Götz von Boehmer

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Götz von Boehmer

Götz von Boehmer (born September 2, 1929 in Berlin-Dahlem ; † October 13, 2019 in Berlin-Tiergarten ) was a German lawyer , forest estate owner and ambassador a. D. .

Live and act

Götz von Boehmer lived with his parents in the Berlin district of Nikolassee until the Soviet invasion in spring 1945 , after which he moved to Detmold , where he graduated from high school in 1949. He studied law in Frankfurt am Main , Bristol ( England ), Marburg , Paris and Bonn and passed the First State Examination in 1952. In 1953/1954 he also completed an agricultural apprenticeship. After completing his legal traineeship, he passed the second state examination in law in 1959. In 1957 he was at the University of Bonn with a thesis on agricultural issues in international law for Dr. iur. PhD.

In 1959 Götz von Boehmer joined the Foreign Service . He worked at the consulate in Johannesburg and at the embassies in Pretoria and Dublin , interrupted by working hours at the headquarters in Bonn. During his service in Pretoria (1963-1966) he was also consul for the then still British territories of Lesotho , Botswana and Swaziland , which he traveled frequently. In 1984 he became consul general in Detroit and in 1988 ambassador to Panama . General Manuel Noriega was the strong man there at the time, until the USA overthrew him in a military campaign in 1989. In 1991 Götz von Boehmer had himself retired at his own request in connection with the reunification of Germany that had meanwhile taken place .

He bought back the Kähnert forest estate , located in the municipality of Grabow near Magdeburg , in 1939 by his father Henning von Boehmer and expropriated as part of the land reform in Germany , after 1990 and renovated the heavily dilapidated forester's house from scratch. He settled down as a lawyer and became mayor of Grabow, chairman of the parish council of the Grabow parish, member of the district synod and member of the Rotary Club Burg / Genthin .

Origin and family

His parents were Henning von Boehmer and his wife Hanna (1901–1982), daughter of the media entrepreneur and former Reich Minister. D. Alfred Hugenberg . In 1960 he married Freda Baronesse von Haaren. She came from a family in Courland , was born in Arusha (Tanganyika) in 1935 and grew up in Hamburg. She died in Berlin in 2003. There were three children from this marriage.

Götz von Boehmer comes from the Prussian family of lawyers Böhmer / von Boehmer , whose origins go back to around 1600. His ancestors include Justus Henning Böhmer , director of the Leopoldina in Halle an der Saale and one of the most important canon lawyers of the 17th and 18th centuries. Century, as well as Johann Samuel Friedrich von Böhmer , director of the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt an der Oder and one of the leading criminal lawyers of the 18th century. His uncle Hasso von Boehmer was a lieutenant colonel i. G. one of the resistance fighters of July 20, 1944 . His paternal grandparents were Hugo Erich von Boehmer and Ellinor Seliger (1868-1954), daughter of the landlord and court clerk Carl Gustav Albert Seliger (1829-1901) and Mary Barbara Rennie (1836-1920) from New Alredsford / Hantshire ( Scotland ). Through his great-grandmother Mary Barbara Rennie, Götz von Boehmer is a direct descendant of the Pilgrim Governor William Bradford , who emigrated to Plymouth (USA) on the Mayflower in 1620 with the Pilgrim Fathers .


  • Regulation of European agricultural issues under international law ; Dissertation at the University of Bonn, 1957

Literature and Sources