Felix Lincke

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Alexander Franz Felix Lincke (born November 15, 1840 in Leipzig , † August 23, 1917 in Darmstadt ) was a German mechanical engineer .


Felix Lincke was the son of Alexander Lincke , lawyer and mayor of Werdau and a member of the Saxon state parliament . Since his father had to emigrate after the German Revolution in 1848/49 , Felix Lincke grew up in Switzerland. His brother was the engineer Paul Lincke (1852-1929). He attended the Froebel School and the Zurich Canton School. In 1857 he began his studies at the ETH Zurich with Gustav Zeuner and Franz Reuleaux . One of his fellow students was the engineer Robert Moser , with whom he had a lifelong friendship. In 1860 he completed his studies in mechanical engineering with a diploma . Lincke worked as an engineer for textile machinery manufacturers in Aue (near Molau ), Bielitz , Chemnitz . After his father's death in April 1864, he returned to Switzerland and worked in the Landquart machine factory in the canton of Graubünden and as an assistant teacher with Friedrich von Beust . His wife Anna von Beust , a cousin of Friedrich Engels , tried to get Lincke a job in England with him . Linke himself turned to Engels for help in a letter. Later he joined the Sulzer company in Winterthur under the steam engine designer Charles Brown . In 1868 he became an assistant to Georg Veith (1821–1903). In 1869 Felix Lincke completed his habilitation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and read as a lecturer on machine elements, locomotive construction and kinematics . In 1872 he was appointed director of the higher trade school in Kassel . On July 18, 1873 he was appointed full professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt , where he taught until 1911 and was retired . In 1877 Lincke was a board member of the Association of German Engineers (VDI). Felix Lincke died on August 23, 1917 in Darmstadt.

Lincke was married to Helene Isidore geb. Gruner (1848-1899). The marriage resulted in a son: Julius Lincke (* 1872).

His lecture “The mechanical relay. Mechanisms for the execution of indicated movements "" had already described the similarity of feedback systems in machines and organisms in 1879 with a general terminology and thus [...] anticipated both the theory of regulation and cybernetics . "


  • September 12th, 1891 - Award of the Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous
  • November 25, 1901 - Awarded the Cross of Honor of the Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous
  • March 8, 1911 - Award of the Commander's Cross, Class II, of the Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous

Works (selection)

  • The mechanical relay. Mechanisms for performing indicated movements. A synthetic study. Presented in the Mechanical Engineering Section of the 20th General Meeting of the Association of German Engineers . Gaertner, Berlin 1880 (reprint in basic studies in cybernetics and humanities. International journal for modeling and mathematization in the human sciences . Verlag Schnelle, Quickborn 1970)
  • The construction machines . Department I, 1, power machines, engines, water lifting machines, excavator machines, ramming machines and associated auxiliary machines edited by Ernst Brauer , H. Bücking, R. Graepel, A. Krebs, F. Lincke, Mrs. Neukirch, H. Schellhaas. Edited by Ludwig Franzius and F. Lincke. Engelmann, Leipzig 1883 (Handbook of Engineering Sciences. Volume IV, Part 1.1)
  • Hydraulic engineering, water supply and drainage of cities . Engelmann, Leipzig 1893 (Handbook of Engineering. Volume III)
  • Machine elements. A collection of construction boards for use in machine drawing and machine construction. For school and practice . 5th edition Darmstadt 1895
  • The construction machines. Introduction, water hoists, dredgers, pile drivers and associated auxiliary machinery . 2nd probably edition Engelmann, Leipzig 1897 (Handbook of Engineering Sciences. Volume IV, Part 1)
  • Expert opinion on the question of the authorization of the German patent No. 80974 from Otto Schlick in Hamburg . Haussmann, Berlin 1898
  • Lifting machines. Electric output from lifting machines. Mechanical aids for the transport of bulk goods. Mechanical aids and armaments for building structures and bridges. Diving and lifting work underwater . 2 probably edition Engelmann, Leipzig 1908 (Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. Volume IV, Part 3)


  • † Felix Lincke . In: Schweizerische Bauzeitung. Swiss. Engineers & Architects Association. Society Former student at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich . Born in 69/70. Zurich 1917, p. 161.
  • Felix Lincke . In: Journal of the Association of German Engineers , Volume 61, Part 2. Gaertner, Berlin 1917, p. 778.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Swiss construction newspaper . Born in 93/94. Zurich 1929. May 18, 1929, p. 253.
  2. Anna von Beust to Engels June 22, 1865. Marx-Engels Complete Edition . Department III. Volume 13, Berlin 2002, pp. 478-480.
  3. Lincke to Engels July 9, 1865. Ibid p. 495.
  4. North Hesse's gateway to the world of science and technology. On the opening of the higher vocational school in Kassel 175 years ago ( Memento from February 15, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Marie-Luise Heuser , Wolfgang König : Tabular compilations on the history of the VDI . In: Karl-Heinz Ludwig (Ed.): Technology, Engineers and Society - History of the Association of German Engineers 1856–1981 . VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1981, ISBN 3-18-400510-0 , p. 573 .
  6. ^ Benjamin Bühler: Living Bodies in the Google Book Search, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2004, ISBN 3-8260-2930-5 . P. 43.
  7. Norbert Gilson; Walter Kaiser: Electricity, energy, information: the history of the faculty for electrical engineering and information technology at RWTH Aachen . Publishing house for the history of natural sciences and technology, Diepholz 2010 ISBN 978-3-928186-89-6 , p. 110.
  8. Also contains a photograph by Felix Lincke.