Ferdinand Regelsberger

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Ferdinand Regelsberger

Aloys Ferdinand Friedrich Waldemar Regelsberger (born September 10, 1831 in Gunzenhausen , † February 28, 1911 in Göttingen ) was a German civil lawyer.


Ferdinand Regelsberger attended the elementary and Latin school in Gunzenhausen. From 1843 he attended the Carolinum grammar school (Ansbach) , where he graduated from high school in 1849. In the winter semester of 1849/50 he began to study law at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen . In the third semester he switched to the University of Leipzig . There he had to learn, disappointed, that the reaction in Saxony had removed Theodor Mommsen from his position. Regelsberger valued Wilhelm Eduard Albrechts' lectures . In the summer semester of 1852 he came back to Erlangen. In 1852 he was in the Corps Onoldia recipiert . In October 1853 he passed the first state examination in law in Erlangen. He entered the preparatory service in 1853 and worked at the district court in Heidenheim and at the district and city court in Ansbach. After he had passed the Great State Examination in December 1855, he continued to work in Ansbach. At the end of January 1857 he came to the Erlangen district court . In mid-August 1857, he with the work on the formula hypothecaria , a pledge action in Erlangen, Dr. jur. utr. PhD. Regelsberger completed his habilitation in 1858 with Alois von Brinz in Erlangen on the rank of liens . Since 1858 private lecturer in Erlangen , he was appointed by the University of Zurich in the summer semester of 1862 as successor to Heinrich Dernburg on the Extraordinariat for Roman Law . After just one year, he was promoted to chair . In Zurich he was a member of the German National Association . In 1868 he was elected rector ; but in the same year he moved to the Hessian Ludwig University as the successor to Rudolf von Jhering .

Appointed to the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg in 1872 , Regelsberger moved to the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University of Breslau in 1881 and to the Georg August University of Göttingen in 1884 . In 1888 he turned down a call from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1890 he became chairman of the Göttingen court of arbitration for invalidity and old-age insurance. Since 1892, due to illness, he was unable to continue teaching. In 1907 he was released from teaching with the exception of a two-hour college. He died at the age of 79.


The father Friedrich Michael Regelsberger was a district judge in Heidenheim. He had three children with Anna Wislicenus, whom he married in 1869. The daughter Emilie (1869–1939) was married to the physicist Paul Drude , the daughter Hedwig (1876–1934) to the historian Karl Brandi .



See also


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, Volume 14 (1909), Col. 938
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 28/372