Faydit d'Aigrefeuille

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Faydit d'Aigrefeuille

Faydit d'Aigrefeuille OSB (* in La Font in the Diocese of Limoges ; † October 2, 1391 in Avignon ), known as Cardinal of Avignon , was a son of Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille, knight, and Aigline de Tudeils, brother of the cardinals Guillaume d ' Aigrefeuille l'Ancien and Aymar d'Aigrefeuille , Marshal of the Papal Court in Avignon.


As a relative of Popes Clement VI. and Gregory XI. He began his church career in April 1342 as archpriest of Roquemaure in the diocese of Montauban , canon and sacristan in Lodève in the same year, canon in the cathedral chapter of Saintes in 1346 and prior of Promilhanes ( diocese of Cahors ) on August 13, 1346. He was canon in Paris 1348. In 1350 he was transferred to the Archdiocese of Bourges as sub-deacon, chancellor and doyen . In 1358 he became papal notary, doyen of Bourges Cathedral , canon with benefices in Bourges , Orléans and Arras ; he exchanged benefices with Ithier de Manhac at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris and Cathedral of Saintes for an archpriest in the diocese of Saragossa and a benefice at St. Walburga Church in Veurne (Furnes).

In the vicinity of Innocent VI.

Shortly after February 18, 1358 he was led by Pope Innocent VI. transferred as archdeacon to Millau in the diocese of Rodez , was appointed prior of Saint-Félix in Piquecos in Bas-Quercy in 1360 . A year later he was canon in the cathedral chapter of Orléans cathedral before Innocent VI. calls to Avignon and makes Apostolic Protonotary .

The replacement for his brothers

On August 2, 1361, after the death of his brother Raymond d'Aigrefeuille, he followed him as Bishop of Rodez . But he was detained at the papal court by Urban V , appointed the canon Pierre Gaffuer as his vicar general and did not take the bishopric until July 22, 1365. On July 18, 1371, he succeeded his brother Pierre d'Aigrefeuille Bishop of Avignon . He kept the office of archdeacon in Millau in the cathedral chapter of Rodet until his death.

In November 1378 he was named Camerlengo to replace his brother Guillaume , while the latter was sent to Germany as a legate.

The Cardinal of Avignon

He crowned his church career as a notary in the Avignon law firm as a tax collector. In the same year he was appointed cardinal at the consistory of December 23, 1383 by the antipope Clement VII , with whom he had allied himself, and received the titular church Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti , and before January 6, 1386 administrator . Meanwhile, in 1385, he had succeeded Bernard Odoli as Abbot of Montmajour .

Like his brother Pierre, Faydit resided mostly in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon in the Bastide de Réalpanier, his livery cardinalice .

Like all members of his family, the Cardinal of Avignon was a confidante of the Grimoard. Therefore, on April 14, 1388, he became one of the executors of Cardinal Anglic de Grimoard , a brother of Urban V.

He died in Avignon on October 2, 1391, and was buried behind the main altar of Avignon Cathedral. His tomb is the work of the Burgundian sculptor Jacques Morel . His body was later moved to the Chapelle de la Purification opposite the grave of Benedict XII. transferred.


  • François Duchesne : Histoire de tous les cardinaux françois de naissance. Paris 1660.
  • Étienne Baluze : Vitae paparum Avenionensium, sive collectio actorum veterum. Volume 1 and 2. Paris 1693.
  • Auguste de Boyes, François Arbelot: Biography of the Hommes illustres de l'ancienne province du Limousin. Limoges 1854.
  • F. de Marin de Carranrais: L'Abbaye de Montmajour: étude historique d'après les manuscrits de D. Chantelou et autres documents inédits. Marseille 1877 ( online ).
  • Mathieu Desachy: Cité des hommes. Le chapitre cathédral de Rodez (1215-1562). Éditions du Rouergue, Rodez 2005.


  1. Faydit d'Aigrefeuille had as siblings: Pierre (Bishop of Tulle, Vabres, Rodez, Clermont, Mende, Uzès and Avignon), Raymond ( Bishop of Rodez ), Bernard ( Bishop of Viviers ), Étienne ( Abbot of La Chaise-Dieu ), Éléonore (she married Bertrand de Vayrac), Florence (abbess of Elnon ( Rouergue ) and Nonenque ), Marguerite (she married Bertrand de Saillac) and Raymonde (nun in the monastery of Sainte-Marie de la Règle in Limoges ).
  2. a b c d e f g h Aigreffeuille, OSB, Faydit d '. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website ), accessed January 4, 2019.
  3. a b F. de Marin de Carranrais, p. 83