

The PURE project in Unst in Schetland is a training and basic research center that uses a combination of different wind turbines and fuel cells to create a hybrid system. Two 15 kW wind turbines are coupled with a 'Hypod' fuel cell, which in turn provides energy for heating, hydrogen liquefaction and the operation of an innovative car powered by fuel cells. The project is a community project and part of the Unst partnership, a non-profit association.

In the Outer Hebrides , plans were made in 2006 to convert a £ 10 million waste processing facility into a hydrogen generation facility. The community has also agreed to source hydrogen-powered buses and hopes the new facility, which was built with the local hydrogen research laboratory, can supply the island's gas stations, homes and industrial park in Arnish.

ITI Energy is a company whose purpose is to support research and development programs in the energy sector. It is part of ITI Scotland, which also includes a life sciences and digital media division. ITI Energy took a look at the Alterg project, a French company developing technologies for the cost-effective storage of hydrogen.

A completely different solution is proposed by BP in partnership with Scottish and Southern Energy for the construction of a hydrogen-based power plant in Peterhead . The project will use natural gas from the North Sea fields , then crack this gas to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide, which will then burn the hydrogen to produce electricity in a 475 MW power plant. The CO 2 is returned to the 'Miller field reservoir', more than 4 km below the sea floor, this process is known as 'carbon sequestration'. The design is scheduled to go live in 2009 at an estimated cost of $ 600 million, though there are reasonable grounds for doubt as to whether there is enough support from the UK government to implement this plan. If implemented, this factory will be the first on an industrial scale in the world to run on hydrogen.

Local versus national concerns

"A struggle of the environment against the conservationists"

A key feature of Scotland's renewable energy is the fact that the sources are far from the main centers of the population and hence of consumption. This is by no means a coincidence. The force of the wind, the waves and the tide on the north and west coast and the power of the water in the mountains create an impressive backdrop, but also harsh living conditions. WH Murray describes the Hebrides as "the islands on the edge of the sea where men are welcome - if they are physically strong and mentally stubborn". This coincidence of geography and climate has created a number of problems. There is a clear difference between the manageable power plants that can supply the islands with renewable energy and the industrial-scale power plants in the same place that are built to supply distant population centers with energy. There were significant disputes about one of the world's largest wind farms, which was to be built on the Hebridean island of Lewis. A related problem is the construction of a high voltage line between Beauly and Denny, which will bring the generated electrical energy from renewable sources in the north and west to the cities in the south. The matter resulted in a public hearing and was described by Ian Johnston of The Scotsman newspaper as "a struggle that has turned the environmentalists against the conservationists and huge energy companies against aristocratic landowners and clan chiefs".

There is substantial support for community-scale projects. For example, Alex Salmond, Prime Minister of Scotland, said that "we can think big by making it small" and suggested that a "million Scottish households would have access to their own municipal renewable energy within ten years". The John Muir Foundation has also found that "the best renewable energy option within a wild country is small, customized projects owned by the community who are most likely to benefit," although community-based activities are also controversial .

A related problem is the role of Scotland within the United Kingdom (UK). Rumor has it that the UK pricing structure for electricity transmission is at the expense of renewable energy in Scotland, a debate that highlights the difference between the sparsely populated north of Scotland and the heavily urbanized south of England. Although the ecological footprint of Scotland and England is the same, this is not true for the relationship between the footprint and the (bio) capacities available for it. Scotland's biocapacity (measured as biologically productive land area) is 4.52  hectares per capita, about 15% less than ecological consumption. In other words, with a 15% reduction in consumption, the Scottish people could live off the production of their land. The UK's ecological footprint is more than three times its available capacity, which is just 1.6 hectares per capita, one of the lowest in Europe. Therefore, for the same effect, consumption in the UK would have to be reduced by around 66%.

The developed world economy is currently very dependent on cheap locally concentrated fossil fuels. Scotland, as a relatively sparsely populated country with significant renewable energy opportunities, is in a unique position to demonstrate how to make the transition to a low-carbon economy with extensive energy production. A balancing act will be necessary between helping this transition and ensuring energy exports to the densely populated areas of the Central Belt (Edinburgh and Glasgow area) and elsewhere while they seek their own solutions. The tension between local and state requirements in the Scottish environment will cast its shadows on the larger UK and European stages as well.

