Friedrich von Postels

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Friedrich August Friedrichowitsch of Postel ( Russian Фридрих Август Фридрихович фон Постельс ; born 5 April . Jul / 17th April  1873 . Greg in St. Petersburg , † 5. May 1960 in New York ) was a Russian - American architect and graphic designer , who lived in the USA from 1920 and called himself Theodore A. de Postels there.


Postel's parents were the Lutheran grammar school teacher and inspector Friedrich Christian Alexander Postels , who was appointed director of the St. Petersburg Forest Technology Institute in 1874 when he was appointed Real State Councilor (4th class ) in 1877, and his wife Anna Sofia Wilhelmina née Iversen. Postel's grandfather was the Baltic German naturalist Alexander Postels .

Postels attended Karl Ivanovich May's (1820–1895) private high school in St. Petersburg from 1883 to 1893 . He then studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts with Leonti Nikolajewitsch Benois . After graduating in 1900, he was an architect of the Society for the Promotion of the trotting horse breed , the Council of the children's homes, the factory KP Morgan and refrigeration equipment company Union . He carried out about 100 construction projects in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities. He also designed interiors and especially chimneys . A fireplace was set up in 2001 in the vestibule of the Lower Bathing Pavilion in Catherine Park in Tsarskoye Selo . A monochrome tiled stove is in the former chaplain's house in Porvoo , and an Art Nouveau tiled stove is in the house of the Emir of Bukhara in St. Petersburg. They were all made in the Rakkolaniokski pottery factory in St. Petersburg according to Postel's plans from 1913 .

Postel's coat of arms

In 1912, Postels, who had meanwhile been appointed college assessor (8th grade ), was decided by the governing senate together with his wife Melania Helene Wilhelmina Iossifowna née Tromberg and their children Helene Magdalena, Herbert Oskar Alexander, Robert Nikolai Hans and Leopold Georg Sydney Friedrich accepted into the hereditary nobility , whereupon Postels added the von to his name .

After the October Revolution , the Postels family left Petrograd . Postels went to the Crimea to work as an architect. With others he founded a society to develop the possibilities for the construction of sanatoriums and cultural institutions in the Crimea and the Caucasus . As a result of the Russian Civil War , he traveled to Switzerland to see his sister Magdalena, who was already with his wife and children. Soon the whole family emigrated to the USA .

From 1920, Postels lived in New York, where he worked as an artist and illustrator for construction projects in G. Chandler's studio . He also illustrated artistic literature for New York and Paris publishers and took part in exhibitions in New York. In 1923 he founded the Studio of Theodore A. de Postels for artistic illustration. The studio had an archive , a library and a public reading room. There he worked successfully until the Great Depression .

From 1931 Postels taught art and architecture drawing and worked as a draftsman and architecture consultant in public institutions in New York. He was a member of the Association of Russian Architects in Prague and in 1936 compiled the Blue Album with some of his works for the Museum of Russian Cultural History in Zbraslav . Pestel's work was exhibited by the Architectural League of New York in 1938 . He was a member of the American Institute of Architects .

After the Second World War , Postels reopened his studio in 1945 and worked there until 1954. He was an honorary member of the board of directors of the Society for the Preservation of Russian Cultural Treasures Abroad, founded in Paris in 1946 by Dmitri Pawlowitsch Rjabuschinski, and its representative in the USA, for which he was in the late 1940s Years put together the green album . The White Album is in the Museum Archive of Russian Culture in the Russian Center in San Francisco . He received two patents for instruments for perspective drawing . For many years he headed the II. Department of the Union for the Care of the Remembrance of Nicholas II.

Postel's son Robert (1909–1964) made a name for himself as a painter in the USA .


Individual evidence

  1. Искусство и архитектура Русского зарубежья: ПОСТЕЛЬС Федор Федорович (Фридрих-Август ридриховист ридрихор едорович (Фридрих-Август ридриховист ридриховист ридрих), accessed August 4th, 2018.
  2. Общество Друзей Школы Карла Мая: Фридрих Фридрихович фон Постельс (accessed August 4, 2018).
  3. Citywalls: Архитектор Постельс фон Ф. Ф., здания (accessed August 6, 2018).
  4. Печь по проекту Ф. фон Постельса в доходном доме эмира Бухарского в Санкт-Петербурге. (03/21/12) (accessed on August 4, 2018).
  5. Ракколаниокский гончарный завод (accessed August 4, 2018).
  6. Герб рода дворян Постельс (accessed August 5, 2018).
  7. ^ Theodore de Postels: Fundamentals of Perspective . 2nd Edition. Chapman & Hall , 1942.
  8. United States Patent US1657301 1928, United States Patent US2478751 1949.
  9. ROBERT N. DE POSTELS . In: The New York Times . January 9, 1964 ( [accessed August 6, 2018]).
  10. Дом с мозаикой: доходный дом герцога Н.Н. Лейхтенбергского в Санкт-Петербурге (Большая Зеленина, 28) (accessed August 6, 2018).
  11. Citywalls: Дача М. Э. Клейнмихель. Дача Л. Чинизелли-База отдыха Балтийского морского пароходства - Дом приемов УД Президента РФ (accessed August 6, 2018).