François Lafranca

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François Lafranca (born June 7, 1943 in Valle Maggia , Ticino ) is an artist in the fields of painting , photography , sculpture and graphics .


YPSILON (2015) relief printing
Gnomons-Ogliè (2001) Amphibolite
ALFAZETA (2008) tempera

Lafranca grew up in Valle Maggia and studied in 1958 for a year at the School of Applied Arts in Biel . After returning to Valle Maggia in 1961, he worked as a painter and sculptor and at the age of 22 founded his first atelier for hand printing techniques, in which he worked with artists such as Marcel Wyss, Jean Arp , Piero Dorazio , Enrico Castellani , Ben Nicholson , Mark Tobey and Arturo Bonfanti worked together.

In 1964 he met his first wife, Hedda Lafranca. Together they founded Editions Lafranca (1965–1989). In 1973 Lafranca converted an abandoned sawmill in Cerentino into a paper mill, sculptor's workshop and graphic studio . In 1997 Lafranca met Franziska Kurth, two years later their first daughter Alba and in 2001 their second daughter Line were born.

Lafranca has been playing the banjo since 1959 and bass saxophone since 1983 in her own jazz band.


Lafranca's work consists of sculptures, engravings, watercolors and photographs.

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions

Group exhibitions

Publications (selection)

  • 2015: François Lafranca - Opere su Carta - Sculture, exhibition catalog Museum Intragna, texts by Dalmazio Ambrosioni and Olivier Viret
  • 2013: Rong exhibition catalog, Milan, Lugano and Paris, Chinese and English texts
  • 2007: OLIVI-PUGLIA exhibition catalog Kunstreich Bern, text by François Lafranca
  • 1998: Watercolors, photographs, sculptures, September 26th - November 8th, 1998, Rubigen Häfeli
  • 1998: François Lafranca, hand-printed catalog for the exhibition in the Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren
  • 1990: Stone sculptures, stone papers, stone prints 1985 - 1990, exhibition catalog Schützenhaus Zofingen, texts by Heinz Stalder, Villa Ramazzina, Verscio
  • 1990: Ateliers Lafranca, Musée Jenisch Vevey, text by Nicole Minder
  • 1984: François Lafranca exhibition catalog Kunsthalle Mannheim, publisher Kunsthalle Mannheim
  • 1983: Ben Nicholson, Etchings printed by François Lafranca, text by Manfred Fath
  • 1980: Bon a tirer, published by François Lafranca, Wilhelm - Lehmbruck - Museum, Duisburg, texts by Heiny Widmer, Alberto Pedrazzini, Ximena de Angulo, François Lafranca

Literature and web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lafranca, François - SIKART Dictionary for art in Switzerland. Retrieved December 10, 2019 .
  2. a b c d Ateliers Lafranca. Retrieved September 20, 2019 .
  3. a b François Lafranca: Original woodcut in six colors (Artist Edition manesse). Retrieved September 20, 2019 .
  4. François Lafranca. In: Discogs . Retrieved December 10, 2019 .
  5. François Lafranca | ZKM. Retrieved December 10, 2019 .
  6. François Lafranca, works currently in the gallery - artistically. Accessed December 10, 2019 (German).