Promotion of renewable energy

Growing national concerns over ' peak oil ' and the climate catastrophe have pushed the issue of renewable energy high onto the political agenda. Various public institutions and state-private partnerships have been created to develop the potential. The Scottish Renewables Forum has an important intermediary function for the industry and annually awards the Green Energy Awards (Green Energy Prize). The Highlands and Islands Community Energy Company (HICEC) provides advice, grants and funding for self-help groups in northern and western Scotland that can use them to advance renewable energy projects. 'Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group' (AREG) is a state-private partnership that was created to identify and promote areas of application of renewable energies in the economic sector of the North-East.

The forest administration actively promotes the use of biomass. The 'Climate Change Business Delivery Group' (meaning 'business ideas under the sign of climate change') aims to provide business people with a proposal for action on how to do business appropriately in the face of climate change. Several universities have a role in supporting energy research under the 'Supergen' program, including fuel cell research in the University of St Andrews , marine technology in the University of Edinburgh , distributed energy systems in the University of Strathclyde and fruits for biomass in the 'UHI Millennium Institute 'of Orkney College.

Summary of Scotland's renewable energy potential

technology maximum power 2006 (GW) possible power (GW) potential yield (TWh)
per year
Wind (land) 0.94 11.50 45.0
Wind (sea) 0 25.00 82.0
waves 0.00027 14.00 45.7
Tidal current 0 7.50 33.5
Hydropower 1.34 1.63 5.52
Wood 0.012 0.45 1.8?
Biomass (except wood)   0.84 6.6
Biodiesel   0.14 1.0
Biogas 0.061 0.07 0.6
Geothermal energy   1.50? 7.6
Sun     5.8
total 2.4 62.63 236.6


a. Comment on 'maximum performance' and 'possible performance':

The first is an estimate of the maximum performance of a technology at any one time. The second takes into account the average availability of this maximum power over a certain period of time. For example, individual wind turbines have a full load factor between 15% and 45% depending on the wind conditions at their location, with the higher full load factor giving a higher average output for a given maximum output. The average performance is therefore an estimate based on various assumptions including the maximum performance. Although the average performance is more meaningful than the maximum performance when comparing different technologies, the maximum performance is often used because of the otherwise necessary problematic assumptions:

b. Comments and sources:

The total capacity of all sources for 2006 was estimated at 10.3 GW and 9.8 GW. It is estimated by RSPB Scotland et al. (February 2006) that electricity output would decline from the current total of 50 TWh per annum to about a third of this figure by 2020 due to decommissioning of existing non-renewable capacity if no new capacity was installed. In 2006 total energy demand was 177.8 TWh. Electricity makes up 20% of total energy use, but about 15 TWh are exported or lost in transmission.
All figures above are from RSPB Scotland et al. (February 2006) except as otherwise identified below. The main source assumes grid capacity is available. Without this the potential drops significantly to about 33 TWh.
Current renewable capacity source: From this document 'Biomass electricity' of 12 MW is entered above as 'Wood' and 'Energy from Waste' of 61 MW as 'Landfill gas'.
The tidal potential of the Pentland Firth alone is estimated elsewhere at over 10 GW.
Potential hydro production source: extrapolated from 2004 data in
Potential wood production source:
Potential geothermal energy source:
Potential biomass energy is also estimated at 13.5 TWh
Potential solar energy source:
Potential Energy: '?' indicates an unsourced estimate based on potential capacity. Conversely, geothermal potential capacity is estimated from potential output.
Micro generation (including solar) is estimated as having the potential of producing up to 40% of current electrical demand by 2050 ie approximately 14 TWh. The above figures assume 12% by 2020.
Blank entries mean no data is available. In the cases of the current capacity of biomass, biodiesel and geothermal these will have been very small.

See also

Portal: Energy  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the subject of energy

Web links

English speaking:

References and comments

  1. ^ For example: Scottish Executive Choosing Our Future: Scotland's Sustainable Development Strategy. Edinburgh 2005.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k RSPB Scotland, WWF Scotland and FOE Scotland (February 2006) The Power of Scotland: Cutting Carbon with Scotland's Renewable Energy . RSPB et al.
  3. a b c A Scottish Energy Review . (November 2005) Scottish National Party Framework Paper. Edinburgh.
  4. ^ A b c Scottish Renewables Market and Planning Report . Issue No 4. (January 2006)
  5. a b c d George Monbiot: Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burning . Allen Lane, London 2006
  6. a b Peterhead hydrogen project . BP . Retrieved February 2, 2007.
  7. a b Green Energy Awards — Review No. 33 (PDF) Scottish Renewables. December 2006. Archived from the original on September 28, 2007. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved April 19, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. A gigawatt (GW) is the measure of the power in a moment, while the generated energy is measured in terawatt hours. Thus, an 8 GW power station operating ten hours per day will produce 8x10 = 80 TWh of electricity. Whenever possible this article refers to predictions of maximum output in GW. Using energy productions in TWh might be more useful in some ways but would tend to obscure the underlying assumptions unless every reference included a measure for maximum output, capacity factor and assumed production, which might prove cumbersome. See also Summary of Scotland's resource potential Note a.
  9. AEA Technology. Scottish Energy Study . Summary Report for the Scottish Executive (January 2006). ISBN 0-7559-1308-6
  10. a b c d The role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy. ( Memento of the original from June 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Sustainable Development Commission, London 2006. (PDF; 161 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Scotland's Renewable Energy Potential: Realizing the 2020 Target — Future Generation Group Report . Forum for Renewable Energy Development in Scotland (FREDS), Edinburgh 2005, ISBN 0-7559-4721-5
  12. ^ Sir Nicholas Stern , The Economics of Climate Change . HM Treasury, London 2006, ISBN 0-521-70080-9
  13. There are numerous press reports, see e.g. E.g. A Winter Wonderland . In: Scotland on Sunday v. December 10, 2006, Edinburgh; Final Warning . In: The Independent v. 3rd February 2007, London
  14. Many years ago the exact amount was controversial; For a long time there was also the false rumor that the energy payback time of a wind turbine was longer than its usage time. See also wind turbine # Energy payback time
  15. M. de Noord et al : Potentials and Costs for Renewable Electricity Generation: A data overview (PDF; 337 kB) ECN. Retrieved February 4, 2007.
  16. Burradale Wind Farm Shetland Islands . Retrieved September 3, 2007. This record is claimed by Burradale wind farm, located just a few miles outside Lerwick and operated by Shetland Aerogenerators Ltd. Since opening in 2000, the turbines at this wind farm have had an average capacity factor of 52% and, according to this report, in 2005 averaged a world record 57.9%.
  17. Scotland Starts Work on 140-Turbine Onshore Windfarm ( Memento of the original from October 8, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (October 13, 2006). Retrieved August 29, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  18. Hadyard Hill Becomes the first wind farm in the UK to generate over 100 MW of power. ( English ) In: Press release . BWEA News. April 11, 2006. Archived from the original on November 20, 2010. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved December 27, 2010. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. UK's most powerful wind farm could power Paisley. ( Memento of the original from January 20, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. BWEA News press release (January 2006). Retrieved August 29, 2007 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. a b "Wind power dilemma for Lewis" . BBC News. Retrieved February 4, 2007.
  21. Cristina L. Archer, Mark Z. Jacobson: Evaluation of global wind power . Journal of Geophysical Research — Atmospheres (2005). Retrieved January 30, 2006.
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  28. Orkney to get 'biggest' wave farm . BBC News. Retrieved February 25, 2007.
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  44. See e.g. For example : David Pimentel, Tad W. Patzek: Ethanol Production Using Corn, Switchgrass, and Wood; Biodiesel Production Using Soybean and Sunflower ( Memento of the original dated August 9, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Natural Resources Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 and Net Energy Balance of Ethanol ( Memento of the original from July 25, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1.3 MB) American Coalition for Ethanol, 2005. Accessed February 24, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
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  46. Directive 2003/30 / EC on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels in the transport sector
  47. ^ PJ Martin, J. French, J. Wishart, A. Cromarty: Report to Westray Development Trust On Biofuel Crops Research At Orkney College During 2004/5 . Agronomy Institute, Orkney College (2005). This study indicated that in Scottish growing conditions oilseed rape provided significantly better relative yields of biodiesel than were available via ethanol from sugar beet.
  48. See for example In the mix: Iogen a long-standing forerunner in cellulosic ethanol production. In: Industrial Biotechnology. 2, 2006, p. 11, doi: 10.1089 / ind.2006.2.11 .
  49. Renton Rhigelato, DV Spracklen: Carbon Mitigation by Biofuels or by Saving and Restoring Forests? Science. Vol: 317 (August 2007).
  50. ^ Westray Zero Waste Center: Project Summary . Retrieved February 23, 2007. This project was later dropped.
  51. Farm Biogas Plants ( Memento of the original dated January 11, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Greenfinch. Retrieved February 22, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  52. ^ A b c Promoting and Accelerating the Market Penetration of Biomass Technology in Scotland . Scottish Executive Forum for Renewable Energy Development in Scotland. Retrieved February 7, 2007.
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  66. Scotland's largest Sun Energy system installed in Western Isles ( Memento of the original from September 26, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, press release (November 2nd 2004). Retrieved August 31, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
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  68. Energy from asphalt (PDF) Ooms International Holding bv. Archived from the original on December 19, 2008. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved November 26, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  69. ^ John Ross: Heat-seeking sheep pave way for roads that generate energy . In: The Scotsman , June 22, 2006. 
  70. ^ "Geothermal Energy" . John Gilbert Architects. Retrieved on February 24, 2009.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  71. ^ "Ground Source" . SEPA. Archived from the original on September 28, 2007. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 9, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  72. a b c d Nicola McLoughlin: Geothermal Heat in Scotland ( Memento of the original from December 19, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . (PDF). Edinburgh. Scottish Executive. SPICe briefing 06/54, July 12, 2006, accessed August 31, 2007 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  73. See for example: Wind Power: Your questions answered . Sustainable Development Commission. London 2006
  74. ^ Mike Gibson: Neutral Grounds . Sheffield (January 19, 2007). New start .
  75. See e.g. B .:
    • Alan Hamilton: Efforts at an ecological code upset by trains, planes and automobiles . In: The Times , London.
    • Steven Swinford, (21 January 2007) G8 summit 'carbon offset' was hot air . Sunday Times . London (29 January 2007). Retrieved February 24, 2009.
  76. Monbiot (2006) op cit page 210 states “ I will not attempt to catalog the land seizures, conflicts with local people, double counting and downright fraud that has attended some of these schemes ” and points to other sources which do so.
  77. Peter Taylor, Carbon offsets, local renewables and nature conservation — realizing the links ( memento of the original from October 9, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . (PDF), In: Carbon and Conservation . ECOS — Quarterly Review of the British Association of Nature Conservationists. Volume 26 No. August 2, 2005. Retrieved August 31, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  78. ^ Alan C. Page: CO2 Recovery in Managed Forests: Options for the Next Century . Archived from the original on January 24, 2007. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved January 27, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  79. Sequestration science is far ahead of needed policy . In: MIT Technology Review (September 8, 2006). Retrieved June 24, 2007. The report notes that the Sleipner natural gas field has been successfully sequestering carbon dioxide underground for 10 years.
  80. ^ David Brockway, Chief of the Energy Technology Division, CSIRO , quoted by February 20, 2007.
  81. ^ "Myths and facts of" clean coal "technologies" . Greenpeace. Archived from the original on October 16, 2006. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 10, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  82. Doosan Babcock Energy Limited (aka 'Mitsui Babcock') based in Renfrew (and elsewhere in the UK) have conducted research into the clean coal concept eg Clean Coal Technology and the Energy Review (PDF; 445 kB) Mitsui Babcock. Archived from the original on January 20, 2007. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 10, 2007., and recently secured a contract with Scottish and Southern Energy plc for the retrofit installation of a 'supercritical clean coal boiler' in a 500 MW power station at Ferrybridge in England . Such a boiler is one part of a clean coal approach and it could save up to 500,000 tonnes (551,000 short tons) of carbon dioxide a year compared to current performance. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  83. ^ "Carbon capture-ready clean coal power" . The Engineer online. 31 May 2006 . Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 10, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
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  85. ^ "History of Support for Renewable Energy in Germany" . In: Renewable Energy Policy in Germany: An Overview and Assessment . The Joint Global Change Research Institute. Retrieved April 6, 2007.
  86. ^ Cohen, Bernard: Facts from Cohen and others: How long will nuclear energy last? . Archived from the original on April 10, 2007. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved April 6, 2007. Extract from Breeder reactors: A renewable energy source . In: American Journal of Physics , vol. 51, (1), Jan. 1983. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  87. ^ Minister declares nuclear 'renewable' ., quoting The Times . Retrieved September 5, 2007.
  88. Shetland Heat Energy & Power Ltd. . Shetland Heat Energy & Power Ltd .. Retrieved February 4, 2007.
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  90. JR Romm: The Hype About Hydrogen . Island Press , London 2004.
  91. ^ "Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Activities Map" . Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association Ltd. Archived from the original on August 5, 2007. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 2, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  92. PURE project . Pure Energy Center. Archived from the original on June 12, 2007. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 2, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  93. ^ E. Harrell: Waste plant set to become green fuel factory for islands . In: The Scotsman , Edinburgh, June 20, 2006. Retrieved August 31, 2007.
  94. Hydrogen research shows Scots heading in right direction . In: The Sunday Herald , August 28, 2005, accessed August 31, 2007
  95. Hydrogen Handling Materials . ITI Scotland. Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 2, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  96. There are still attempts to keep this project alive - see e.g. B. David Perry: Last-ditch fight on to save green gas project . Press and Journal , Aberdeen, May 25, 2007
  97. ^ WH Murray: The Hebrides . Heinemann, page 232, London 1966. Murray was born in 1913 and his use of the masculine may seem inappropriate now, although the harsh climate and lack of employment opportunities are very much an issue in the 21st century. See e.g. B. David Ross: Western Isles set to pay its women to stay . In: The Herald (February 8, 2007). This report notes the local council's concerns about the long term decline in the population of women of child bearing age.
  98. Ian Johnston: Scotland sits at a green crossroads ( Memento of the original from October 31, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: The Scotsman v. February 6, 2007, Edinburgh. Accessed August 31, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  99. See for example: Energy4All Ltd. (2006) Empowering Communities: A Step By Step Guide to Financing A Community Renewable Energy Project . Inverness. HICEC
  100. What's Your View on Wild Land? (2006) John Muir Trust. Pitlochry. See also Renewable Energy Policy . John Muir Trust. Retrieved August 31, 2007.
  101. For example, a small-scale scheme proposed by North Harris development trust has been supported by the John Muir Trust, but opposed by Scottish Natural Heritage. The objection “caused outrage” and was withdrawn in September 2007. See Ross, David, (September 4, 2007) “Heritage body in U-turn over island wind farm”. Glasgow. The Herald . The project finally received planning consent for three 86 meter (282 ft) wind turbines in early 2008. See: North Harris community wind farm approved . In: John Muir Trust Journal No. 44 (February 2008) page 5
  102. ^ David Perry: Backing for North Sea Super-Grid plans . Press and Journal November 22, 2006, Aberdeen.
  103. ^ RJ Dinning: A response to the Scottish National Party Energy Review . ( Memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Microsoft Word document; 876 kB) Energy Institute, London 2006, accessed on August 31, 2007. This report notes “We are aware of this topic has been contentious amongst Scottish generators and apparently perverse in that it acts against renewable energy in the remote areas where it is most abundant (the same is true for shore access to areas in which CO 2 might be stored). However we have to observe the engineering logic surrounding the current regime — that generation be encouraged to deploy in areas, which avoid the wasted energy incurred in transmission losses “. Nonetheless, Scottish Power have expressed concern that the current regime penalises the adoption of renewables. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  104. Anthony Akildade: Osborne steps into row over green targets . Sunday Herald v. 11th February 2007, Glasgow. This article outlines fears that subsidies for renewables will be targeted at offshore wind "which is more viable in England" than in Scotland where the technology "has yet to prove itself" because of the deeper waters off the coasts.
  105. N. Chambers et al .: Scotland's Footprint . Best foot forward. Oxford 2004.
  106. ^ "The Ecological Footprint: A resource accounting framework for measuring human demand on the biosphere" . European Environment Agency. Retrieved February 4, 2007.
  107. Global biocapacity averages 1.8 global hectares per person (excluding biodiversity considerations). Chambers (2004) op cit . Thus the UK is more typical than Scotland, which although having a high level of consumption, is relatively thinly populated.
  108. See e.g. B. Mike Lowson, Halting the rush to blight Scotland's scenic landscape . Press and Journal , Aberdeen (June 4, 2007).
  109. ^ Angus To Join Moray In Green Energy Initiative . Press and Journal , Aberdeen (January 27, 2007)
  110. Peter Martin: Short Rotation Coppice: A potential biomass crop for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (PDF; 778 kB) Orkney College. Retrieved September 3, 2019.
  111. Delivering the New Generation of Energy ( Memento of the original from September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF). Scottish Renewables. ISBN 0-9533750-0-5 . Retrieved April 6, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /